Chapter 25 *Alfie*

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Chapter 25

*Alfie’s POV*

I sat in the passenger seat of Liam’s car as he moved some clothing items to the back seat. He must have just picked them up from the cleaners, because the fresh detergent scent lingered on the fabric of my spot.

“I’m really nervous to meet your parents,” he confessed and I couldn’t blame him. I had already met his mum and dad when he first asked me to be his girlfriend. They were so nice and accepting, but I wasn’t sure my parents could be that way.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure they will like you. They have approved of most of the guys I’ve dated.” I said reassuringly. I could only hope and pray that they like him, because I like him a lot. He’s sweet and kind and smart and funny and wonderful in absolutely every way.

He removed one of his hands from the steering wheel and held mine. I could feel him trembling slightly, as I did the same. I had never really brought home boys for my parents to meet. We just talked on the phone and saw each other at school. This was serious chiz.

“Just take a left right here. It’s the large restaurant in the middle. Mum doesn’t cook so we get to eat out…again.” I said and he laughed, pulling into one of the closer spots to the front.

We walked in and the hostess greeted us happily. “Hi, we’re with the Peter family.” Liam explained and the lady pointed to our table. “Enjoy the meal and please tell us how our servers are doing after your experience.” The lady said perkily. Liam took my hand and led me to the table.

“Well, you must be the famous Liam that we keep hearing so much about,” dad said, shaking Liam’s hand that wasn’t holding on to mine. I blushed a little and he squeezed my hand. “I’m Calvin, but you can call me Cal. This is Kim.” Dad introduced. We sat down, Liam pulling my chair out for me. I whispered a “thank you” and picked up one of the menus. There were so many different choices.

“Um, I’m Liam—I figure you know that—and I am in One Direction, the band your lovely daughter is touring with.” Liam stated. “Trust me, we know about One Direction. Alison spent at least 4 hours taking down just posters of you guys before moving to Uni.” Mum laughed, making me blush even more. “Mum, you’re embarrassing me!” I whisper-yelled, kicking her under the table. This earned a laugh from my dad and Liam, who poked me in the side.

Luckily after that little incident, the waiter came and took our drink orders. My parents, being the coke fanatics they are, ordered large cokes. I knew what Liam would want so I ordered for both of us. “We both want coffee. De-caff, French vanilla creamer, two teaspoons of sugar, and chocolate syrup please.” I gestured to Liam and I, as the waiter gave me a funny look while writing it down. “Nice one, babe.” He smiled a warm smile at me.

We talked for a while about just Liam, his interests, what he does, him in general. I learnt some things about him that I didn’t know while talking, thing not even hard-core stalker Directioners know. Liam is such a beautiful person, so caring and loyal and he’s wonderful to talk to and get to know. I think my parents took a liking to him.

“Oh Alison I forgot to ask you, how’s Niall? You saw him yesterday right?” he asked. I nodded, recalling seeing him over and a brace on his knee. “He messed up his knee again. He’s fine though, just has to wear his brace for a while.” I replied, taking a sip of my drink that just arrived. “What happened to the lad?” mum asked, genuinely concerned. “He dislocated his knee a few times. He had surgery on it and he is having to wear a brace for now.” I explained. Mum nodded understandingly. Our food then arrived. I felt odd because I had ordered off the kids’ menu. I don’t eat a lot, but I still felt out of place. But not once did Liam say anything about, just kept eating and talking and laughing.

“Ugh, I’m so full!” I exclaimed while looking down at my half-eaten kids’ meal. “No wonder you’re so skinny. You don’t eat!” Liam scolded. I laughed, taking another drink of my coffee. The sweet liquid trickled down my throat, soothing me. I love coffee.

“Well, mum and dad, we better get going. We have some stuff to take care of with the others for the tour,” I said. Standing up, I hugged my parents and Liam shook their hands. “Aw, come give me a hug!” mum cried and hugged Liam. The height difference made dad and me laugh. “I want one too!” dad joined. They hugged too, Liam still being taller. I hugged him last. We lingered a bit longer than the others. “Wait, I’m taking you home. Why are we hugging?” Liam asked teasingly. I shrugged as he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

We said our goodbye’s and exited the restaurant. Liam opened the door for me—the door of the restaurant and his car—and once we got in the car, I began asking him questions.

“So, how do you like my parents?” I asked. He smiled warmly and said, “They are fantastic! They were very accepting of me and I appreciate that.” He took my hand and entwined our fingers, my small ones tangled in his long ones. We finished riding home in a comfortable silence. Nothing needed said, as everything was perfect.

We pulled into the driveway of our small flat and he opened the door of the car for me. As we walked up to the steps, he took my hand again. In front of the door on the top steps, I cupped his face in my hands. “Thank you, for everything,” I smiled warmly. “Of course. Thank you for just being you.” I stood on my tip-toes, my small hands still cupping his face and his hands on my waist, and pressed my lips to his soft pink ones. He kissed back as though he was expecting it, and we stayed like that for a while, until we both ran out of breath.

“So, I’ll see you at the photoshoot tomorrow?” I asked and he nodded, his cheeks flushed. Mine were probably also flushed. “Of course!” he pecked my cheek and I mumbled a goodbye before opening the door. To my surprise, I found Niall and Jack cuddling on the couch. For being just friends, they were really good friends. They were both asleep and I decided not to disturb them, for waking up Jack is highly dangerous. I took a shower and decided to sleep. We had our first photoshoot with the boys tomorrow and a meeting with management. Ugh, it was going to be a long day.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everybody! Sydney and Cari here with a late update :( It's Cari's fault :)





Any who-- hehe any who-- the gif.....OMG! His smile XD

Fact Time :{D

Cari: I don't like marshmallows....

Sydney: I won't eat peanut butter by itself

Any who,

Cari :{D and Sydney♪♫

PS the song on the side is stuck in Sydney's head....

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