Chapter Eighteen: The Safe House

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Gisela made a tired noise as they trekked through the forest, she had long since lost her shoes and she couldn't bring herself to care right now; she was exhausted and didn't know how long they had been walking for. 

The sun was now high in the sky and if she had to guess that Gisela would say that it was late afternoon; her feet ached as she carried on and she wanted nothing more than to sleep now. 

Fernando dropped back and looked at Gisela, she looked exhausted and he hated that they'd been forced to walk all night but it was for her own safety; they couldn't risk the chance that anyone was trying to find her or them. 

"Not far now amor," Fernando promised moving to lift Gisela into his arms to carry her for a little while, he kissed the top of her head as she cuddled into his arms; she buried her head into his neck wanting nothing more than to sleep. 

Sergio paused looking back at his mates, he watched Fernando and sighed knowing that it had been a long few hours and he doubted that Gisela would be able to do much more. 

Sergio carried on walking, they still had a few more hours to go and he was sure that it would be fine for Gisela to nap for a while; he had kept them off the main grid knowing that the rebellion was still happening. 

Fernando followed Sergio without question, they didn't need any trouble and the fact that they would have to deal with anyone that found them didn't sit well with the two wolves. 

Sergio slowed down to walk alongside Fernando and checked on Gisela, he hated that they couldn't stop and let her get some proper rest but they had to keep moving if they wanted to reach the safe house that would become their home. 

Sergio and Fernando didn't want to take any risks, they wanted nothing more than to relax but that wasn't going to happen; they had so much to deal with and this was just the first thing.


"What do you think?" Fernando murmured having woken Gisela up, he looked up at the house and he was sure it would be a good place for them to start a family; he didn't set her on her feet in case she fell. 

Gisela nodded her head, she felt a little groggy after her awkward nap and she was still tired; she held onto Fernando as he carefully started to move across the field towards the house where they would live. 

"What's Sergio doing?" Gisela asked softly, she peeked over Fernando's shoulder towards the alpha male who was messing around by the trees; she held on tightly as she watched him wondering what he was doing. 

Fernando chuckled not stopping wanting to get Gisela out of the cold, the sooner they were settled in the house the better; he didn't want to think about what would happen if another male came in the area. 

"Marking his territory," Fernando replied chuckling, he could only imagine how far Sergio would go to make sure that no one came close to their home and got the chance to target Gisela. 

It didn't take much to work out that everyone would be looking for Gisela Garcia, they would be looking to control and maybe even kill Carlos's widow; no one would be looking for Gisela Torres Ramos and they were counting on that. 

Gisela opened her mouth to ask how when she realised what Sergio would be doing, she closed her eyes and rested her head on Fernando's shoulder; she was too tired for this and she hoped that Sergio wasn't going to be gone long. 

Fernando quickly headed upstairs without stopping, he went straight to the bedroom that they would share and settled Gisela on the bed; he kissed the top of her head before heading into the bathroom to run the bath.

Gisela made a small noise as she looked down at her wrist, it was a little swollen now and Fernando had done his best to make sure it wasn't badly broken; he had reassured her that it was badly fractured but would be okay. 

"Come on," Fernando murmured padding out of the bathroom once the bath was running, he didn't want her getting sick and it was freezing out; he slowly started to help her out of the ruined dress that she was wearing. 

Gisela allowed Fernando to undress her, she couldn't bring herself to care right now and it wasn't like it was anything that he hadn't seen before; she was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. 

"You can sleep soon," Fernando promised wanting to get this done as quickly as possible, the sooner that she'd had the bath the sooner that she could go to sleep for a couple of hours. 

Gisela made a disgruntled noise before shakily getting to her feet, she wanted to sleep but she knew that Fernando was right; if she didn't have the bath then she was likely to get ill after hours of traveling in the freezing weather. 

Fernando helped her into the bathroom and into the bath, he didn't leave her side as he helped her wash knowing that she was too exhausted to care; he started on her hair knowing she'd thank him later for it. 

Gisela might not have noticed but there was blood splattered on her face, Fernando didn't want her freaking out if she were to catch a look at herself in the mirror. 

It could only belong to two people and neither of them inspired warm memories for any of them; Fernando could only imagine the nightmares that would come from what had happened in the last few hours.


"She's asleep," Fernando murmured stepping out of the bedroom and closing the door behind him, he wasn't surprised that Gisela had practically passed out when she hit the bed; she had just about managed to stay awake in the bath. 

Sergio nodded his head, he was just pleased they had made it here without any trouble and he hoped that it stayed that way; he didn't like the idea of anything happening to his family. 

"How is her wrist?" Sergio asked quietly, he didn't want to wake Gisela and he knew that she deserved a rest; he and Fernando could run on little sleep thanks to them being wolves. 

Gisela might have picked up a couple of advances when Sergio and Fernando had marked her but not enough to help her deal with the last twenty-four hours. 

"Healing... she's lucky it's not broken," Fernando replied with a shake of his head, she had escaped with bumps, bruises and a fractured wrist; he was just glad that was all that she had ended up with. 

Sergio ran his fingers through his hair, he was relieved that they had all managed to get away; he eyed the red skin where Fernando had been stabbed, it had healed nicely and he was thankful for that. 

"I'm okay," Fernando reassured with a smile, he wrapped his arms around Sergio knowing that it had been hard for him; he kissed him softly wanting to ease some tension. 

Sergio kissed Fernando back, his hands slipping under the light shirt that he was wearing and started to help him out of it; he needed to let off some steam. 

"When do you leave?" Fernando asked moving them out of the hallway and into the nearest bedroom, he didn't want to wake Gisela up when she needed her sleep. 

"Tomorrow," Sergio murmured wanting nothing more than to spend a few hours with his loved ones before he had to leave for the city; he wanted to make sure that he made the country better for them.

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