Chapter 17 *Alfie*

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Chapter 17

*Alfie’s POV*

“We would love to!” Jack and I said in unison. We broke out into the Inbetweeners dance again. “Niall will show you where the studio is so on Monday we can start discussing your contract.” He said and Jack and I started jumping up and down screaming. Yes, in the parking lot, of the community center, where everyone could see.

“Did you do this for us?” Jack asked Niall. Incredulity filled her voice and her eyes sparkled. He nodded and her smile became bigger and she hugged him with all the strength in her body and he hugged back with the same. Every time she played music or was around him her eyes sparkled and shined and her smile was so big and bright. It was obvious she fancied him and I couldn’t help but wonder if he fancied her as much as she fancied him. But obviously there was some fancying going on in Jack’s part.

“So, do you guys wanna celebrate with some Nando’s and ice cream?” Niall and Jack released as he asked us. We both nodded giddily and hopped in the Porsche which Niall had rented whilst he was here.

After dinner, Jack and I dismissed ourselves and went back to the flat where we were going to have a movie night with Liam and Isabelle whom we hadn’t seen much because of practicing.

We picked names out of a cup to see who got to pick the movie. Jack’s name was drawn out first and she squealed. “Two words ladies and gentlemen: Pitch. Perfect.” She popped it in the DVD player and the movie started. About the time where Fat Amy got hit with flying Mexican food, Liam grabbed my hand and held it tight. My hand fit in his so perfect and his arm always fit snugly around my curves. I think we would be the total power couple. It became such a #Liason (lee-a-son Liam and Alison because Alfie doesn’t fit) moment when we snuggled up to each other and he began to play with my brown curly locks. My hair is never curly unless Jack does it, and I let her do my hair and pick out my outfit because I wanted to look nice for the competition.

Ok, so maybe I just wanted to look nice for Liam.

What’s wrong with that?

We finished the movie and Isabelle got drawn next. Oh gosh I thought. You never know what Isabelle is gonna pick. She’s unpredictable and has a very scary mind.

And guess what she picked?


I know right? What was she thinking?! Jack is terrified of horror movies so she would probably end up sleeping with me tonight. I heard her gulp from across the living room and I gulped too. Liam squeezed my hand tighter while Isabelle grinned cheekily.

About half way through the movie, Jack was practically crying on the other couch. Her fingernails were leaving claw marks on the couch cushions. “Uh guys, I think I should go to bed. I’m—volunteering at the animal shelter tomorrow so I need to get some rest.” She said shakily, obviously finding and excuse to not finish and I wish I could do that too. I buried my face into Liam’s neck and he hugged me tight.

After the movie was finished, I sighed with relief and wiped the literal SWEAT off of my forehead. “That was brutal!” I exclaimed. Liam hugged me and kissed my temple. “It’s late so I better get going. Bye all!” he said as he grabbed his keys and left. “I’m gonna go to! Bye!” Isabelle said and she left to.

So I decided: I would go to bed too. I plopped down on my bed and tossed and turned for a while, until I ended up being the one in bed with Jack. She murmured in her sleep as I got in bed. She also yawned, making me think I had woken her up, but I hadn’t. So I fell asleep, scared to death of the dark.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everybody! Just Sydney here cuz Cari's at church camp and I miss her so much! I want my Cari back!! :(

On the bright side, I get to post whatever song in the multimedia section on the side, so you have "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons, just for Andrea and I!

Fact Time :{D

Both: Pitch Perfect is our favorite move!!!


a not present Cari :{D (<-- the present stalker Pierre) and Sydney♪♫

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