Chapter Twelve: Learning the Truth

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Gisela took a deep breath as she padded around her apartment, the last two months had done nothing to improve things with Sergio and she was beginning to doubt that anything would ever change between them. 

Gisela had done her best to make him feel welcome but Sergio seemed determined to hate her for her marriage to Carlos; Fernando had tried to explain why Sergio was like that but it didn't offer Gisela any comfort for the future. 

Sergio had been abused since childhood by his human owners, a fact that he held all humans responsible for and he refused to trust that Gisela wasn't going to betray them to make Carlos happy. 

Gisela wished that Sergio would understand that she didn't want to be married to Carlos, he refused to even speak with her and she knew that Fernando was growing tired of being torn in two. 

It almost made Gisela want to release him from any responsibility to her, she wanted Fernando to be happy and he clearly wasn't right now with what was going on. 

The only thing that stopped Gisela was the fact that Fernando refused to just be with Sergio, he felt that if he hung around with Gisela enough that Sergio would have to get used to her. 

Gisela sighed moving to curl up on the couch, things were quiet and she had been pleased to discover that Carlos would be away during Christmas; she wouldn't have to keep him entertained and she would be able to relax again. 

"You okay?" Fernando asked walking over to Gisela, he had noticed how quiet she had been recently and he hated that Sergio had made her feel like this; he had tried to talk his mate into spending time with Gisela but it wasn't working. 

Gisela nodded her head, she ignored the twist of her stomach and she had a feeling that tonight was going to be a long night for her. 

Carlos hadn't summoned her in a while and Gisela was a little relieved of that fact, she doubted that it would last long; she dreaded to think what would happen when he summoned her again to his bedchambers.

Fernando opened his mouth to say something when Talina walked into the apartment, he glared at the maid knowing that she hadn't been this happy for a long time and it worried him. 

"Come along," Talina cooed making Gisela look at her warily, she didn't know what the maid wanted but she doubted that it was going to be pleasant; she ignored the look that Fernando shot her while she sat up a little. 

Fernando held back a snarl as Talina stepped forward, he didn't trust her and he didn't want Gisela going anywhere with her; the only time the maids came for her like this was when Carlos remembered that he had a wife. 

Fernando had heard that Carlos had been bringing prostitutes back to the house, he could only imagine the diseases that the man had picked up and that he could pass on to Gisela. 

"Carlos wishes to see you," Talina revealed making Gisela's stomach drop, she took a deep breath as she tried to ease her nerves; she couldn't say no and she knew what was awaiting her. 

Gisela didn't look at Fernando as she got to her feet, she followed slowly after Talina knowing that if she looked back at him then she would breakdown. 

Gisela was sort of glad that Sergio wasn't around, she could only imagine how pitiful he would think she was; she wasn't good enough to be his mate and she had known that for a while now. 

Fernando watched Gisela as she walked away, he would give anything to take her place and he could only imagine what state she would come back in after seeing Carlos. Fernando was counting down the days to the rebellion and he wanted that monster dead.


"Don't do this," Fernando whispered approaching Gisela once she had bathed and been dressed in the black lace halter babydoll that Carlos wanted her to wear; his stomach turned knowing that her beautiful skin would come back with marks. 

Fernando wanted nothing more than to never see her marked in such a way that wasn't from him or Sergio; he feared what would happen when Carlos finally grew bored with Gisela, he knew what that man did to his last five wives. 

"You know that I don't have a choice," Gisela whispered back slowly pulling on her black satin wrap gown, she peeked about knowing that Sergio was about and had returned while she was having a bath. 

Gisela doubted that he would ever care, this was just another reason why she wasn't good enough for him; she was never going to be the mate that he wanted. 

Fernando made a small noise of distress, he didn't want her to go but Carlos could never discover how attached he had gotten to the blonde; it wouldn't end well for either of them if he did learn the truth. 

Gisela looked away from Fernando as she focused on her shaking hands, she had to try and calm herself since tonight was not going to be easy; she feared just what Carlos was going to do to her. 

Gisela stepped away from Fernando, she couldn't keep Carlos waiting and the sooner that this was over the sooner that she could come back and pretend that everything was okay again. 

Fernando watched Gisela leave, he felt sick and he wished that she didn't have to do this; he wanted to protect her but that wasn't possible yet. 

Sergio had brought with him news that the rebellion would take place on New Year's Eve, the entire world was going to change and Fernando knew that he would need to protect Gisela if Sergio didn't come around by then.


"Would you stop worrying?" Sergio snapped annoyed at Fernando's pacing, he didn't understand why he was so worried when Gisela was with her husband; he crossed his arms wanting to just relax before the human came back. 

Fernando turned to look at Sergio, he was growing tired of his attitude and he wished that Sergio would see that he wasn't going to just leave Gisela behind or forget about her. 

Opening his mouth to say something, Fernando stopped hearing a flurry of movement from outside of the door; he stared for a moment as Talina and Taliana walked in all but dragging Gisela into the bedroom. 

"Gisela?" Fernando whispered smelling the coppery scent of blood, he felt sick at the sight of her like this and he couldn't believe that this was worse than the first time that he had seen her like this. 

Sergio could only stare at the broken form of the blonde, she was caked in her own blood and barely conscious; he felt his stomach turn wondering what the hell had happened. 

Fernando was quick to take Gisela from the two maids, he clutched at her knowing that she needed him right now; he held her gently and his heart broke when she didn't even look at him. 

Talina opened her mouth to protest, she was meant to make sure that everything was okay and she was sure this time that Carlos had gotten Gisela pregnant; however she barely had the chance to speak before she was snarled at. 

Fernando looked up surprised at the sound that had come from Sergio, he gently moved Gisela into the bathroom so that he could bathe her; he knew that the last time Talina had done it, she had rubbed Gisela's skin raw. 

"Get out," Sergio spat getting to his feet, the two maids didn't waste a moment before they hurried out of the room not wanting to deal with him.

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