Chapter 14 *Jack*

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Chapter 14

*Jack’s POV*

I woke up in the morning snuggled on the sofa with Niall. My neck hurt for lying on his shoulder all night, but the rest of my body had butterflies going through it when I saw the sleeping boy.

At least I thought he was sleeping.

“Hey princess.” He said in a groggy morning voice and my heart fluttered. According to my fact sources for One Direction, Niall only calls a very special girl “princess”. He grabbed my hand and held it tight, and we just sat there, looking into each other’s eyes.

“Well, what do you wanna do for breakfast?” he asked. It broke the silence and I blushed a little from staring so long. “I am tired so could we just go to Starbuck’s and get something?” he ruffled his hair. “Sure. I’ll buy,” He added and I immediately shook my head. “No. You paid for last night. I will pay for today.” He smirked. “Whatever.”

I ran to my bedroom and threw on some Aeropostale sweats, a pink shirt, and I threw my hair back into a messy bun. I grabbed my wallet, purse, and keys and headed to the living room. Niall cleaned up fast. I could tell he had been waiting there for me. He had his hair in a perfect quiff, with a high-collared white t-shirt that had a black cardigan over it and white pants. He also wore his black Supras.

“You ready Jacklyn?” he asked. I nodded, giggling slightly at the fact he refuses to call me anything other than Jacklyn. He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the car. (If you are wondering, yes, it is the Porsche) We drove to Starbuck’s in silence. Not and awkward silence, but a pleasing silence: a thinking silence.

When we arrived, he took my hand again and led me inside. It was the same Starbuck’s where we met. “Niall,” I began and he looked at me, signaling he was paying attention. “Do you remember the day we met here? Well, why were you in Starbuck’s? It’s only every girl’s dream to meet you in Starbuck’s and I’m a bit curious.” I finished and he smiled. “Louis got a coffee craving. It was either this, or listen to him scream ‘Make me coffee! Make me coffee!’ for hours on end.” He smiled his brilliant smile.

We ordered our coffee and went back out to the car, so we could have some privacy, because that Starbuck’s is quite small and there are no rooms in the back. We sipped the delicious drinks for a bit in silence before I spoke up.

“What is today?” I asked. “It is Thursday.” He replied and I sighed. He gave me a confused look and I turned to explain. “I have to work today from noon until 5 and Alison and I still need to practice for the talent show Saturday.” He nodded then sighed also.

“What if I practiced with Alfie while you were at work so she could learn her part and then you guys could practice together when you got home?” he suggested. I reached over and hugged him, spilling a little coffee on his lap. “Ow, that’s hot!” he whined. “It’s payback for the first time we met.” I teased and he smirked. “I like the way you think, Anderson.”

We kept facing each other, no one daring to move until, spontaneously, we both began to move forward and became inches apart. Suddenly, the horn honked. He was leaning on the steering wheel and his arm had slipped with the motion of his body. We both sat back in our seats and I could see the blush on his cheeks— and feel the one on mine.

I think it was sort of an unspoken mutual agreement that we should leave, so we started towards the house so I could get ready for work.

I work at a café here in town. My boss is great and she pays me well. I cook most of the time. I cook anything the costumers want me to cook off of the menu, then sometimes things that aren’t on the menu. It was no wonder I was such a good cook. My boss—Jena—had taught me all of her southern secrets. Her food was very delicious. She was just like Alfie and I. She had come to London to fly away. She decided to go to culinary school and share her food with London. She opened up her café and it had been very successful, obviously because it was the perfect place for southern comfort food.

I put on my workers shirt, a pink shirt that I had be-sparkled and my name on it in silver thread, a cute silver skirt that was just above my knees, and pink Toms. Jena didn’t care what I wore to work so I was free to look as cute as I want. After all, I am single. I wish I wasn’t *I wish Niall would ask me to be his girlfriend* but sadly I am still single.

After I came to the living room to grab my flowery vintage over-the-shoulder-bag, I was ready to head out the door. But before I could escape, a hand was on the small of my back. “Were you forgetting to say goodbye to me?” a hot voice on my ear asked in a whisper. Niall. I completely forgot about him. “And did that disappoint you sweetie?” I fired back. I heard a chuckle. “It did actually.” He hugged me from behind and pulled me closer to him. My back was against his chest and his chin was on my head. My heart was beating strangely fast and I choked on my breath. “A little bit.” He smirked and I turned around.

Again, we started leaning in towards each other. As we were about to kiss, the alarm on my watch went off, telling me I had 5 minutes to get to work. I backed up, my heart still beating very rapidly. What he does to me isn’t healthy.

“Um, I texted Alison and she knows you’re here.” I explained. I was almost out the door again when he stopped me and said, “Why do you call her Alison and not Alfie?” he recalled. “The same reason you call me Jack.” I said arrogantly and exited the flat, leaving him alone to wait for Alison.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everybody! Sydney and Cari here, bringing you the scheduled update for this story! We won't update again until Friday though. I know, mean right?

I bet u hate us :)


Fact Time :)

Cari: Now that I am single, I stuff my face with chocolate ice cream, my fave

Sydney: I've never had a boyfriend (sad right?) but I LUV chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!

Hit me baby one more time,

Cari :{D (<-- he's only here once this time) and Sydney ♪♫

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