Chapter Three: Gisela's Werewolf

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Gisela carefully slipped off her heels, she winced in pain as she tried to forget the beating that she had just gotten from Carlos; she hated that man and she knew that things weren't going to be easy now. 

Gisela slowly stripped out of her dress, she dumped it in her washing basket and changed into her grey satin cami top and shorts; she hated that she didn't have anything normal and that everything was satin or lace for Carlos's enjoyment. 

Gisela carefully wrapped a black satin wrap dressing gown around her, she tied it shut before she headed for the bathroom; she carefully entered the room knowing that she didn't want to scare him. 

Gisela swallowed as her hands shook, she stared at the werewolf that was still bound with a bag over his head; she wasn't sure what she was going to do but she hoped he wouldn't lash out. 

The head snapped up and seemed to turn towards her making Gisela take a deep breath before she slowly walked over to him and started to remove the bag that was over his head. 

Pulling the bag from his head, Gisela couldn't help but stare at the youthful face beneath; he looked so much younger than her even with the grime that seemed to coat him. 

Gisela tried to calm her nerves before she removed the gag from his mouth, he licked his dry lips which had been rubbed raw from wearing the gag for so long. 

Gisela walked to the sink and took the glass of the counter, she carefully filled it with water before she moved back to the werewolf; she didn't want him to suffer anymore and she knew that she would do anything to make that happen. 

"Here," Gisela whispered helping him drink from the glass, she saw him hesitate for a moment before accepting the drink from her; she watched him knowing that she had done the right thing. 

Once the water was gone, Gisela moved back to her feet so she could remove the chains from his arms; she was gentle as she worked and he didn't say a word.

"Are you hungry?" Gisela asked brushing her fingers gently through his hair, she was sure that Antonio wouldn't have fed him and she dreaded to think how long he had been without food or water. 

The werewolf was silent, his eyes didn't look at her instead focused on her bare feet, he had been taught to never look his masters in the eyes; he had no idea what his new mistress would be like. 

Instead the werewolf only gave a nod of his head, he couldn't remember the last time that he had enjoyed a meal; he couldn't remember the last time he'd had a proper one. 

His last master hadn't fed him in months and when he did, it wasn't ever something that he wanted to swallow; he watched as his mistress walk out of the bathroom leaving him on his knees. 

Gisela wasn't gone long, she peeked at the werewolf before she carefully knelt down in front of the werewolf; she had kept the meal simple since she wasn't sure what he would be able to stomach at that moment. 

Gisela wasn't stupid, she could see that he underweight and she was going to make sure that he put that weight back on; she slowly fed him the soup and she hoped that it was enough. 

"What is your name?" Gisela asked softly, she stared at the werewolf knowing that she wasn't going to let Carlos hurt him; he was hers to look after and she knew that she didn't want to be like his last master. 

The werewolf was silent, he didn't say anything as he continued to look at the floor; he didn't understand why she was being so nice to him, he didn't recall a human ever being this kind to him. 

Gisela swallowed, she wanted nothing more than to help him and she didn't want to mess things up; she watched him waiting for him to answer her question. 

The two sat in complete silence as Gisela continued to feed him the soup, she would wait however long it took for him to answer.


Gisela gently helped Fernando have a bath, she was a little disappointed that he still hadn't said a word to her; she knew that he would have been trained not to speak unless it was necessary. 

Gisela ran her fingers through the shaggy brown-blonde hair, she guessed someone had dyed it a while ago and they hadn't bothered to look after it; she had washed out most of the dirt and grime that coloured it. 

"Fernando," the werewolf breathed making Gisela pause, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him; she had no idea what to make of the fact that he had just spoken. 

The werewolf shifted nervously, he had no idea what was going to happen now and he hoped that he wasn't going to regret giving her his name. 

"Gisela," Gisela said before she continued on with what she was doing, it didn't take her long before she finished washing him and she moved to hand him a towel; she looked away from him as he climbed out of the bath and wrapped the towel around himself. 

Fernando peeked at Gisela, he still didn't know what was going to happen; he kept wondering when she would turn on him like the rest did and he knew what would happen them. 

Fernando knew that there was no way that Gisela would be any different, he was very aware of what would happen to him; he followed Gisela back into the bedroom knowing what was expected of him. 

Gisela watched in confusion as Fernando sank to his knees by the bed, she frowned realising that he was expecting her to do something that would hurt him in some way. 

"You don't have to do that," Gisela whispered shaking her head, she walked back to Fernando and signalled for him to take a seat on the bed; she was sure that she would be able to find him something a bit more comfortable to wear than the rags he arrived in.

"Why don't you look at me?" Gisela asked curiously, she had never been in the presence of a werewolf before and she wasn't sure how to react to having one now; she wanted nothing more than to help him. 

Gisela watched Fernando as she sorted through her things trying to find him something that he could wear that wasn't degrading; she chewed on her lip knowing that there had to be something. 

"Because it isn't allowed," Fernando whispered, he kept his eyes focused on the floor and he knew that he couldn't trust anyone; he could only trust one person and he hadn't seen him in years. 

Gisela frowned turning to look at him as she finally found some shorts that he could wear, they looked a little big for her but she hoped they would fit Fernando; she didn't want him dressed in rags any longer. 

"Well I give you permission to do so," Gisela replied handing in the shorts to put on, she watched Fernando as he pulled them on before he handed her the towel back still not looking at her. 

Gisela watched him for a moment before she moved back to prepare the bed, she knew that she was forbidden to set Fernando up in one of the guest rooms so she had to find somewhere else for him to sleep. 

"Fernando. Look at me," Gisela said not wanting to order him, she didn't want him thinking that at any moment she was going to hurt him. 

Fernando took a deep breath before he slowly looked up at the woman who had changed his life; his heart stopped as his brown eyes locked with her blue ones. 

"No," Fernando whispered realising what had just happened, this was the last thing that he had ever wanted to happen.

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