Chapter 21 *Alfie*

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  • Dedicated to IDK who should this be dedicated to?

Chapter 21

*Alfie’s POV*

I chased the brunette around the building and found her sitting on the concrete. She was crying, but luckily she chose to wear water-proof make up.

“Calm down, it’s gonna be alright.” I stroked her hair and she looked at me. “I know, I overreacted. I just like him so much and to know he doesn’t like me back hurts me a lot more than even myself knows.” She admitted. Niall then came around, Louis following. “What did you do to hurt my favorite one Niall?” he questioned and then sat by her. “Can I talk to Jacklyn in private please?” Niall asked. I nodded and then grabbed Louis by the hand to take him back around the building. I peeked around the corner and listened to their conversation, Louis—being much taller than me—was standing above me, listening also.

“I’m so sorry! I overreacted because that’s just how I am. I’m selfish and whiney and needy all wrapped up in to one!” she gushed. Niall took her hands in his. His hands were not much bigger than hers, because she had long boney fingers, but the way they fit was adorable.

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you fancied me and I wouldn’t have said anything I had known. I’m sorry.” Niall said, using his thumbs to stroke her hands. He pulled her in to a hug and pecked her cheek. “Are we ok now?” he asked. She nodded and they headed towards our way. Louis and I instantly swung around, hoping they didn’t see us snooping. It didn’t appear they did, so I didn’t mention anything.

“Well, let’s head down the carpet, shall we?” I motioned to the carpet and everybody took their partners hand—including Niall—and began walking down the carpet.

We were stopped many times for questions and mini-interviews. All of us continually posed for pictures and we received multiple questions about who we were with. Niall and Jack denied everything while Liam and I confirmed. The shocked looks on people’s faces were hysterical and we would pose for a picture to shock them even more. Liam and I had quite the banter over that.

We entered the venue and took our reserved seats. The boys took home and award for “Best Music Video”, “Most Albums Sold”, “British Invasion”, and “Hottest BoyBand”. They gladly accepted the awards, all making speeches except for Zayn, who seemed to keep to himself. They also gave a performance with us of a song we co-wrote together. And of course with Ed Sheeran, who accompanied us in guitar. Jack took her piano solo and my drum part was pretty impressive. I think we had the crowd won by the end. To close our performance, Jack and I stayed on stage for me to give a speech. Jack didn’t want to. She would have but a few days ago she had strep throat and her singing voice was better but her talking voice was a bit raspy.

“Thank you everybody for coming out to the 2014 VMA’s!” I began. The crowd cheered and I felt butterflies creeping their way into my stomach. I made eye contact with Liam who gave a reassuring smile, while Louis was making funny faces at Jack, keeping her smiling.

“I am Alison Peters and this is my best mate, Jacklyn Anderson. We are from America, but are currently living in London to attend University. In London, we were performing in a talent show where we caught the eye of Mr. Simon Cowell. He snatched us up. Since then, we have recorded most of the songs for our new album coming out in a few weeks, and we were invited to be the opening act for One Direction’s ‘Where We Are Tour’ beginning next month.” More cheers erupted from the crowd. Jack smiled at me and I kept going.

“We will be traveling with them all over the world. This is an amazing opportunity for us and we couldn’t thank everyone giving us support enough. Mr. Simon Cowell, One Direction, management, family, all of them have been so supportive and we would like to give them a big round of applause for their hard work and timeless dedication to us. Thank you!” Liam winked at me as we walked off stage.

I took my seat and Liam grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. “Great Job!” he whispered in my ear. I blushed and looked down at my skirt.

We finished watching the rest of the performances and then headed to the club across the street to get our after-party on!

We stayed at the after party late, most of the boys getting drunk. Niall—surprisingly—didn’t get drunk because Jack was around, and Liam didn’t want to drink in case his kidney’s decided to act up. Jack and I don’t drink so we just danced and sang karaoke and had a good time.

We had to take the rest of the boys’ home, but Liam and Niall insisted on us staying with them. So we went back to our flat to get clothes and toiletries (you know what I mean). After that, we went back to their flat.

We went to the living area to watch a film—it’s like routine—and we picked “Titanic”. Jack cried into Niall’s chest most of the time, mumbling “Why, oh why, for love’s sake.” I don’t even know. She is very emotional during movies. She cried during “Finding Nemo” pretty much the whole time. Who does that? Oh wait, Niall does. He was as much of a wreck as her.

Liam and I didn’t pay much attention to the movie. We whispered back and forth and giggled and pecked each other whenever we feel like it. By the end of the movie, Jack was crashed on Niall’s chest. Niall was asleep too. Man, for not liking Jack, he was pretty friendly towards her if I do say so myself.

Anyway, I fell asleep in Liam’s arms as he rubbed my back, soothing me to sleep.

You know, I could get used to him being my pillow.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everybody! Sydney and Cari here!

Aren't Liam and Alison cute?! #Liason :)

Don't think we had enough sugar......

Fact Time :{D

Cari: I'm "allergic" to healthy food

Sydney: i don't particularly like peanut butter unless it is in a food

To All the Midnight Snackers (you know who u r, including us),

Cari :D and Sydney♪♫

PS We lost Pierre!! :( 

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