Chapter Twenty-Five: Making You Happy

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"I have a gift for you," Sergio said grinning as he stepped into the house, things were beginning to look up for them and he was pleased with how things had changed for them in the past month. 

It did help that Sergio was current reigning champion of the cage and he was bringing in quite a bit of money, he still hadn't told Gisela and Fernando what he was doing to earn the extra money but he knew they were suspicious about his actions as of late. 

"A gift?" Gisela asked perking up, she looked up at Sergio and stared at him a little surprised that he had come home early from working on the farm; he was meant to be there for a couple more hours at the least. 

It had been a pretty quiet day and Gisela had been focusing on doing a little bit of cleaning and preparing dinner before Fernando and Sergio were due home; it was a lot easier for her to cook now they had a lot more food stored in their home. 

Sergio nodded his head and grinned before handing a box over to Gisela, he leant against the counter knowing that she deserved it after everything that she had been through and he wanted to treat her. 

"Sese..." Gisela murmured with a shake of her head, she slowly opened the box and gasped at the sight of the silver beaded maxi dress that lay inside; she quickly looked at Sergio wondering how he had afford this. 

There was no doubt in her mind that the dress in the box was expensive, Gisela had walked passed it a couple of days ago when she was out with Fernando shopping for some things that she was in desperate need of. 

"Do you like it?" Sergio asked smiling, Fernando had told him how much that Gisela had loved this dress and he knew that it would look wonderful on her when things had settled down completely. 

It was only a matter of time now with a government in place and things were calming down internationally as well; it was still unsafe for Gisela to leave the house alone but she could make trips out if she was with either Fernando or Sergio.

"How did you afford this?" Gisela asked knowing that there was no way that his pay-check from the farm would have paid for something like this; she worried that he had gone and done something stupid. 

The last thing that Gisela wanted was for Sergio to get into some sort of trouble, she knew that they didn't need any more attention on them after what had happened in Madrid; she doubted she would escape execution a second time if found out. 

"It doesn't matter," Sergio murmured shaking his head, he smiled watching Gisela carefully remove the dress from the box; he made a mental note to get her some shoes to go with it next week. 

It had been a long couple of months for them and Sergio was pleased to see Gisela slowly coming back to herself after what had happened; her hair was slowly growing back and he loved seeing her smile. 

"I love it, thank you," Gisela whispered kissing his lips, she honestly didn't know what Sergio was doing to earn all this extra money and she prayed that he was careful. 

It scared her that she was keeping things from them and Gisela knew that a lot of people had started to take notice of them recently and she had no idea what was going on. 

Sergio wrapped his arms around Gisela and kissed her, he would do anything for her and Fernando and he wanted to make his two mates happy again after everything. 

"I have to get ready for work," Sergio murmured knowing that if he carried on like this then he'd probably do something that Gisela wasn't entirely ready for. 

Nodding her head, Gisela watched him as he headed upstairs to their bedroom and she knew that whatever was happening was going to end up causing them a little bit of grief when Fernando found out about it; he was already suspicious of Sergio's actions.


Frowning as he admired the dress that Sergio had brought for Gisela, Fernando sighed wondering what their mate of thinking and he knew that he was going to have to talk to him at some point. 

"You think he's fighting again," Gisela murmured setting down dinner in front of Fernando, she knew he would be starving and she hoped that he liked the chicken and chorizo paella that she had made for dinner. 

Moving to put Sergio's dinner in the oven so that it would be okay when he came home, Gisela knew that there was little that could be done if Sergio had gone back to the fighting cages. 

"I know he is," Fernando replied not wanting to set Gisela, he hated that he'd been forced to find out from someone else but he understood why Sergio had done it. 

They had been in desperate need of money and with the little food that they got it was clear that Gisela was suffering even if she wouldn't say anything to them about it. 

Gisela looked at Fernando wondering what he meant, if he wasn't at work then he was with her and she knew that he wouldn't have gone near that hell-hole without at least saying something to her. 

"One of the guys at work goes and he recognised him," Fernando explained moving to enjoy the meal that he had been given, he peeked at Gisela as she moved to join him and he was glad to see her eating again; she had lost her appetite a bit after what had happened to her. 

The two ate in silence for a moment as they thought about what Sergio would be doing at that moment, neither of them liked the idea but they knew that Sergio wasn't going to change his mind about this.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Gisela asked softly, she peeked at Fernando messing with her food for a moment worrying that there could be a day when someone knocked on the front door and told her that Sergio had been killed.

"He's going to be fine," Fernando reassured softly, he hated to think of Sergio getting hurt and he was going to be talking to him about what he was doing; he didn't want anything happening now that things were calming down. 

It was all working out for them and Fernando didn't want any necessary attention on their family, he wanted to keep Gisela safe and out of the lime-light after what had happened to her. 

"I hope so," Gisela murmured remembering the first time that she had seen Sergio fight, she was scared that he was going to get himself in with the wrong crowd while fighting. 

It seemed strange to think that things had come back to this and Fernando was sure that Sergio had his reasons for returning to the cage after what had happened to him when he had fought for the humans. 

"Do you fancy some dessert?" Gisela offered trying to change the subject, she didn't want to think about what Sergio were doing; she doubted that she was going to be okay until he came home to them. 

It hurt to think that he was currently fighting in some cage like he had done when he was a slave and Gisela could only hope that he wasn't planning on making this a permanent thing. 

"I would love some," Fernando said smiling at Gisela, he was glad that she was keeping herself busy and he knew that things would look up for them in a couple of months. 

Gisela got to her feet with a smile and started to plate up the orange caramel custard that she had made, she closed her eyes when Fernando wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her softly wanting to comfort her in some way.

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