Chapter One: Unhappy Beginnings

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Carlos Garcia smirked as he climbed out of the car and looked back at his new wife, she was a lot prettier than his last two and he was sure that she would give him many sons; he had done well this time he was sure of it. 

Carlos had bargained her hand from her father, the man had owed him a lot of money and Carlos had taken Gisela as his prize; he had known from the moment that he had seen her that he wanted her. 

Gisela carefully climbed out of the car, her black formal heels wobbling slightly on the stones as she righted herself and pulled herself from the car; she winced at the sharp stabbing pain that she felt and took a deep breath. 

Gisela smoothed out her white textured flippy hem dress before slowly moving forward, her body stiff and straight as she followed after her new husband; she couldn't believe her father had let this man have her. 

Gisela kept her head down, her mother had spent months moulding her into a trophy wife for Carlos; he wanted someone who would do as they were told and Gisela feared that she would never see her family again now that she had married him. 

Stepping into the large tower mansion that would be her home, Gisela didn't say a word as her husband started to order people around; the staff didn't spare her a glance as they got on with what they had been ordered to do. 

Carlos snapped his fingers making Gisela come and stand by his side, she peeked at him knowing that she would always hate him for what he had done to her; she doubted that things would ever get any better. 

"Talina. Taliana... this is Gisela," Carlos said signalling to the two women in maid's outfits to approach, he checked his watch not wanting to waste too much time on this. 

The two women bowed to the couple, they felt so honoured to have been selected for the position and they knew they would serve the new lady of the house well.

"These are your lady's maids," Carlos stated bored, he had other things to deal with and he was sure that Talina and Taliana would be able to take Gisela to her quarters; they would only share a room when necessary. 

Gisela only nodded her head, she hadn't said a word to him unless she had to since he had forced himself on her after their wedding, she doubted that she would ever forget that night and not for the right reasons. 

"Take Mrs Garcia to her quarters and help her get settled," Carlos ordered before he turned around and walked away leaving Gisela alone, she watched him leave almost relieved that she wouldn't be staying with him. 

Gisela had cried herself to sleep every night since she had married Carlos, she couldn't believe this was her life now and she knew that she would never escape him; she wondered sometimes if it was worth living at all. 

"This way madam," Talina said smiling at Gisela, she turned on her heel and walked away expecting Gisela to follow her; she skipped as she walked ahead without looking back at the other two. 

Taliana took a deep breath before she looked at Gisela, she knew how strange this must be for her and she was sure in time things would get better; she signalled for Gisela to follow her knowing that they needed to get moving. 

Gisela slowly followed after the two women, she peeked back at the small suitcase that she had with her; she had been forced to leave everything behind when she had married Carlos who had bought her everything to replace her things that he had deemed crap. 

Gisela wanted to go home and she knew that it wasn't going to happen, she was Carlos's prison until either he died first or she did.


"And this is your quarters," Talina said stepping into the large apartment that now belonged to Gisela, all of Carlos's ex-wives had lived in this apartment; it was far enough away so he didn't have to deal with them. 

It was also far enough away that Carlos could sneak his whores in and out of the house, he had them warm his bed unless he had interest in laying with his wife. 

Gisela wasn't even surprised with how big the apartment was, she guessed that it was meant to make her feel like she had her own life away from Carlos; however it only reminded her of the prison that she now lived in because of her marriage. 

Talina and Taliana were quick to show Gisela around the apartment, it had beautiful views and Gisela was sure that this would help her forget in time the hell that was now her life. 

Gisela was quiet as the two women talked about everything and anything, she didn't want talk and she was happy to zone out; she had no idea what was going to happen. 

Gisela had no idea what the rest of her life was going to be like, she hated that she had no idea what was going to happen; she feared how her life was going to end, she knew what had happened to Carlos's ex-wives and it scared her. 

Carlos had divorced two of his ex-wives, two had mysteriously died and one had died in child birth along with the child; Gisela was wife number six and she had no idea what that meant for her. 

Taliana hung back as Talina headed for the bedroom, she watched her friend go before she grabbed on to Gisela's arm making her look at her; she knew that she had to say something. 

"Don't trust Talina," Taliana whispered making sure the other maid didn't hear, she quickly walked away knowing that there was a reason that the other wives hadn't lasted long. 

Gisela stared after Taliana, she didn't know what to do with the warning but she knew that she wasn't going to trust anyone in this place since she knew they were loyal to Carlos and not here.


Gisela took a deep breath as she sat quietly in her bedroom, she couldn't sleep and everything felt so strange about what was going on; she brushed her blonde hair from her face and she knew that it would never feel normal. 

Gisela sniffled wiping away her fallen tears, she tried to calm herself knowing that crying wasn't going to change anything; she was stuck in her new life and there was no way out. 

Gisela carefully got to her feet and walked out onto the balcony, she shivered at the cold night air while walking to the railing; her hands shakily rested on the melt railing. 

There was no denying how tempting it was to just climb on up and jump, Gisela knew that there was no way anyone would be able to stop her; she gripped onto the railing tightly and wept at how things had turned out. 

Gisela had no idea how she was ever going to fix any of this, she couldn't go on and she had only been married to Carlos a matter of weeks and already she wanted to end her own life. 

Gisela wondered if this was how Carolina, Marissa, Delilah, Mayra and Karla had felt when they had been married to Carlos; she knew their stories and she feared that she would end up like them. 

Gisela took a couple of deep breathes trying to calm herself, she had no idea what she was going to do but she couldn't just end things; she took a couple more deep breathes before she turned around and headed back inside. 

Gisela closed the balcony door behind her, she walked back to her bed and climbed in; she buried her head under the covers and prayed that things would get better.

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