chapter 18

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Irises pov

I woke up the next day with a shooting pain, pretty much everywhere. I sit up carefully and I noticed that I wasn't in my own room, I was in tonys, and then the memories of what happened last night hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt my eyes water up. I pulled my legs up and I rested my head on my knees, letting it all out. After about ten minutes, I heard the door open and I looked up and saw tony. He had a concerned look on his face and he walked over to me, pulling me into a hug and he let me cry. This went on for a little while longer until it was just a couple of sniffles here and their.

"I'm sorry." I said wiping away the last few tears. "you don't have to do this you know." I said pulling away from his grasp.

"You don't have to be sorry, and I wanna do this." He replied.

I just mouthed thank you and I looked down. I didn't deserve the kindness that he was giving me, andrew made that pretty clear, I don't deserve anything but this pain that I have. I'm probably just a burden to him.

"Hey iris, what are you thinking?" I heard tony ask.

"Nothing important really." I said not looking up.

We sat in silence, it's wasn't awkward, just quiet. Well, it was until tony spoke up.

"We have to tell the police what happened last night." He said making me look up.

"what, no no no no, we don't have to tell the police." after that I started speaking incoherently, mumbling about how going to the police was a bad idea.

I was to busy mumbling to notice that tony was now holding onto me rather tightly. I felt my body start to shake and my heart rate speed up little by little. I felt some tears flow, but tony wiped them away. after about 20 minutes passed, I felt myself to calm down a little to the point that their was only a little sniffle here and there. I felt his grip relax and now I'm just sitting on his lap. two panic attacks in on day, how fun.

"Tony?" I said with a sigh. "I hurt, everywhere." I complained.

"You don't deserve this pain you know?"

I couldn't bare to look at him, he was wrong. I do deserve this. He let out a sigh and stood up, with me still in his arms.

"I can walk myself you know." I said as he took me into the living room.

"You shush and let me do my thing." He replied setting me carefully on the couch.

He left for a moment and came back and kneeled in front of me. He handed me a glass of water and two pills. I took the pills and the water and I placed them in my mouth and took a sip of the water. I added him the glass and he st it on the table behind him. He turned back and he grabbed both of my hand, tubing the back of them with his thumb, staring at them contently. After a few moments he looked up at me.

"you know I care about you right?" He asked.

I simply nodded and looked down. I heard him sigh again and get up from his spot. I felt the couch dip down and I leaned my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. We sat in a comfortable silence for a little while until I felt tonys phone ring. He shifted a little and pulled out his phone. he looked at the screen and pressed answer and held his phone up to his ear.

"hello?" He asked into the phone.

I heard the other person, she sounded worried, but I couldn't understand what she was saying.

"Don't worry she came here last night, what's wrong?"

The person replied, sounding more calm, but still worried.

"Ok I will bring her over, bye."

With that he hung up and looked at me.

"That was payton, she said she got a call from the police asking for you, she tried calling you first, but you never answered so she called me, I gotta take you over."

I simply nodded and got up slowly, with tony helping. The pills are starting to work, but my whole body is still pounding. I haven't even seen the whole extent of it but I can tell that that it's bad. Once we got in the car, we drove off to my sisters house. Once we got their, I saw two police cars. I felt my body start to shake a little. We pulled in and we got out, with tony helping me. We walked into the house, and I saw my siblings two cops, both girls and they had their hair pulled back, and lastly I saw the red head from last night.

"Hello, you must be iris, am I correct?" One of the police officers said.

I nodded slowly.

"If you don't mind, we would like to ask you a few questions."

Authors note
Sorry I know I don't update often but I hope you like this chapter, I mean it's like a shit chapter just like the rest of them but what ever, live you turtlez :3) (<<<that's my double chin)

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