Chapter 11

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Irises pov


I looked around for him, stumbling everywhere. he walked walked in, more sober now.

"What the fuck!" He yelled.

"I HVE SOME THINGS TO YELL AT YOU ABOUT!" I basically screamed.

He leaned back on the wall and just smirked.

"First of all, you are a shit father and a shit person! all I ever wanted was for you to notice something good about me, not point out all the bad little things about me! You make me feel like shit! why don't you love us! did we do anything to you! no, we didn't, and what you did to Easton today, was very unneeded, he did nothing wrong, he just needs help, he can't help how smart he is, and he is very smart actually, he is the best brother anybody could ask for, but you? you are the worst dad any-" and with that, he cut in.

"Just go home iris, your drunk and need sleep, you probably won't even remember this, but I know I'm a shity father, and I don't want you to end up like me." he said with a tear run down his face.

"Why don't you look at that, the moster actually has feelings." and with that, I smirked and left. "such a d-bag." I said as I turned on the car and pulled out of the car.

I pulled into Andrews driveway and I looked over at him.

"I loooove you." I slurred.

"I love you more." He said, kissing my lips. "You should come over tomorrow." he said.

"Will do." I said as he got out.

I pulled out and I drove. no where, that's where I was going, I was just driving around. I heard the car make a weird noise and I saw that it was out of gas. I sighed and hit the steering wheel. I get out and I start to walk. I feel the alcohol slowly die down, with a headache starting up. I walked for what seems like hours until I came up to a rail road crossing. I shrugged and started to walk on the railroad. I pulled out my phone. the time read 3:43 am and I had 14 missed calls from Payton and 7 missed calls from Asher. I also had a couple of messages from them. the most resent one said please get home, I'm getting worried. that was twenty minutes ago. I put my phone away and I continued walking. I felt the tracks rumble and I looked ahead, I saw a train. I heard the train make noises but I stayed put. I spread my legs and I clenched my whole body. as the train got closer, I felt some nerves kick in. I closed my eyes and I relaxed my body. the train was about ten feet away before I bailed and ran off. I was breathing heavily and I leaned against a tree and just cried. I cried for what seems like forever. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at the caller ID it was tony. I was confused for a moment but I answered it.

"Hey." I said with a sniffle.

"Where are you? everybody is worried sick. We tried calling Andrew but he must be asleep." he said into the phone.

"Honestly I have no clue where I am, I have had an eventful night." I said with a yawn. "I just want to go home." I said as another tear ran down my face.

"Can you tell me your surroundings?" he asked.

"I'm by some train tracks." I said sighing.

"Ok, I'm pretty sure I know where you are, I'll be their soon. hang tight."

I heard my phone beep and It said that it was almost dead. I sighed.

"I got to go, my phone is almost dead."

"Ok, don't move," he said and hung up.

I get up and I start to walk back. Once I get back to the car, I get in and I lean the car seat back and I wait. I looked at my phone and the time read 5:39 am, then it died. I sigh and I see a car pass by and park in front of me. the driver and passenger door opened. I see that it was tony and Payton. tony opened the door and picked me up. he shut the door with his foot and carried me to his car. he put me in the back seat and tossed his keys to my sister. he climbed into the back with me. I leaned my head in his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

"What did you do to your hair?" he asked softly.

"I colored it, i wanted to be a rebel." I said with a yawn.

"Have you been drinking? I smell alcohol on your breath." he stated.

I simply nod and I passed out.

Authors note
Sorry, I'm not ok with leaving people hanging for to long, so here's an update. do people even read my notes? Because I don't wanna write them if nobody is reading them.... vote, comment, or message me, or not, that ok to. anyways, love you turtles!

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