Chapter Five: Learning to Trust

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Fernando sighed as he leaned back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, he still couldn't believe that any of this was real and he feared that he was being tricked to do something that he didn't wish to do. 

The last month had been strange for Fernando, he didn't completely trust Gisela and he didn't know why she was being so nice to him; he was sure that it was a plot and he was trying to keep his distance. 

The one thing that kept Fernando from completely shutting Gisela out and treating her like the other humans in his life was the fact that he was now bonded to her; the bond pleaded with him to be nicer to his mate. 

Fernando closed his eyes, he was often left alone in Gisela's bedroom while she went out; he imagined that she had some important shopping trip or big lavish party to end when he was stuck in here. 

Hearing a flurry of movement, Fernando sat up and looked towards the door wondering what was going on; he watched as Talina walked into the bedroom, she ignored him and headed straight into the bathroom to start running a bath. 

Fernando sat in his space on the bed and watched the woman, he eyed her warily not trusting her at all; he disliked both the maids that seemed to hurry Gisela along and pick out her clothes for her all the time. 

It was another moment before Taliana walked into the bedroom supporting Gisela, the blonde looked pale and sickly making Fernando stare at her concerned. 

"Gisela?" Fernando whispered smelling the coppery scent of blood, he felt sick at the sight of her like this and he knew there was no way to fake it. 

Taliana didn't stop and walked straight into the bathroom with Gisela, the door was closed behind them so that Fernando could not follow them; he was forced to wait outside wanting to know what the hell had happened to Gisela.


Fernando ran his fingers through his shortened hair, he peeked towards the bathroom door and gritted his teeth annoyed that Gisela was still in there; he wanted to know what was going on and the maids wouldn't speak a word to him. 

Fernando had no idea what was going on, he felt sick at the thought that she had been attacked; Gisela looked so broken and he wanted to know who had done this to her. 

Hearing the bathroom door slowly open, Fernando perked up as Gisela came out; he felt his heart break at how broken she looked and he wanted to fix her. 

The words that Gisela had told him when they had first met, she didn't have a choice in being here and she was as much as a prison as he was seemed to stick with Fernando more now. 

Gisela didn't look at Fernando as she moved to curl up in bed, she didn't want to think about what had happened that afternoon and she wasn't in the mood to deal with the werewolf that had been left in her care. 

"Gisela?" Fernando murmured walking over to the bed, he carefully sat down behind her knowing that he couldn't believe what he was seeing; he had never thought that humans could get any crueller. 

Fernando watched Gisela, she didn't even look like she had heard him and he was worried that this was eating away at her from the inside; he couldn't believe that she was suffering like this. 

Gisela stared a head at the wall, she felt so numb and she wanted to just sleep; she couldn't stomach the thought of eating anything after what Carlos had done. 

Fernando sighed moving to cuddle up behind her, he was careful with what he did as he just laid with her.


Gisela slowly woke up in the middle of the night to her stomach grumbling, she knew that she had to eat something but she didn't want to move; she could feel the ache below and she knew it wasn't good. 

"Are you hungry?" Fernando asked sitting up, he looked at her concerned wanting to look after her while she was like this; he had growled at anyone who had tried to wake her and he had refused to let the maids near her. 

The two had just assumed that Fernando was being protective because Gisela was his mistress; a fact that Fernando was happy to let them continue on believing that if it kept them far away from the truth. 

"You need to eat," Fernando murmured when he didn't get any response, he wasn't going to let Gisela starve herself and he knew that she was so strong to put up with all of this. 

Gisela was always covered in bruises and Fernando had been sure that it stopped at that, he had never thought that Carlos would force himself on his own wife; he didn't know what to think about the man. 

Fernando had heard bits of gossip from the human world in the past, enough to know that Carlos was a main threat to the werewolf rebellion and he would be the first to be dealt with. 

Fernando took a deep breath, he wasn't going to think about the rebellion and he knew that he was so cut off from his own world now that he didn't know what else was happening. 

Fernando waited a few more minutes for a reply before he climbed out of bed and headed for the kitchen to make something for Gisela; he knew that she was hungry and starving herself wasn't going to make things better. 

Gisela didn't move while Fernando was gone, she didn't see the point and she knew that Carlos would want to see her tomorrow anyway; it was no secret that he had hoped that she would be pregnant by now. 

Carlos had asked his doctor to ensure that there was nothing that could prevent her from falling pregnant; he wanted a son and heir at any cost.

Fernando returned with food, he was determined to get some food into Gisela and he knew that he needed to snap her out of this; he had let her sit around like this for long enough now. 

Fernando moved up the bed, he knew what he was going to do and he hoped that it would be enough to get her to snap out of this; he set down the food carefully before he focused on Gisela. 

Slowly Fernando started to press kisses into her neck and he didn't want to frighten her so he took things slow; he wanted to slowly bring her out of that dark place in her mind. 

"Come back to me Gisela," Fernando whispered into her neck, he knew that he was still unsure about things between them but he did care about the woman that was now a large part of his life. 

Gisela whimpered softly as Fernando continued to kiss at any exposed skin that he could find, she felt herself becoming more aware of what he was doing than anything else. 

Fernando didn't stop, he kissed Gisela's lips carefully before he claimed her mouth and held her close; he groaned at the feeling knowing that he had denied himself this in the past month. 

The bond between Gisela and Fernando seemed to grow stronger the longer that they kissed; it sizzled at the fact that it had taken them an entire month to get to this point. 

Fernando pulled back from Gisela, his brown eyes searched her blue ones for a moment; he had no idea what he was going to do now but he was going to have to trust her. 

Gisela was going to be a part of his life and Fernando could see that she was in the same position as him and he couldn't do much to protect her. 

"Come Ella, you need to eat," Fernando murmured moving away from her knowing that in time he would tell her the truth.

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