Chapter 3 *Alfie*

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Chapter 3

*Alfie’s POV*

I woke up in the morning with my headphones on and music blaring. Like, it was really loud.

Where’s Jack?

“BOO!” she yelled from over my head, looking at me upside down. “AHHHHHHH!” I yelled and jumped up. As I jumped my head collided with her nose and next thing I know she’s running into the kitchen.

“I can’t believe you did that. Now my nose is bleeding!” she pouted then broke into a fit of giggles. “I got you good!” she said evilly. Bipolar, I think, is a good word to describe her.

“You can be in the same room with me and hold a conversation with me and still scare me!” I retorted. I was easy to scare.

“Well next time, pay attention to the person standing above you and consider their feelings!” she exclaimed. Grumpy.

“Hey, I know it’s early but do you want to go for some coffee?” Jack asked me. I was always in the mood for coffee and she knew it, so in 10 minutes, we were ready and heading out the door.

When we left it was 6:30 a.m. When we had sleepovers we always seemed to get up early, probably because of the unfamiliar surroundings we were in. We put on simple matching black yoga pants and we were wearing different One Direction t-shirts, our typical apparel.

When we arrived at Starbuck’s, the shop was empty, while the drive-thru was booming with people coming through for coffee and breakfast before work.

We walked up to the cash register and Jack knew exactly what to order for both of us: French vanilla cappuccinos with extra whipped cream, or the best known coffee to mankind.

We sat down in a booth and started talking about random subjects, what our conversations usually consist of.

Eventually we got hungry so we ordered some food. I stayed at the booth while Jack went up to get our bagels. When she got in line, two guys in hoodies with the hoods up were in front of her and they looked really suspicious.

I walked over to get in line with her. As I stood by her I whispered in her ear, “Do those guys look suspicious to you?” and she nodded her agreement.

For a few minutes we stood there while they were ordering. They had strangely familiar British and Irish accents that I felt like I should know from somewhere, which is impossible because I don’t know anybody with those accents.

We both must’ve been deep in thought because as the guys with hoodies turned around, food/drinks in hand, we didn’t move and next thing I knew, a cream cheese-covered bagel was smashed on my shirt and hot coffee had dumped all over Jack. They were gonna hear about this since she was wearing her One Direction shirt. Oh wait, I was too.

“I’m soooo sorry!” Jack said, obviously recognizing the person. “It’s all right it was my fault. How about I buy your meal?” the Irish accent asked sweetly. “No, no, you don’t have to.” She persisted but he handed her a check before she could protest.

I decided to look up and my eyes met a pair of chocolate-brown eyes that were also strangely familiar. Then it hit me.

I was looking into the beautiful eyes of Liam Payne from One Direction. My knees suddenly became weak.

“Hi, I’m Liam from One Direction. I’m guessing you’re a fan by looking at your shirt and I just hate meeting fans this way. Would you like to get a table so we can really meet?” he asked in a husky British accent that sent chills up my spine.

I looked over hesitantly at Jack talking to the other guy—Niall it looked like—and her eyes met mine. He had asked to sit with her too. I could tell by the pleading in her eyes.

I think she noticed the pleading in my too because we both nodded at the same time and next thing I knew, Liam took my hand and led me to a table in the back of the room, where he finally took off his hoody so I got a full look at his gorgeous face.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everybody! Sydney and Cari here! Cari is awesome and to Directioners out there, LIAM IS MINE SINCE HE IS SINGLE NOW! :) Sydney says Niall is hers and they are married in her fantasy life! And have two kids.....hehe.....

Well this story is coming along brilliantly, we hope. But it needs more votes, reads, and especially comments. We need something to fill our lives besides school, talking 1D buttons, talking to our posters, and O2L/other YouTube videos.

Fact Time!

Cari: I won't shut up about Liam Payne!

Sydney: I am a procrastinator.

Peace out Ducklings,

Cari :{D and Sydney♪♫

P.S. *Cari* I seriously have a button that talks to me.....NOT KIDDING!

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