Chapter Twenty-Six: The Next Step

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Gisela padded downstairs surprised that she hadn't been woken up by the sound of someone leaving for work, she usually woke up just in time to catch Fernando leaving for his cleaning job but not today. 

It seemed strange to Gisela to even think that today was her birthday, so much had changed and Gisela couldn't believe that she was actually free of Carlos now; she hadn't celebrated her birthday last year because her family had been so busy planning her marriage to that monster. 

Gisela doubted that she would ever be able to forgive her parents for just handing her over, she had tried to be so strong but if it wasn't for Fernando and Sergio then she would have died a very long time ago. 

"Buenos días," Fernando greeted making Gisela jump in surprise, she stared at him not sure how she hadn't noticed that he was still home; she watched him continue to make breakfast wondering why he was still here. 

Things had gotten better for them and Gisela had a feeling that Sergio wasn't going to be giving up his secret anytime soon; she just hoped that he didn't get himself killed. 

"Happy Birthday," Sergio whispered wrapping his arms around Gisela, he knew that she had tried to hide when her birthday was but that didn't matter. 

Sergio and Fernando could only imagine that something had happened to make her want to stop celebrating her birthday; they were going to make sure that she was going to have a wonderful day. 

Gisela stared at him surprised, she had no idea how they had found out but there was no hiding it now; she sighed and hoped that things weren't going to be so tense for them. 

"I've made breakfast... we have a long day for you planned," Fernando insisted looking at Sergio, the two weren't going to drag out any of their problems today and were determined to focus on Gisela for the next few hours.


"You didn't have to do all of this," Gisela mumbled a little embarrassed that they had gone out of their way for her, she knew that they were arguing even if they were trying to hide that fact from her. 

Fernando chuckled handing her a slice of cake, he had made it himself and he hoped that it was okay; baking wasn't his best culinary skill but he wanted to do something special for Gisela. 

"You don't like celebrating your birthday," Sergio murmured wanting to know why, he didn't want her to constantly think about bad things of the last; she had come so far and things still haunted her. 

Fernando glared at him, he honestly wished that Sergio would stop being a pain; he wished he would give up fighting before it got him killed. 

"I found out I was to marry Carlos this time last year," Gisela revealed softly, there was no harm in telling them what had happened and it was just another part of her past. 

It hurt that her parents had waited until her birthday to give her the news that she was expected to marry Carlos; her father had looked so ashamed when they had told her while her mother hadn't batted an eyelid. 

Gisela opened and closed her mouth not sure how to tell them what had happened, she swallowed knowing that it wouldn't take much for Fernando and Sergio to figure out what had happened to her. 

"They shouldn't have allowed that to happen," Sergio muttered shaking his head, he disliked Gisela's parents and he hoped that he never ran into them; he would ruin their lives like they had done to hers. 

Fernando nodded his head, he wrapped his arms around Gisela and looked at Sergio knowing that it was something that they both agreed on.

Sergio and Fernando moved close to Gisela, they wanted her to know that they would never let her be hurt again; she was safe and they would protect her from everything that was coming her way. 

Gisela took a deep breath and looked between Fernando and Sergio, she had been doing a lot of thinking and she felt ready for what she was about to say; she just hoped that they would agree. 

"I'm ready," Gisela said looking between them, they had been so patient with her after what had happened in Madrid and she was s finally ready to leave that part behind her and move forward. 

Things might not have been easy for them since coming to Seville but Gisela knew that things could change so quickly for them all. 

There were rumours that the government wanted everyone to be listed and documented and that alone scared Gisela; she didn't wish to be taken from Fernando or Sergio because their mating wasn't completed. 

"You're sure?" Fernando asked wanting to make sure that Gisela was prepared for this, he didn't want her to get hurt and he was happy to wait longer if she wasn't. 

Everyone knew that if the government documented everyone that there would be no escaping the fact that their mating wasn't completed; the last thing anyone wanted was to be caught out. 

"More than sure," Gisela said smiling at Fernando, she leant forward and kissed him wanting to prove that she wasn't going to break; the mating wasn't going to be easy to complete but it would be worth it. 

Sergio watched Fernando and Gisela kiss, he slowly started to remove his clothes knowing that he had no intentions of allowing anything to ruin their relationship; he just hoped that Gisela was prepared for tonight.


"I think we exhausted her," Sergio teased brushing some hair from Gisela's face, she had fallen asleep when both Fernando and Sergio were finished with her and he doubted that it would last for long. 

It was strange to think that their mating was now complete and there was a very large chance that Gisela was carrying their pups; she had taken them both so well and Sergio had no doubts she would be sore later. 

Fernando nodded his head, his dark eyes watching Sergio and he held his tongue knowing that fighting now would only wake Gisela up; he was still so angry that Sergio had returned to the fighting cages. 

"I don't want to fight with you, Nando," Sergio mumbled knowing the look on the other wolf's face, they'd had a wonderful evening with Gisela and he didn't want to ruin it now by arguing over his decision. 

Sergio understood why Fernando was upset but the extra money that they got paid for things, he wanted them to be financial stable not just barely survive; they could very well have pups in a few months' time to look after. 

"I just worry Sese... we can't lose you," Fernando whispered watching Gisela, he didn't know what they would do if they lost Sergio and he wasn't sure that they would be able to make it without him. 

Sergio made a small noise and cuddled Fernando close, he was only fighting to make ends meet and having extra money meant that they were able to start preparing for when the pups were born. 

"Promise me you'll be careful," Fernando pleaded looking up at him, they had to think about Gisela and the pups and he wasn't sure what would happen if Sergio wasn't here with them. 

It was only a matter of time before the government pushed through their law and Fernando wanted them both to be home when they came to document them. 

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