Chapter 38 *Jack*

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Chapter 38

*Jack’s POV*

“Yeah, and she won’t talk to me,” I explained to Niall. We were browsing through the animal shelter. We had seen many kittens, but none were perfect. I need a cat small enough to sneak on the tour bus so management won’t catch me. Niall told me he would be in on it.

“I’m sorry. Maybe we should go over there and talk to her. Liam won’t come out of his room and all I hear is crying in there all day. He thinks he really screwed up.” Niall pointed to a kitten. I shook my head and kept browsing.

All that was left was one little kitten. I looked at the information on the tag hanging from its cage.

Name: Cuppy

Age: 6 weeks

Reason: Abandoned by mother in woods

Treatment: None

Fleas: Needs medicine, none present

It had the price on there also. “It was Alison’s fault. She overreacted,” I said absentmindedly, reading the rest of the tag. “Liam won’t accept that though. You know how he is.” Niall had a point. Liam wouldn’t realize he hadn’t done anything wrong until all is well.

“Alison won’t talk to me either. She’s completely ignoring because she thinks I was in on it. AHHH!” I screamed as I buried my face in Niall’s chest. I fisted his shirt and screamed some more.

This brought the attention of a worker. “Everything ok over here?” the lady asked. “Yeah, just some friend drama and probably PMS.” Niall answered casually. I grumbled into his chest before removing my face and looking at the lady.

“I was looking at Cuppy, right here.” I pointed to the little kitten in the cage. It was extremely small, with charcoal fur. Her belly was white.

The lady pulled her out of the cage and let me hold her. Immediately she purred and rubbed up against my arms. “Oh my god Niall, it’s so cute!” I exclaimed, showing the fuzzy creature to my boyfriend. He began playing with the cat and laughing. The lady gave me some paperwork to fill out so I put the kitten back in the cage to sit down.

The paperwork was easy up until occupation. I was majoring in marine biology, so I decided just to put “marine biologist”. I handed the lady the papers and she gave me impressed look. Niall just looked proudly at me as I smiled triumphantly back. He kissed my forehead and took my hand in his.

Before I knew it, I was carrying a small kitty in a little kitty bed with the name “Cuppy” on it, as we decided to keep the name. Niall and I will share her, since we are going on tour together. It’ll be like taking care of a child, without the painfulness of birthing the child.

“Let’s go show Al-‘’ I cut myself off, almost forgetting that I was being avoided. And to make it worse, she was at our flat with the door locked. When she kicked me out, I left my key so I have to stay with Niall until she accepts that she is wrong.

“I’m gonna go talk to her. She needs to stop and check herself.” We began driving the down the road. “So, you wanna go to your flat?” Niall questioned, hesitating a bit. I nodded. “But I want you to stand outside the door and make sure everything’s ok.” It was his turn to nod.

We arrived at the complex. Niall took my hand and led me to the lift, my heart pace quickening as we got closer and closer to my floor.

After the last ding, we exited the lift and began walking down a hallway.

I knocked on the large wooden door.

“Go away!” Al screamed from the inside. “Nope. Not until you let me talk to you!” I shouted back. The door slowly unlocked. Alison pulled me in quickly, slamming the door in poor Niall’s face.

“What is your freakin’ problem?!” I began, once the door was shut to the flat.

Alison had dark bags under her eyes, her hair was a mess, and she looked as though she hasn’t showered since the fight—one week ago.

“I don’t have a problem.” She slumped on the couch. I eyeballed her trashcan that was filled with empty ice cream containers. “Mhm, no problem.” Sarcasm dripped from my voice.

“Listen, Liam is sitting in his bedroom, crying and saying that this is his fault. But you know what? It was your fault!” she looked taken aback by my screaming. I don’t usually scream, so this is something you don’t see very often.

“You need to wake up and realize that you had no right to do that to Liam and you have no right to do this to me! I didn’t do anything. I was trying to be a good friend. You can’t be like this Alison Marie Peters!” I chided. She looked ashamed, her face falling to the carpet.

“Al, we’ve been friends since diapers. We’ve never fought like this, and I don’t want this to continue. So, when you’re ready to apologize to Liam, call me.” With that, I walked right out of the flat, making sure to grab my key first.

I sighed as I found Niall. I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. “I hope she realizes she was wrong.” I said, even though it was muffled by his shirt.

After that we left, leaving Alison like a little kid in trouble; to think about what she had done.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hello, erm, everybody! Just Sydney here cuz Cari's in Florida. I feel lonely :(

I know that I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I was literally only home for 20 minutes before leaving with no wifi. So here's an update!

5 Seconds of Summer on the side because they are perf. Especially Luke Hemmings *fangirl* This is their newest song. It's one of my favorites :) Ashton and Luke are so cute during the video whilst Michael looks sick on that rollercoaster lol



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