Chapter Nine: Convincing Carlos

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Gisela took a deep breath as she walked into the room where Carlos was working, she knew that it was risky but she had to do something; she couldn't let fate run its course when it came to Sergio. 

Gisela didn't know when the rebellion was going to happen but she did know that it was far off, she couldn't imagine waiting that long to meet Sergio and she feared what he might be like when that happened. 

Carlos raised an eyebrow as he looked at his wife, he was annoyed that she had yet to give him a child and he knew that it was only a matter of time; he was going to have an heir one way or another and no one would stop him. 

"What is it?" Carlos asked turning to fully face Gisela, she rarely came to his office unless he summoned her and she barely left her quarters unless it was important; he doubted this was just a visit to see how he was. 

Gisela shifted nervously, she had to do this and she doubted that Fernando was going to be happy with her decision to come and speak with Carlos. 

"There's someone on the phone for you downstairs they said it was important," Gisela murmured looking down at her feet, she had set this all up so perfectly and she knew that she just had to be careful now. 

Carlos raised an eyebrow at her, he watched his wife for a moment before he got to his feet and left the room; he shut the door behind him knowing he would deal with his wife when he came back. 

Gisela took a deep breath as she waited for a moment before she hurried around to work on Carlos's computer, she wasn't allowed access to one in her private quarters but she needed one right now. 

Gisela quickly set about making the necessary arrangements to get Carlos and herself invited to a cage match; she wasn't entirely looking forward to it but it was the best way to find Sergio. 

Gisela worked as fast as she could, pretending that she was Carlos's assistant and she knew that Carlos would be easily convinced to take in a match if he was to start fighting wolves again.

Gisela cleared off any sign that she had done anything once her work was done, she brushed some hair from her face as she stood back in the spot that she had been stood in before Carlos walked back into the room. 

"There was no one there," Carlos muttered shaking his head annoyed, he locked the door behind him making Gisela stiffen as she realised what was about to happen. 

Gisela took a breath as she tried to stop her hands from shaking, fighting Carlos off didn't work and she knew that he would only hurt her worse if she didn't go along with what he wanted. 

Carlos smirked walking over to Gisela, he was pleased to see that she had learnt her lesson about crying and pleading with him; he got bored of hearing her do that when he was trying to enjoy himself. 

"Now you're going to be a good girl aren't you," Carlos mused backing Gisela up into his desk, he couldn't remember any of his wives ever enjoying sleeping with him. 

Gisela was the youngest wife so far and Carlos was sure that soon she would give him the child that he desired; he wanted a son that he could mould into the perfect heir to his empire. 

Gisela felt her stomach turn as she closed her eyes and tried to block out what was going to happen; she heard the zip on Carlos's jeans and hoped that she could block all of this out. 

Carlos pressed Gisela down on the desk, she had learnt her role well in the four months since she had become his wife; he was glad that he didn't have to train her further like he had been forced to do with his last wife. 

Gisela could only pray that it would all be over soon and she knew that Carlos wouldn't last long.


"We've been invited to a cage fight," Carlos announced over dinner, he sipped on his wine as he looked across the table at Gisela; she had been silent since they had sat down and that was how he liked it. 

Gisela didn't say a word, she was just relieved that her plan had worked and she hoped that she would be able to find Sergio during the fights; she would then have to convince Carlos to bring him home. 

"It might give me the opportunity to get back into the fighting," Carlos continued eating his steak, he couldn't remember the last time that he had seen two wolves tear each other apart; it was his favourite sport and he was looking forward to going. 

Gisela was going to be the perfect trophy wife at that event and he had already arranged for someone to get her the prefect dress for the evening; she had to look her best for him since he knew that people would be watching them. 

"I haven't had a werewolf in a long time," Carlos continued, he wasn't interested in the wolf that was kept in his wife's quarters; he was useless to him and he doubted that he had any need for the pleasure slave. 

Gisela continued to eat her salad in silence, she wasn't stupid and she knew that he wasn't asking her opinion; she was better off not attracting any more attention to herself. 

Carlos sipped on his drink, it would be the perfect event and he was sure that he could nail down some business deals while he was there; he just couldn't wait now for the fights next month. 

Gisela kept her eyes down, she couldn't believe how well her plan had worked and she was dreading telling Fernando what she had done; she would need his help if she wanted to find Sergio since she had no idea what he looked like.


"No," Fernando said glaring at Gisela, he couldn't believe that she had done this without talking to him first; he could only imagine what Carlos had done to her, he ran a hand through his hair annoyed. 

Gisela looked at Fernando, she knew why he was worried but this was the only way that they could find Sergio; she didn't want to wait and she hoped that he would help her. 

"I can't let you do this alone," Fernando whispered wrapping his arms around Gisela, he didn't want her approaching Sergio without him there; he could only imagine what would happen when the two met. 

Sergio was not going to react well to this and he would lash out at the fact that Gisela was their mate; there was no way that Fernando could imagine that Sergio would accept this easily. 

"You can't come with me, this is our own option," Gisela insisted and she hoped that Fernando would understand, there was no way that Carlos would agree to him coming with them to a cage fight. 

Fernando groaned, he didn't want to admit it but she was right and he wished that she wasn't; they needed Sergio and he knew that his mate would have details about the rebellion that he didn't. 

Fernando had no idea how much longer they would have to wait and he knew that when it happened that Gisela was going to need defending; he couldn't imagine what fate would hold for Carlos. 

"Promise me you won't go near him," Fernando said wrapping his arms around Gisela, he didn't want her to approach Sergio without him there; he couldn't imagine losing her now after two months growing close to her. 

Gisela nodded her head, she closed her eyes already knowing that she was going to break that promise; she wanted to do this for herself and she needed to see what she was dealing with. 

Fernando sighed, he didn't know what was going to happen with Sergio but he prayed that his mate wouldn't hurt Gisela.

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