Chapter 36 *Jack*

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Chapter 36

*Jack’s POV*

Flat, sweet flat! It’s amazing to finally be home since we haven’t had a break in a while. Yes it will be a short break but I don’t even care anymore. I miss my dog and my baby blue tea kettle and I really want to get a cat (that has no relevance to anything).

I opened the door and took a deep breath, smelling everything from the day we left: bacon, syrup, and a cinnamon-sugar candle. I immediately went and hugged my tea kettle. I then lit the cinnamon-sugar candle and straight to my bedroom. I collapsed face first onto the soft cotton sheets that smelled like detergent.

It wasn’t until then that I realized how much I actually miss everything. It’s easy to convince myself I don’t, but I do.

I felt two arms wrap around my torso and pull me up. They turned me around to face a beautiful Irish boy with blue-green orbs of sheer happiness. He pulled me in for a kiss, our bodies pressed together and my hand playing with his hair. His hand was on the small of my back, not letting me back away—which is completely ok.

We took some time for air, panting like dogs. Our foreheads were pressed together and our hot breath mixed as we breathed.

“I didn’t know what I was missing until the first time we kissed,” Niall admitted, letting out a slight chuckle. My fingers were still tangled in his hair, not willing to let go yet. “I didn’t either.” I finally let my death-grip on his hair loosen and I backed away a bit, his touch still lingering on my skin.

Niall cleared his throat before going to get my stuff. Packing was probably not a good idea, as we would be leaving in 2 short days to Manchester. Louis would get to see Eleanor, and when we talked about it, he seemed very excited.

After unpacking, back to the kitchen I went to put water in my beautiful tea kettle. When it whistled, Niall grabbed two mugs and I happily bounded over to the countertop. We fixed our drinks then sat in the living area, no music, not T.V., just sitting.

“I’m hungry!” I complained. My stomach grumbled on queue and Niall laughed. “I have an awesome recipe for stew if you want to help me make it.” Niall nodded and we walked into the kitchen for probably the 5th time since we got here 2 hours ago.

My face turned to worry as I got a text from Alfie. It was about Danielle.

“Everything ok, love?” Niall’s concerned tone chimed. “Uh, yeah. Just Alison is being herself,” my voice didn’t sound very convincing at all. “Stop lying and tell me what going on.” Niall saw right through my lies. Was I really that transparent?

I showed him the text I had received from Alison after I asked her if she was settled.

From: Me

Almost. Liam keeps bringin up Danielle tho and its kinda awkward. I think his flat reminds him of her

Niall nodded like a wise doctor analyzing something. “They did share it so I’m sure it does. Liam’s not good with that kind of stuff. If he sees something that reminds him of someone, he talks about it.” Niall shrugged, rubbing Izzie’s as played with some strings on the living room rug.

“That’s what I told her. I just don’t want her to have a bad time during break.” My eyebrows furrowed and I put my head in my hands.

Niall’s phone then went off, and—being the nosey person I am—I asked who it was. Niall’s eyebrows scrunched together, meeting in the middle.

“Danielle. She wants to meet me at my flat in 10 minutes.” My mouth dropped in shock. “I want to come,” I said suddenly. Niall took my hand, entwining our fingers, and grabbed his keys with the other. I took that as a “let’s go” and followed him to his car.

We arrived at the flat 11 minutes later, an impatient Danielle standing in front of the complex and tapping her foot. Niall walked around and opened my door, offering me a hand to get out. I took it, but didn’t let go, instead our fingers resumed the entwined position.

“Really, Niall? You should’ve expected that I wanted to talk alone,” the brunette said. Niall shrugged and pulled me a bit closer, our arms touching. “Well, since you’re here, I’m Danielle Peazer and it’s an honour to meet the famous Jack that’s touring with the band.” She offered me a hand, her mood changing from heavy and gruesome to light and sweet. I shook her hand, a forced smile on my face.

“I need to talk to Niall in private, so here’s some cash. There’s a little café down the road and a coffee shop right across the street.” I sighed and took the money she handed me. Niall pecked me softly. “I’ll text you when we’re done talking,” Niall grumbled. I nodded and started down the street.

2 0  M I N U T E S  L A T E R

I started back to the complex, sipping a cup of steaming coffee as I walked. Just 2 minutes ago I had received a text from Niall saying she was gone. I went and paid for my coffee and biscotti and left.

When I arrived, Danielle was just pulling out in a shiny, silver 2013 Jaguar. Her car was quite the sight, being so beautiful and extravagant when Liam seemed more laid back than that.

Walking into his flat, I was greeted by a somber-looking Niall. “Spill it,” was all I said as I was led to his small couch.

“She asked me to break Alison and Liam up.” Niall looked down at the floor, ashamed of what he had been asked. My hand immediately went to cover my mouth, which was shaped into a perfect “o”.

“Dani said she missed her Li Li Pooh and she wanted him back. I told her he had a girlfriend but she tried to get me to do it anyway.”

This didn’t seem to add up, as Danielle seemed like an innocent and harmless girl. “Did you say yes?” I asked, not expecting him to say yes. “No. I couldn’t. Liam is one of my best mates, so I would never do that to him.

Before I could control my actions, I had my arms around his waist and I was hugging with all my strength. I whispered encouraging things in his ear as he held me tight. “You did the right thing, babe,” I comforted. He looked up at me.

“I know,” he said and embraced me in another hug.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everybody! Sydney and Cari here, bringing another update! *throws confetti*

Don't get to excited, though. 5 votes for the next chapter, NO EXCEPTIONS!

It's too close to the end to keep updating like this so 5 votes! You guys can do it!

4 Chapters left,

Cari :{D and Sydney♪♫

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