Chapter Thirty-Two: Act of Kindness

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Everything seemed to stand still, everyone knowing what was going to happen next and there seemed no way to get around it; the house was eerily quiet and Sergio knew what he had to do now. 

José María clearly wasn't going to change his course and there was no way in hell that Sergio was going to let him just kill Gisela; he glared at the man that was set to take everything from him. 

"You don't have to do this," Israel murmured trying to ease the tension that filled the house, he didn't like it and he doubted that anything good could come from the actions that José María wanted to make. 

It would only end in tears and Israel didn't want to see anyone he cared about get hurt, he peeked at René doubting that he would help José María; the other wolf would probably save his own skin leaving his father to die at the hands of his brother. 

"You can leave and walk away before anyone gets hurt," Israel continued not wanting to give up on the peaceful way out and he dreaded to think what was coming; he eyed Sergio who had yet to look away from José María. 

Scoffing José María eyed Israel wondering if the other had been dropped on his head, there was no way he could let the stain on his bloodline live after what the humans had done to his family. 

"We all suffered under the humans but punishing Gisela for it isn't right," Israel carried on, he wanted to make José María see sense before he lost something more than his life; his actions would shape what came next and no one would blame Sergio for killing him. 

Sergio swallowed knowing that he had been the same at one point, that was until he saw how broken Gisela was and he had helped fix her; there was no way he was going to lose her now. 

It could have ended differently and Sergio couldn't imagine what he would have ever done if Gisela had ended her life or had been executed for real.

José María pursed his lips, he couldn't believe that his son was mated into a family of sympathisers and he knew that it was something else he would have to change; he would make sure Sergio was free of all of this. 

Everything seemed to pause before José María made his move, he took a step towards the living room knowing that was where the human was; his mind raced with ideas on how he was going to kill Gisela. 

However, he didn't get to take another step before Sergio slammed into him, snarled furiously as he grappled with his father not backing down from the fight.

The two wolves wrestled on the floor while René stood back watching, his eyes not moving from the scene that unfolded before him; his mother was going to be furious when she found out about this and what they had done. 

José María snapped furiously shifting into his wolf form just at the same time as Sergio did, the two of them snarled and snapped knowing that this was only going to end one way now. 

Israel stayed in his position by the door, he was ready to fend off any attacks that might try to sneak through and get into the living room where everyone else was. 

The kitchen table was destroyed as Sergio shoved José María onto it, he glared at his father wondering why he had come here; there was no way he was going to let him murder Gisela for something that hadn't been her fault. 

It seemed unreal that José María had come here expecting him to just walk away from his mates to return to people that he didn't know; Sergio barely had any memories of when he had been a child and he doubted that they would be pleasant anyway. 

José María was clearly very volatile and it was something that Sergio doubted had happened over night, he would have been this way for years and Paqui wouldn't have done much to stop him in the past.

René could only watch in horror as Sergio pinned José María to the floor, his younger brother more than prepared to rip their father's throat out and he didn't know how he would explain this to their mother. 

"Sergio don't," Gisela said hurrying into the kitchen, she peeked at Israel who stepped aside looking at her curiously; it wasn't a safe place for her to be right now. 

Sergio snarled deeply, blood beginning to pool under José María as he stopped; his eyes not leaving the man that had come here with the express decision to murder Gisela for no reason other than her species. 

It made him no better that Carlos in Sergio's eyes, he didn't know why people couldn't just let go of the past before it ruined their future and took away all the goodness in their lives. 

"Gisela," Fernando murmured trying to get her back into the hallway, he had been arguing with her softly to stay out of the way; there was no telling what state of mind Sergio was in right now. 

Sergio would never forgive himself if he accidentally caused her any harm, he was doing this to protect her from people who wished to cause her harm. 

"You don't have to do this... he won't bother us again," Gisela whispered hoping that she was getting through to Sergio, she had no experience with dealing with this side of him; hell the only other time she'd seen him in this form was when he was in a cage fighting. 

Sergio didn't move from his position, his eyes bore down on José María doubting that he would really walk away from them and leave them alone after this. 

Taking a careful step forward before anyone could stop her, Gisela shakily rested a hand on Sergio's shoulder; he would never be able to forgive himself if he killed his own father. 

Fernando's stomach lurched at the sight before him, he couldn't bring himself to move in case it set Sergio off and he hurt Gisela and the pups; he couldn't believe she had ignored all his warnings.

"Please for me," Gisela pleaded softly, she watched him not sure what was going to happen and she could hear Israel whispering to Fernando about how they would get her away from Sergio before he did something to her. 

Gisela had complete trust in Sergio, she knew that he would never hurt her and she hoped that they were all going to be okay now; she watched as slowly he shifted back into his human form. 

Taking a step back, Sergio stared at his father for a moment before he turned to Gisela; he couldn't believe that she had done that and he hoped she was right. 

Everyone held their breathes as Sergio gently pulled Gisela into his arms, he held her close and closed his brown eyes knowing that he would do anything for her. 

Gisela sighed in relief, she honestly couldn't believe that he had listened to her; she smiled knowing that she had done the right thing, hopefully her act of kindness would change things. 

Gently pulling away a little from Gisela, Sergio pushed up the material of her sheer frill hem top to touch her bump; he smiled a little feeling their pups nudge against his hand. 

"Sese," Fernando murmured taking a hesitant step towards his mates, he didn't know what was going on but he didn't want to push things if they weren't ready. 

Sergio looked to Fernando and nodded to him, he allowed him to approach them before he wrapped his arms around Gisela; it had been a stupid thing to do but they were glad she was okay. 

René moved to help José María up, he couldn't believe that Gisela had convinced Sergio to spare his life and it was clearly something that would change everything now. 

It was never going to be the same and René knew that José María owed Gisela his life right now.

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