chapter 16

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Irises pov

I didn't want to get out of bed. My sister woke me up ten minutes ago and I'm still not up. I don't really have the motivation, but I have to get up, I have to go to that funeral, I pretty much killed my dad so the least I could do was go to his funeral. I pull myself out of my bed and I walk over to the bathroom. I look into the mirror and I see my reflection. My skin was pale and I had bags under my eyes, I looked disgusting. I look away and I got into the shower. After awhile the water got cold, forcing me out. I walked into my bedroom and I get a nice dress on and I make my way downstairs. I see payton downstairs in the kitchen eating cereal and still in your pajamas.

"Why aren't you dressed?" I questioned.

"Because I'm not going, neither is Easton." She said taking another bite.

"Why are you not going? This is our dad's funeral, tony is even going." I said a little bit annoyed.

"I'm sorry, but no means no." She replied.

I just rolled my eyes and went into the living room and I see Easton sitting in his pajamas watching some tv. I sighed and sat next to him.
At the funeral

It was a beautiful ceremony. It was out side at the graveyard where he was being buried. The guy up front was talking about his life, and I felt a tear run down my face, but I wiped it away. All of our family and friends were here, well all of them except for Payton and Easton. I was standing a little ways away with tiny next to me. Andrew said he would have came but he had some family stuff to take care of, of his own. I sighed, I can't take any more of this.

"Tony? Can you take me home? I don't want to be here anymore." I said quietly.

"Um yea if you want to, then let's go."

We walked away as they were putting him into the ground. We got into his car and he started to drive. About half way their I turned to tony.

"Can you acually pull over here?" I asked.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"It's not that long of a walk from here to the house, I just want to clear my head a little." I lied.

The bar is just around the corner.

He gave me a worried look but nodded and pulled over. I was about to get out, but I felt him trun me around and give me a hug.

"You don't have to go through this alone, I'm always here." He said and placed a kiss on my forhead.

I smiled and mouthed thank you and got out. I watch him leave and once he was out of sight, I made my way to the bar.

Three month time skip

Every night was the same. I would go to the bar and drink until I pass out. It's the only thing that could help me keep my mind off of things. I could tell everybody is worried. The situation with Andrew has only gotten worse but I don't really care at this point. I'm currently at the bar and I would say I have had at least three drinks in going four. I haven't seen andrew sense yesterday, he will probably be mad at me if I don't see him today. I wasn't that drunk so I should be able to get their without a problem. I put down my drink and I pay the bartender.

"Leaving early I see." The bartender said.

He was usually the one to get me up and in my car in the morning.

"Yea, I have some things I want to do." I replied and left the bar.

I made my way to my sisters car because I don't have one of my own. I drive to Andrews house carefully but still swerving off the road here and there. I pulled up on the curb because he didn't like it when I used the driveway. I opened the door with the key under the mat and I walked in a little.

"Andrew?" I called out.

I didn't see him anywhere, but I did hear a soft moan come from deeper in the house. I walked in more coming through the kitchen and towards his bedroom as the moans got louder. I walk up to his bedroom door and I press my ear against it and listened. The moans where defiantly coming from the bed. I opened the door and I saw some red head in bed with my boyfriend.

"andrew!" I pretty much screamed.

He looked up and pretty much ran off the bed and put some boxers on.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" He yelled. "you have no right to just walk into my house!"

"You have no right to just sleep with other women!" I yelled back.

With that, I got smacked right in the face hard, it most likely left a red mark. I looked over at the girl and she was struggling to get her pants up and she ran out. I looked back at andrew and he had no regret on his face.

"What did I tell you about not coming over unless you text me first!" He yelled hitting me I'm the stomach this time.

After that I left the room and made my way out of the house, with him following behind.

"I'm not done talking to you!" He said grabbing my wrist and turning me around.

"Well I'm done with you, we can't be together anymore." I said trying to pull out of his grasp.

"I will say when we break up, not you." He said finally breaking down and just start hitting me every where.

I struggle to get away but eventually I get out with a bunch of bruises and a bloody nose and lip. I run to the car and I drived myself to tonys house. After that, I felt a lot less drunk. I pulled into tonys drive way and I get out of the car, with tears flooding my eyes. I knock on the door and I wait for him to answer. A moment later I saw the door open and tony was standing their with his pajama bottoms and a tee shirt on. At first he was confused on why I was here, but I'm guessing he got a better look at me and his face grew to worried.

"Oh my god iris, what happened?" He said leading me into his house and to his bathroom.

Once I calmed down a little, I decided to tell him all what happened. With that he pulled me into a long and needed hug.

"Here, let me clean you up." He said pulling out a wash cloth and wetting it down.

He pressed the cold cloth to my lip and dabbed it gently. after he was done, we were just looking at each other. This intense feeling was in the bottom of my stomach but my mind was clear. The next thing I know is my lips are on his. I felt instant fire works erupt in my stomach, but the feeling didn't last long.

"Oh.. um I'm sorry I didn't mean to do th-" but I cut him off with another kiss.

Authors note
Yup... just went their... to soon? I feel like it is but what ever :/ I made this chapter really long for you guys bc of the crapy job I have been doing while updating, but imma try to update once a week again, TILL NEXT TIME TURTLES!!!!

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