Chapter Eleven: Reunited

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Fernando ran his fingers through his hair as he waited for Gisela to come home, it was well past midnight and he was worried about what might of happened while she was at the cage fights. 

Fernando sat back on the bed, he listened carefully trying to hear anything and he knew that he would give anything to know that Gisela was alright; he was sure that something must have happened. 

The door to the bedroom opened and Fernando was quickly on his feet again, he turned hoping that it was Gisela since he knew that everyone else had gone to bed for the night. 

Fernando felt his entire world stop at the sight of someone that he hadn't seen in years, he couldn't believe what he was seeing and he hoped he hadn't fallen asleep while waiting for Gisela to come home to him. 

"Nando," Sergio whispered shocked that this was actually happening, he had never thought for a moment that he would see Fernando again before the rebellion had finished; he had feared that this was some sort of horrible trick. 

Gisela stepped into the room silent behind Sergio, she hadn't really had much time to explain everything but she was glad that things had worked out like this. 

Carlos was too drunk to even care what happened and Gisela was sort of glad that she wouldn't have to deal with him tonight; she wanted to get this reunion done before they were interrupted. 

"Sese," Fernando whispered moving to wrap his arms around Sergio, he held onto him knowing that this wasn't what he had expected when he had been waiting for Gisela to come home to him. 

Sergio clung to Fernando, he was so happy that things seemed to finally be turning around for them; he pulled Fernando into a kiss knowing that they had been apart for far too long. 

Gisela watched them for a moment before she walked away leaving the two wolves knowing that they deserved a moment alone; she didn't want to get in the way and she wanted to shower.


"I missed you," Fernando whispered kissing Sergio again, he had never thought that he would see him again and to have him here now meant the world to him; he cuddled into his side knowing that this wasn't going to last. 

Sergio held Fernando close while they kissed, he wanted nothing more than to enjoy this moment and he knew that they would need to talk about their change in situation. 

Fernando pulled back from Sergio, he was just glad that they were all okay and things would get better; he watched Sergio hoping that he wasn't going to completely reject Gisela. 

"We need to talk," Fernando murmured a little worried at what might have happened between Sergio and Gisela when they had first met; he could only imagine how Sergio had reacted upon finding out. 

Sergio sighed looking at Fernando, he didn't see the harm in putting this off especially when there were other things that they could be doing; he moved to kiss Fernando again only for the beta werewolf to pull away from him. 

"Do we have to do this now?" Sergio asked leaning up on his elbow, he was glad that the human hadn't lingered and he wanted Fernando to himself and forget the newest addition to his life. 

Fernando stared at Sergio, he could see that this wasn't going to be an easy talk; he feared the worst right now and he knew that there was a large chance that Sergio wouldn't react well. 

"You know we do... you're my alpha Sergio, Gisela's alpha," Fernando said watching Sergio, he was pleased that they were all together but there was still so much that they needed to talk about this and what they were going to do.

"I'm her nothing," Sergio spat disgusted at the idea of being stuck with the human, he was sure that things would calm down and the last thing that he wanted was to ruin what he had planned. 

Fernando stared at Sergio, he felt his stomach twist a little and he had known that this wasn't going to be easy but he could see that Sergio was going to make this difficult for them in every way. 

"You're going to reject her," Fernando whispered as the truth dawned on him, he felt ill and he knew that this wasn't what he had been expecting from his mate. 

Sure Fernando had accepted that Sergio was going to be upset about the mating, but he had never thought for a minute that he would think about rejecting their mate. 

"Of course I am," Sergio said as if it was obvious, he wanted nothing to do with the human and he was just grateful that she had reunited him with his mate; he cared little for a woman that was married to a man like Carlos. 

Fernando pulled completely away from Sergio, he wasn't going to let this happen and he knew what lay in store for Gisela if Sergio went through with this. 

"She saved me Sese," Fernando pleaded knowing he had to try something, anything to get him to change his mind about rejecting Gisela; she had done nothing wrong and was as much a slave as they were right now. 

"So you owe the human," Sergio muttered wondering why this was bothering Fernando so much, they had both hated humans for years yet he seemed so attached to the human that he was with now. 

Fernando winced at the way that Sergio wouldn't even say her name, he couldn't believe that he was being so cruel; he doubted his mate would be the same if he knew the truth. 

"No..." Fernando said knowing what Sergio was trying to do, he could smell Gisela all over Sergio and it didn't take much to guess what had happened between them.

Sergio stared at Fernando, there was something different about him and he wasn't sure that he liked how he seemed to be determined to protect the human; like he had forgotten what they had done to him. 

Fernando looked right back before he shook his head, there was little point in arguing with Sergio about this; he could be an idiot sometimes until the truth was right in front of him. 

"Don't judge her until you know everything," Fernando muttered making Sergio look at him confused before he got out of bed, he pulled on some shorts before he walked out of the bedroom leaving Sergio behind wanting to see Gisela. 

Fernando didn't look back, his heart pounded in his chest at the thought of Sergio rejecting Gisela; his mark meant nothing if Sergio's wasn't there to back it up. 

The rebellion was coming and Fernando had been so sure that things would work out, he couldn't imagine what would happen now but Gisela was in a lot more trouble if Sergio went through with the rejection. 

It didn't take Fernando long to find Gisela curled up on the couch, she had a blanket wrapped around her and she had taken off the dress that she had been wearing to the cage fights. 

Fernando could see a light mark on her neck and he guessed that Sergio had tried to strangle her at some point during the night before they had come to see him. 

Fernando was careful when he climbed on the couch and wrapped himself around Gisela, he wasn't going to let her sleep on the couch in the cold while Sergio had the bed. 

Sergio paused in the door way as he watched Fernando with Gisela, jealousy ran through him and he wasn't going to be changing his mind about rejecting the human.

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