Chapter Thirteen: Being Broken

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Sergio ran his fingers through his shortened hair, he peeked towards the bathroom door and gritted his teeth annoyed that Gisela and Fernando was still in there; he wanted to know what was going on. 

Sergio had never seen a human like that before in his life and he feared what might have happened; he clenched his fists knowing that Fernando had tried to warn him about something like this. 

Hearing the bathroom door slowly open, Sergio perked up as Fernando carried Gisela out; he felt his heart break at how broken and small she looked and he wanted to fix her. 

Sergio got to his feet, his eyes locked on the blonde that Fernando held and his stomach turned at the hand print around her neck; he wanted to know what was going on and he hoped that Fernando would explain to him what he was missing. 

Fernando completely ignored Sergio as he gently set Gisela on the bed, she had yet to say a word to him but the marks across her body told him everything that he needed to know; Carlos had gone too far this time. 

Fernando made sure that Gisela was comfortable on the bed, he didn't care what Sergio thought right now but he knew that they needed to have a long and serious talk about what was going on. 

Fernando had kept quiet at the start because it wasn't his place to tell Sergio what was going on but he knew now that he would be the only one to make Sergio truly see that Gisela was suffering right now. 

"Gisela?" Fernando murmured brushing some hair from her face, he carefully sat down behind her knowing that he couldn't believe what he was seeing; he had never thought that humans could get any crueller. 

Fernando watched Gisela, she didn't even look like she had heard him and he was worried that this was eating away at her from the inside; he wished that he could help her more.


It was well after midnight when Gisela snapped out of it, she winced slowly sitting up and peeked around the room glad that she was alone; she sniffled a little knowing that she was useless. 

Gisela sniffled wiping away her fallen tears, she tried to calm herself knowing that crying wasn't going to change anything; she was never going to be able to be the mate that Fernando or Sergio deserved. 

Gisela carefully got to her feet and walked out onto the balcony, she shivered at the cold night air while walking to the railing; her hands shakily rested on the metal railing, she looked down remembering the last time that she had thought of this. 

There was no denying how tempting it was to just climb on up and jump, Gisela knew that there was no way anyone would be able to stop her; she gripped onto the railing tightly and wept at how things had turned out. 

Gisela looked behind her at the bedroom, she doubted that Fernando would even notice that she was missing for a few hours and Sergio wasn't likely to care. 

Making her decision, Gisela carefully lifted herself over the railing and onto the small ledge on the other side; she gripped on to the railing and stared down into the dark. 

It was going to be one hell of a fall and Gisela could only hope that it would be quick; she just wanted to end this nightmare and she couldn't deal with this anymore. 

"Gisela," said a voice making Gisela stiffen, she didn't look back and she couldn't bring herself to move but she knew that this wasn't what she had wanted to happen. 

Gisela looked back down at the darkness, it was a high building and she doubted that she would survive the fall; she would never have to let Carlos touch her again and she would never have to pretend that she was happy with everything going on.

"Come on, just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over," Sergio pleaded standing just feet behind Gisela, his heart breaking that she felt the need to do this; he cursed himself for being so stupid and not protecting her. 

Fernando had told him what was going on and Sergio felt sick that he hadn't realised that Gisela was suffering; she was just as much a prisoner here as he and Fernando were. 

"Gisela please," Sergio begged moving closer, she still hadn't looked at him and he would be more than happy to just pull her back over; he didn't want to lose her when he had been such an asshole. 

Gisela choked back a sob as she clung to the railing, if she let go then she would fall and everything would be okay then; she wouldn't have to deal with life anymore. 

"I'm not worth it," Gisela whispered risking a look back at Sergio, she was surprised that he even cared when he had spent weeks ignoring her. 

Sergio cursed himself moving closer, he watched Gisela for a moment before he darted forward and pulled her back onto the balcony; he thanked anyone that was listening that she didn't fall to her death. 

Gisela struggled against him until her feet touched the floor, she broke down sobbing unable to cope with everything that had happened; Sergio only held onto her and he knew that he was going to make this right. 

"It's okay," Sergio whispered rocking Gisela back and forth, he was never going to let this happen again and he would kill Carlos himself when the rebellion happened; eleven days and everything would be okay. 

Gisela hung onto Sergio, she cried and cried until finally she couldn't cry anymore and fell asleep in Sergio's arms; she had no idea just what would happen in over a weeks' time.


"I'll mark her in a couple of days," Sergio murmured watching Gisela sleep, he didn't look to Fernando and he knew that this was his family; he wasn't going to be blind or stupid anymore. 

Fernando nodded his head looking at Sergio, he had been surprised to find Sergio putting Gisela back in bed and he had felt sick that he hadn't even realised that she had tried to throw herself from the building. 

Sergio crossed his arms and leant against the wall, he wasn't sure just what was going to happen when things kicked off but he knew that he had to keep his mates safe. 

Gisela had a target on her back just for being married to Carlos and Sergio doubted that anyone would care if she was marked by two wolves; they would just want to rip her throat out. 

"When the rebellion happens... I want you to take Gisela and run," Sergio said turning to look at Fernando, he wanted them safe while he dealt with Carlos; he knew that they would go to ground after the rebellion happened. 

The world was going to be a mess and Sergio planned to make sure that Gisela and Fernando were safe, he wanted nothing more than to focus on what was going to happen in their future. 

"Sese," Fernando murmured not liking the idea of leaving him behind, he didn't want Sergio to get himself killed trying to get revenge for what Carlos had done to Gisela. 

Fernando was sure that there were other wolves that would happily end the man's life, he had many enemies and it was the reason that Fernando didn't argue about fleeing with Gisela. 

"I need to do this Nando..." Sergio reasoned shaking his head, he looked back at Gisela knowing that death was a too nice a punishment for Carlos; he would suffer a fate worse before Sergio was through with him for what he had done.

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