Chapter 10 *Jack*

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Chapter 10

*Jack’s POV*

I slid into the passenger seat of Niall’s Porsche as he shut the door he had opened for me.

“It’s not mine, I rented it,” He smiled, knowing what I was thinking. It was an AWESOME car and I wanted to live in it. Not really.

“And just for this occasion too.” he added and I blushed. The fact he did this for me was just….crazy. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me, especially not a boy. Not that I’ve ever had a boyfriend. I haven’t ever had one. They spell trouble, and I learned that from the experiences of my friends.

“Niall, you didn’t have to do this for me,” I complained and he looked at me with all seriousness.

“But I wanted to.”

I didn’t argue, just sat back and enjoyed my heated leather seat. It was the most comfortable vehicle I had ever been in and when we arrived at Le’ France’ Restaurant (the French restaurant, and yes that is the name of the restaurant they are going to) I knew this was too much for me.

That restaurant was crazy expensive, with gourmet food cooked by famous French cooks, and an elegant décor that was very, very, fancy.

“Niall, no,” I said. “I am fine with just burgers and fries from McDonald’s. You will not take me here it is too expen—‘’ he cut me off by putting his finger over my mouth. When we touched, I felt electricity surge through my body. I don’t know why. Obviously I like Niall but I don’t date guys. Niall was no exception, though he was a popstar, but he was still classified as a “guy”.

As he asked for a reservation for “Horan” at the front desk, I looked around at the beautiful restaurant. I had only been here once: for my father’s funeral dinner.

As I was thinking of the gruesome memory, a lump began forming in my throat. I could feel the tears about to fall and Niall looked at me.

“The table for us is ready, but if you aren’t ok I understand,” he sympathized. I hated people trying to be sympathetic with me. It was pathetic and they didn’t really understand what others were feeling.

“No, I’m fine.” I said coldly and he put his hands up in surrender. “We can talk about it if you’d like,” he suggested and I nodded, still not fully agreeing.

We were lead to our table by a nice server, who left to get us drinks after we had ordered them.

“Spill it Jacklyn.” He said sternly. I laughed wryly and started telling him about it.

“My father, Jack Anderson, was in the air force. He was very highly ranked, and over many men. I was very proud of him,” I took a sip of my Coca-Cola that had arrived and then continued.

“Just before he had left to fight, he had met up with one of his friends. He was from Iraq and a very nice man. But my father that night had said something that offended him. When he left for war, the man from Iraq was fighting against our soldiers. When the man saw my dad in the plane, he decided his best option was to shoot my dad; so he did. I remember them bringing in the casket at my dad’s funeral. I cried over his dead body. I reached in to touch his usually soft, warm, comforting hands to find the cold and so lifeless. I felt so little and defenseless. I didn’t eat for days and I had to see a therapist.” I felt hot tears spilling over, but I didn’t wipe them away when the waitress came to take our order.

“When did this all happen?” he asked and I sighed. “This happened 10 months ago, 1 month before my mom and Alfie’s dad got together.” I said and he looked at me surprised.

He scooted over next to me and hugged me. He was mumbling things into my hair while we were hugging and I knew they were very encouraging, Niall was just that kind of person. His cologne smelled fantastic and I didn’t want to let go, but our food came.

I noticed the tear stains on his shirt. “Don’t apologize,” he said. I laughed at the fact he knew I was going to apologize and started eating.

*After Eating at the Restaurant*

“Did you enjoy this dinner?” Niall asked. A grin spread across my face and I replied, “Yes.”

“Well, I hope we can do it again sometime.” He added and I could feel his smile also, though I could not see it because we were driving home in a dark car.

“And I have a question for you,” I said. “Why do you call me Jacklyn and not Jack?”

“At first, I did it just to see how it affected you. Obviously it doesn’t. Then it was because I thought it suited you well. Now I have the reason that you are your own person and you don’t need to be like your dad to be great. You are great as you.” He finished and I was satisfied with it, one because his Irish accent was adorable, two because his reasons fulfilled my needs.

When we arrived at the house, we walked into the door and saw Alison and Liam cuddled together on the couch. Wait, cuddled? Alfie never cuddles with guys, not even her long term boyfriends. Liam is probably knocking her guard down, which is good. She needs to come out more with her love for others.

“Would you like to come watch movies with us?” Alfie asked and we nodded, taking a seat on the softer couch, which I like better.

It was a horror movie marathon. Horror movies scare me, so Niall was there to comfort me. My faces were hilarious and Niall laughed is oh-so contagious laugh every time I made one. I don’t remember falling asleep, but that was ok with me. I was satisfied and content with myself in that very moment.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everybody! Sydney and Cari here. Sorry for the late update...we went to Holiday World.....and got burnt :)

Rosy Cheeks!


Cari: I am obsessed with O2L (Connor Franta)

Sydney: One day my name will either be Mrs. Sydney Franta or Mrs. Sydney Horan!

Sydney is typing this so she can put whatever she wants :{D (<-- Pierre)

Turtle Soup,

Cari :{D (<-- Pierre is a stalker) and Sydney♪♫

PS The video on the side is Sydney's uncle lol

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