Chapter Eight: Learning More

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Gisela brushed her fingers through her hair, she looked at Fernando as he walked around the bedroom; it had been an amazing few days since she had found out that she was Fernando's mate. 

"Tell me about him," Gisela asked softly, she was curious about the other werewolf that Fernando was bound to; she had been asking a lot of questions since she had discovered the truth. 

The couple had kept their relationship away from prying eyes and Fernando had made sure that the two maids were never close enough to discover what was going on; he was doing his best to keep things as simple as possible for them.

Fernando paused and looked at Gisela, he knew that she was asking about Sergio and he didn't blame her for being curious; however he was still a little worried about how the alpha male would react to this. 

"What do you want to know?" Fernando asked moving to sit down, he was going to have to make sure that when he was reunited with Sergio that the other male didn't have the chance to kill Gisela. 

Gisela thought for a moment, she wasn't entirely sure and she looked at Fernando knowing that this was all still so new to her; she had been asking him questions for days and she knew that they would need to be more careful when Carlos returned. 

"He's very protective," Fernando murmured smiling a little, he recalled how protective Sergio had been when they had first met; he hadn't let anyone hurt Fernando even if he was older than his mate was. 

Gisela smiled listening to Fernando talk about Sergio, she was nervous about ever meeting him and she hoped that things were going to be okay; she had been asking Fernando as much as she could about him. 

"He's not going to like me, is he?" Gisela murmured looking down at her hands, she knew that Fernando was trying to keep positive but she had heard enough to know that there might be a problem.

Fernando sighed moving to sit next to Gisela, he watched her and he knew that there was little point in lying to her; she had nothing to be afraid of while he was there, he wasn't going to let anything happen to her. 

"Sese... he's had a bad time with humans," Fernando tried to explain, he knew that no werewolf had a good relationship with them but Sergio held grudges and that was going to be a problem. 

Gisela was at risk because of that, Sergio wouldn't recognise the bond at first and he was likely to lash out; he was going to want to hurt Gisela before anything else happened. 

Fernando started to kiss Gisela's neck, he smiled feeling her fingers brush the mark that Sergio had made; he was intent of leaving as much of his scent on her for protection. 

"He's going to lash out a little when he finds out," Fernando warned kissing down Gisela's neck, they spent a lot of time in the bedroom because he knew that no one could see them. 

Fernando wasn't going to let anyone catch them, he was very aware of what was going to happen if they were caught; he would be executed and Gisela would have a fate worse than death if they were ever caught. 

Gisela made a small noise, she was a little nervous now about her first meeting with Sergio; she had no idea when it would be but she prayed that it wasn't going to be as bad as she was picturing in her head. 

"Do know where he is?" Gisela asked softly, she rested her head against Fernando's; she knew that things there was still a long way off from ever really meeting Sergio but she did want to push forward a meeting with him. 

Gisela knew that the rebellion was coming and she wanted to meet Sergio before that since she knew her fate would likely still be tied with Carlos's and that scared her more than anything. 

It was going to take some convincing to make sure that Gisela didn't end up being executed along with Carlos; Fernando marking her would only help so much against the angry wolves.

"The fighting cages," Fernando murmured closing his eyes, he prayed that Sergio was still alive and he knew that they were slowly counting down the days until the rebellion happened and they were reunited again. 

Gisela sat still, she had only ever heard of the fighting cages but she knew that it was not a pleasant place to end up; she could only imagine what was going on down there and she knew Carlos was a fan. 

It would be another mark against her name and she doubted that Sergio was going to be welcoming to her when he realised that she was married to Carlos Garcia. 

"It'll be okay," Fernando said sure that when Gisela first met Sergio that he would be there, he would show him that Gisela wasn't like the other people that had used and abused them. 

Gisela nodded her head, she held onto Fernando for a moment trying to work out what was going to happen; they were so cut off from everyone that it wasn't helping them in anyway. 

The colour around Fernando's neck prevented him from shifting and only Carlos had the key that could remove it; he wasn't going to be handing that to Gisela anytime soon. 

The two were silent as they thought about what was going to happen, they both knew that this wasn't going to be easy and when the rebellion happened they were going to have to be extra careful as everything that they knew went to hell. 

Gisela was silent as Fernando returned to kissing her neck, a plan slowly starting to form in her mind; she would have to do her best and she was sure that it would work. 

Carlos was going to be the key to her finding Sergio and she wasn't going to give up, especially when she knew that if the meeting didn't happen soon then there was going to be trouble later. 

Gisela had saved Fernando from spending his life as a slave to Antonio and she hoped to save Sergio from the fighting cages; she couldn't just let this go and she hoped she'd be able to do it.


The lights dimmed in the cage and the two male wolves snarled at one another, they were both sweaty and covered in blood from the small injuries that they both carried; they circled one another before the larger one lunged forward. 

The smaller one dodged easy and spun around to kick the other wolf to the floor, it was kill or be killed in the cages and neither one wanted to die. 

The larger wolf snarled glaring at the smaller one, it rolled its shoulders before it launched itself at the smaller wolf and knocked it to the ground; the two wrestled snapping and biting one another. 

The smaller wolf reached up and snapped the larger wolf's neck, he pushed the dead body off of him and stared at the body; he swallowed knowing that he had no other options. 

The smaller wolf was undefeated in the cage and he was determined to survive knowing that the rebellion was coming and he was going to find his mate again after all this was over. 

The smaller wolf resisted the urge to touch his mark, it had been years since he had seen his mate and he knew that something big had happened recently; he had felt it through his mark that something had changed. 

Getting to his feet as the announcer talked about his win, the smaller wolf could only hope that his mate was safe and that he would see him again before all this was over. 

Sergio looked around the seating area that surround the cage, he gritted his teeth knowing that when he got out of here every human that he came into contact with was going to die a painful death.

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