Chapter 35 *Alfie*

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Chapter 35

*Alfie’s POV*

Who would’ve known I would be looking forward to a break this much?

Certainly not me. But when it got here, I couldn’t help but be excited. My dad and Jack’s mum are still in America as they couldn’t visit this time, but Liam offered to let me stay with him so I could visit with his family. I gladly accepted, so now we are on our way from the airport to his flat.

The car came to an abrupt stop and all the boys fumbled out. I thanked the driver and grabbed my luggage. Well, some of it. Liam carried my heavy stuff while I carried everything under 10 pounds. This was the reason he works out and not me.

We all boarded a lift that led us to the floor Liam’s flat was on. He took me down a hallway to a fancy door and unlocked it. My eyes widened as I saw the inside of his glamorous flat. There were albums hanging on the wall, leather couches, and a kitchen built for a family of 7.

“What do you think?” he asked, setting his bags and some of mine down on the tile floor. I think my shocked expression answered his question. “Well, the first door on the left of the hallway is your bedroom, unless you absolutely want to share one with me,” he teased. I giggled. “Only if I get scared, and that happens quite a lot.” I began heading that way, taking the bags I was carrying with me. Liam followed close behind, setting the bags down as I opened the door to the room.

It had obviously belonged to a girl at one point, as it was painted a sort of teal colour with sparkly accents and also some pink and green polka dots.

“This was Danielle’s room. I hope you don’t mind staying in it. I changed the sheets and everything and sanitized it all,” Liam reassured, showing me around the large room in which I would be staying. I started unpacking what little I had brought and then went to Liam again. I pecked him on the lips.

“I really appreciate this. I won’t be so lonely this way.” I giggled as he kissed my forehead. “Anything for you, babe.” He really kissed me this time, with passion and bliss. It didn’t get too heated. Liam knows I don’t want to do anything so he makes sure to keep most kisses shorter and less intense than what him and Danielle did.

5 minutes later, Jack texted me.

From: Jack Attack (<’.’>)

Settled yet? I am at our flat playin with Izzie

From: Me

Almost. Liam keeps bringin up Danielle tho and its kinda awkward. I think his flat reminds him of her

From: Jack Attack (<’.’>)

That sucks. It prob duz tho cuz they shared it

From: Me

Yeah I just don’t want him to b sad the hole time

From: Jack Attack (<’.’>)

Ik just confront him bout it if it gets worse. Have to go so c u l8r!

From: Me

Kk txt me l8r

I set down my phone and slumped on the bed. He always seemed really depressed when he talked about Danielle and when he showed me this room the pain in his eyes was heartbreaking. I think he really loved her and I can’t help but feel bad for him.

“Alison!” Liam called from the living area. “You wanna go out for dinner? There’s a great pizza place down the road.” I nodded before grabbing shoes, wallet, phone, and keys and shoving them into an over-the-shoulder bag that Jack lent me.

He opened my door for me and shut it after I had gotten in. He started up the vehicle and we drove just a little bit down the street to a cozy little pizza place that looks really familiar.

“You know we could’ve saved the environment and walked, right?” I asked. He just laughed. “Is that the Jack part in you coming out?” he opened the door to the restaurant and a little bell dinged. I nodded vigorously. “Eh, maybe it’s her mom coming out in me. Her mom’s a recycling and changing the environment freak.”

We ordered a large cheese pizza and devoured it, all but the crusts on which we agreed we did not want to eat. That was one of the many things we had in common.

The whole time though, my mind was burdened with the whole Danielle thing. What if Liam falls in love with her again, even though he has told me she’s nothing anymore countless times? I’ve said people are just old flames and then fall in love with them all over again. It’s hard. Danielle’s smart and pretty and charming and, let’s face it, she’s got a great body. He could still have all that. But I’ll handle it the Jack way for now, just not dwell on it unless it’s brought up.

Oh won’t that be a joyous day?

The rest of the night was pretty much chilling and eating ice cream and talking about feelings. Before you say anything about that being cliché and mushy, it was mostly about feelings toward each other and the other boys/Jack. So not really sappy or anything.

We both fell asleep watching some random movie that was on. Usually when we fall asleep together it is a peaceful and wonderful sleep, but this time, it was sort of uneasy and uncomfortable. Something seemed wrong as I slept, and I had no idea what was coming.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\The Ultimate Gift!/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Hellooo everyone! Sydney and Cari here, bringing you depressing news: 5 chapters left :'( and an epilogue, of course.

Good news though: There will be a sequel! YEAH BUDDY! Alfie and Jack will be back (hehe that rhymed) and it will be a mystery story, so it won't have really anything to do with this story besides the characters. Oh well.

Fact Time :{D

Cari: I'm all jacked up on Mt. Dew!

Sydney: Awkward is my middle name :(

The hyper and awkward,

Cari :{D and Sydney♪♫

PS the video for Best Song Ever is on the side and it is FREAKIN HILARIOUS! You NEED to watch it or you will stop breathing. It is such a touching song/video *wipes away tear*

The Ultimate Gift (One Direction Niall/Liam FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora