Chapter 13 *Alfie*

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Chapter 13

*Alfie’s POV* (in this chapter, we are referring to Holiday World, as we don’t live in London so we don’t know what water parks are there. Please don’t judge us J)

We got to the water park and just as I suspected, there weren’t many people here. It was a Monday so I didn’t expect many people to be here. Plus, the least amount of fans possible that stop Liam, the better.

We first went to the world’s longest water coaster. We were put on an 8-seater raft with 6 strangers and they all recognized Liam immediately. At this point, I wasn’t worried about them recognizing Liam, but them telling people about me. Trust me, I don’t need that. The paparazzi should be the least of my worries.

I held Liam’s hand the whole ride. I was very scared but he was protecting me very well. We rode the 3 roller coasters there—we rode the front on all 3—and again, I held Liam’s hand. The only thing I didn’t hold his hand on was the world’s tallest water ride. I put my hands in the air. For some reason on that ride I wasn’t scared even though we rode on the front and I kept my hands in the air.

After an exhausting day, we decided we were very hungry. So Liam dropped me off to get ready at our flat and he left to get dressed at his. Jack was getting ready to, obviously for a dinner date. I knew this because she had her clutch. She always put money in her clutch so she could pay for her own meal. She had only had to use her clutch 2 times, both in the last year. She always came back with it empty of money, which I think was stupid. If the guy is going to take the girl on a date, he should have the decency to pay.

Jack looked beautiful. The outfit she picked was perfect, and I wanted mine to be too. “Jack,” I called and she looked at me from the mirror where she was applying her usual array of makeup; concealer, foundation, and mascara. “Could you pick out my clothing and do my hair? Liam is taking me out to dinner,” I explained and her eyes lit up.

“OF COURSE DEAR!” she shouted. She immediately ran to the closet (we are the same size so we share clothes) and picked out something that I wouldn’t wear if it wasn’t Liam. It was a royal blue mid-thigh dress that cinched in the middle, hugging the person wearing it’s curves. It also had a neon green belt where it cinched. Usually Jack wore this, so I didn’t think I could pull it off as well as her.

She also pulled out a pair of matching royal blue ballet flats (she has a spectacular array of colorful ballet flats, one of each color) and told me to put it on. I grudgingly walked to the bathroom and closed the door. This is what I get for letting Jack get me ready.

After I walked out she squealed with delight. “Ugh.” I groaned and sat down at a chair in front of a mirror for her to do my hair. “Uh uh. On the bed. I’m not letting you see it.” She gestured toward the bed and I sat down. She then did my hair and applied some concealer, foundation, and mascara to me and let me see it.

She had put some water on it to make it curly—it was naturally curly I just didn’t like it that way—and then took it and French braided it to the side. She left the rest down and curly and put in a neon green flower to compliment the belt. “It’ll also help bring out the natural highlights in your hair.” She explained, smiling proudly.

A knock on the door caught our attention. “Let’s go see who it is,” I suggested so we came down together. I looked through the peephole to see who it was. “It’s Niall. I’m gonna head back upstairs and finish getting my stuff together. You have fun, but not too much fun.” I advised and she giggled as she opened the door.

I ran up the stairs to grab a small, white, over-the-shoulder pouch that hung at my side. I threw in my phone, keys, and some money. Jack always advised me to keep money, just in case. I heard the doorbell ring one more time, and I knew it was Liam.

“Wow,” he said breathily when I opened the door. His mouth was agape. “Watch out, you’ll catch flies.” I jokingly punched him in the arm as I started walking to his car. He ran ahead of me and opened the passenger door as I slid in. “Why, thank you kind sir.” I joked and he laughed. He drove to the restaurant. We made small talk on the way. We talked about everything and nothing.

When we arrived at the restaurant, he opened the door for me everywhere there was one. He is such a gentlemen. We picked a table close to the back so no one would pay any attention to us. The restaurant was a very cozy restaurant. I ordered macaroni and cheese and a cheeseburger with only ketchup. Liam ordered the same and we both ordered cokes.

“So, I heard from Niall that you and Jacklyn are entering a talent competition Saturday.” Liam said. I nodded, taking a sip of our drinks that just arrived. “Yeah. I think Jack said we’re gonna do Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia,” I explained and he nodded. “Oh and Niall is playing the guitar for us. Jack explained all this to me through text at the waterpark.” I added. “Well, I am coming. I wanna here you 2 sing.” He smiled and I groaned. The less people the better.

“I’m not as good as you hope I am,” I say flatly. “No your probably better.” He grins cheekily. Our food then arrives so I don’t have to say anything else, thank goodness. We could argue for hours over stupid things. I can be stubborn though.

After we ate and talked, it was 11 o’clock and I was very tired. “How about you just stay at my flat tonight?” he asked. “I need to ask Jack for her permission. I’ll text her right now.” I pulled out my phone and clicked her contact. She loves her first name, Jacklyn, but hates her middle names, so I made sure to put her full name as her contact.

To: Jacklyn Fuschia Flynnagan Anderson

Can I stay with Liam tonite?

From: Jacklyn Fuschia Flynnagan Anderson

Ya as long as Niall can stay here J be safe plz

To: Jacklyn Fuschia Flynnagan Anderson

Yes Niall can stay there and don’t worry we will be safe *note sarcasm*

I closed my phone and told Liam it was ok. When we arrived at his flat, I was pretty much asleep already. So he picked me up bridal style and carried me to a bed. I fell asleep, not caring where I was and thinking about our plans for Saturday.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everybody! Sydney and Cari here! Here is ur extra update bc someone (Sydney) forgot to post yesterday. She went to the orthodontist though so her mouth was hurting.

Don't u luv Jack's middle names :)

Tomorrow is volleyball camp! Sydney is very excited about it :)

Fact Time :{D (<-- that little stalker is everywhere!)

Cari: I am a Liam girl (if u haven't noticed)

Sydney: I am in love with Niall Horan (and Connor Franta but don't tell Niall)

Cheeseburgers and Jelly Babies,

Cari :{D (<-- disappear Pierre!) and Sydney ♪♫

PS the video on the side is AWESOME!!! We LUV that movie!!!

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