Chapter 24 *Jack*

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Chapter 24

*Jack’s POV*

Today is May 12, 2014. We just played our final date in Latin America and we got a break to see our family. We flew back to England and most of us stayed in London.

Alison’s parents, along with mine, flew here to see us. They got here on the 14th, and mine had to leave on the 16th to go back on business. Alison’s family was staying until the 20th, meaning pretty much one thing: Liam would get to meet Alison’s family for the first time, and she was nervous. I could tell.

“Don’t worry babe. You’ll be fine!” I comforted her as she was walking out the door to join Liam in the car. They were going to dinner at a fancy restaurant and I made sure she was all prettied up. “Ok. I’ll be back sometime tonight. Bye, love!” she called. I waved my awkward wave and shut the door. I was by myself tonight. All the lads were with their families. So I decided I would have a me-night.

I ordered some Chinese takeout, not paying attention to the sodium level, and put on my jammies. I had fluffy purple pants on, a long sleeve thin and comfy Aeropostale shirt, and some cute giraffe slippers that had tails on the back. I put on a movie and sat on the couch, stuffing my face with takeout and after that ice cream because everybody had plans and I was lonely. I had no boyfriend to hang out with or anything! Grrrr! Curse my awkwardness.

As I was licking out the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream quart (my favorite), I heard a knock at the door.

I quickly put down the container and used the spoon to make sure my face wasn’t a mess. I had to answer the door in my pajamas, slippers, and with my hair a mess though.

“Hey, I thought you might need some company since Alison and everybody else are gone tonight.” It was Niall. He came to see me when everybody else was busy.

“That’s really nice of you, but shouldn’t you be with your family?” I asked. “Well, Greg and his wife were in town and they wanted to spend this night with mom and dad. Alone. So I was also alone and I figured you wanted company.” He shrugged. I opened the door wider, motioning for him to come in.

“Sorry. The flat’s a mess and I’m in my pajamas because I definitely wasn’t expecting company,” I explained, sitting on the couch, Niall plopping beside me. “It’s ok. I cleaned my flat for my parents yesterday and it’s still messier than this.” I giggled while he chuckled. “What are ya watching?” he picked up the DVD case that was sitting on my coffee table. “Grease.” I replied. He grabbed the remote and turned the volume up. I knew he like this movie.

After the movie was over, we decided to watch another, and I let Niall pick while I made popcorn and fixed some tea. I’m very obsessed with tea.

About half way through the movie, Niall paused it and looked at me. I gave him a strange look. “So, I found out something yesterday,” Niall began. I motioned for him to keep going. “Two things actually. One, that Becca is a total jerk and she’s very conceited. Two, she wasn’t the one that I liked all along.” He said. I pondered those for a minute. “Who is the one that you liked all along?” I questioned. “She’s lovely. She’s the same height as me, has short, brown hair with golden highlights and has curls that are like springs.” If I wasn’t mistaken, he was describing me. “She’s smart and quirky and sometimes a bit awkward, which I find adorable.” She’s sounding more and more like me with every description he gives. “She sings and plays piano and she hates being outside. Her name also almost rhymes with ‘bacon’ which I think is highly attractive,” Holy crap, my name almost rhymes with bacon. “Jacklyn, it’s you.”

My heart skipped a beat when he said it was me. I widened my eyes and my mouth formed a perfect “O”. And as he leaned in to kiss me, my heart raced and my eyelids fluttered shut. When his lips touched mine, I swear I felt fireworks in my belly. I had wanted to kiss him so bad, more so after I met Becca, just to taste his beautiful lips on mine. I wondered if he felt that way to. Our lips moved in sync until I pulled away, my lungs screaming for air.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Niall said, panting. I gave a shy smile before biting my bottom lip. Alison was right, I do that a lot.

Niall pulled me by the waist closer to him, looking me in the eyes. His ocean orbs were simply spectacular. They were a brilliant green tonight and they glowed so much that I could see the color of them clearly, though we were in the dark. “Believe me, you aren’t the only one.” He smirked at my words, amusement clear in his eyes. I guess I said just what he wanted me to say. He un-paused the movie and I snuggled up to him. I felt his heart against my chest, and it was slowing down from a very rapid pace, and I wondered if it was because of me. It was hard to think that I could do something like that to someone else, especially a boy. 

Is it weird that I felt like thinking about all this? I mean, I like to think about things before I make a move. I never really said anything so now I’m worried. Was he going to officially ask me to be his girlfriend or not? Did Alison put us up to this just since we were her OTP? (Look it up. Danisnotonfire does a video about it on YouTube.) She literally runs around the house screaming “Why can’t he just except you are the ultimate OTP? OPT! OTP!”. I’m completely over that. Note my sarcasm. Why can’t things just be un-complicated for once?! All this thinking is making my brain hurt! And because I’m doing online college from the same college I went to in London, that was what homework was for! Not boys!!

My eye lids fluttered again, this time out of tiredness. “You can go to sleep babe. I don’t mind as long as you don’t mind me staying tonight,” he said. “You can sleep in the guest bed if you like…” I trailed off a little bit. “No, I’m good here as long as you are.” I nodded weakly, very tired by now.

“Just go to sleep babe.” Was the last thing I heard from the one and only: Niall.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everybody! Sydney and Cari here with and early update and a really cute chapter!! How cute are they? #Niallyn (Sydney doesn't remember the ship name and is too lazy to go back and find it so this is the new one. Ok? Ok.)

The song at the side is true. This is the start of something beautiful. Thank you Ed.

And the gif.....we don't even know.

We have our list of items to go see the new 1D3D Movie "This is Us":

1. Waterproof mascara

2. Tissues

3. Plenty of food to eat our feelings!

Found this on twitter!

Fact Time :{D

Cari: I wish I had a twitter but I don't :(

Sydney: I have a joined twitter with @AddisonEade so follow us please!! @LiamLover37

Directioners OUT!,

Cari :{D and Sydney♪♫

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