Chapter Seven: Explanations

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Carlos pursed his lips as he stared at Gisela, he was a little annoyed that in the three months that they had been married that she had yet to fall pregnant; he didn't know why it hadn't happened yet. 

"I'll be back in two weeks," Carlos said knowing that he couldn't miss his business trip, the trip would take him out of the country and he would be able to relax and enjoy himself. 

Gisela held back a sigh of relief, she knew that she wouldn't be able to relax until Carlos was actually gone; she was just glad that she didn't have to go with him, it gave her time to speak with Fernando. 

It had been a little over a week since Fernando had marked her and Gisela still didn't know why he had done it; he had promised to explain when they didn't need to worry about Carlos finding out the truth. 

"I trust everything will be fine while I am gone," Carlos warned, he knew that there was no way that Gisela would be able to escape and he doubted that she had anywhere to go now. 

Her own family would return her if she went back, they wouldn't want any trouble and they owed Carlos quite a bit of money; Gisela was the payment for the debt that they owed him. 

Talina was silent as she watched her master, she would be keeping a close eye on Gisela and she would be reporting to him if she thought anything odd was going on; she loved her work and she wanted to make Carlos proud. 

Gisela didn't say a word as she watched Carlos leave, she was thankful that she wasn't going to have to deal with him for two weeks; she knew that when he came back that everything went back to normal. 

Carlos walked out of the house allowing everyone to get back to work, they still had things to do even with Carlos now out of the house; Gisela watched him leave and she knew that she could finally get her answers.


Fernando raised his head and looked at Gisela as she stepped into the bedroom and shut the door behind her, her maids were busy and she doubted they would be around for a while. 

Gisela carefully removed her silver sling-back heels, she wanted answers and she wasn't going to let anything stop her from getting them; Fernando had no reason to keep denying her now that they didn't have Carlos around. 

"You promised," Gisela insisted making Fernando chuckle, he eyed the navy and ivory dress that she was wearing; she wore so many dresses and he knew that Carlos wanted her to be the perfect house trophy wife. 

Fernando sat up a little, his eyes watching Gisela closely wondering how to start and he hoped that no one was going to disturb them; he wanted to get this out of the way and it would change things for them. 

"What do you know about werewolves?" Fernando asked calmly, he leant against the headboard and he knew that this wasn't easy; this wasn't normal discussed with people but it had to be done. 

Gisela moved to sit down on the edge of the bed, she wished that she had a good answer for that; she had never really had time to read up on the werewolves before. 

"Not much," Gisela admitted embarrassed, Fernando was really the first werewolf that she had spent time with or been this close to; it was all so strange and new to her. 

Fernando nodded his head, he had learnt a bit about Gisela's life before she had been forced to marry Carlos; he was angry that her family had married her off like that to that man. 

"We are quite renowned for mating for life," Fernando murmured with a smile, he was going to be bond with Gisela for the rest of his life and he hoped that things would get better. 

Fernando couldn't imagine what was going to happen before the rebellion, he had waited years for this and there was finally going to be peace after it was done.

"Some of us... if we are lucky end up finding two mates," Fernando continued thinking about Sergio, he missed him and he knew that things were going to be tense when he found out what had happened. 

Sergio was not overly fond of humans and Fernando couldn't imagine how he was going to react when it came to Gisela; he just hoped that the other wolf wasn't going to do something stupid.

"I'm your mate?" Gisela whispered feeling a little ill, she had never thought this was possible and she had assumed that she would be stuck with Carlos for a husband until he grew bored of her and got rid of her in whatever way he deemed fit. 

Fernando stared at Gisela, she had gone a little pale and he knew that this wasn't easy on her; she was married to a monster that she had assumed was going to be the man that she stayed with for the rest of her life. 

"You felt the connection Ella... the first moment that you saw me," Fernando pointed out, he was very aware that connection had saved his life; he would have gone with Carlos's business partner if Gisela hadn't been there and he knew what would have happened to him if he had. 

Fernando had spent his life serving people like Carlos and Antonio, he was a slave and he had been used before; he couldn't imagine what would happen when he was officially free of his chains. 

Gisela opened and closed her mouth, her left hands shakily moving to touch the bite mark that Fernando had given her; things were slowly starting to fall into place and she couldn't believe what was happening. 

"I couldn't let him get you pregnant... that mark tells everyone you are mine," Fernando said with a shake of his head, he didn't regret marking her like that and he knew that when the rebellion came she would be safer with that mark. 

Fernando gently moved over to Gisela and checked the mark, he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her and he knew that Carlos would pay for what he had done.

Gisela closed her eyes as Fernando brushed his fingers against the mark, she still couldn't wrap her head around this; Carlos would kill her if he thought for a second that there was another man. 

Fernando leant forward and kissed Gisela, he drew her close knowing that this was the first time that they had been so contented; he wanted to comfort her in a small way about all of this. 

Gisela slowly started to kiss back, she wrapped her arms around his neck as things slowly started to heat up between them; she had only ever been with Carlos and this felt so strange to her. 

Fernando gently pulled back from Gisela, his lips ghosted over hers; he didn't want to push her and she had to make this next step if this was to work. 

Gisela pulled Fernando back into the kiss, she brushed her fingers through his short brown hair; she had insisted on helping him with it since it had been a mess when he had first arrived. 

"Are you sure?" Fernando asked gently resting Gisela back on the bed, he stared down at her knowing that he wasn't going to push her; the bond could wait to be completed if she wasn't ready to do this. 

Gisela smiled at Fernando before she pulled him down into a kiss, she held him close as things started to get heated between them; there was something inside that didn't want her to say no to him. 

Fernando's hands moved to push her dress up and he knew that this was where everything changed, he was going to make sure that they would bound to one another before anything else happened.

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