Chapter 10

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Irises pov

I ran to Payton's house and i see her car in the driveway. I ran into the house and I see Asher, Payton, and Easton at the table. Easton had a tear run down his face. they all looked up at me. my makeup was smudged and my wrist was still bleeding from the glass. I fell some blood drip on the floor. they all had a worried look.

"I'm just gonna go clean this up." I whisper and walked to the bathroom.

I cleaned up the stinging cuts and I say the blood make a little red pool at the bottom of the sink. I let all of what just happened sink in. the way Easton looked scared. they way my dad yelled. the hate in his eyes when he cut my skin. I heard the door open, expecting Payton or Easton, but Asher came in. Asher and I a pretty good friends. we talked here and their, but nothing to important.

"You alright?" he asked, giving me a hug.

"Yea, it's just what my dad said, really got to me." I said with a sniffle.

He pulled away and went into the cabinet and pulled out some gauze and medical tape. he warped my arm up and sat on the floor, patting the spot next to him. I sit down and he wraps his arm around me.

"What did he say?" he asked me.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked him. "like, Payton knows pretty much nothing on the subject."

He simply nodded. I showed him the cuts on my arm that wasn't wrapped.

"My dad said something like way am I helping Easton when I can't help myself, that in just an attention seeker. I'm clean yes, but what he said, still has me on the edge, like I want to cry right know." I said as another tear fell down.

"I'm sorry, can I tell you a secret?" he asked me.

I looked up at him, nodding. he took the arm that was around me and he pulled up his sweatshirt sleeve, showing me some faded lines on his wrist. I look at them for a moment before looking back up at him.

"I know how you feel, and how you felt, it sucks, I know, but things will turn out for the better, I promise." he said smiling.

I smile back at him. he put his arm back around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you." I said softly.

"No problem girly, now let's go back in and see how Easton is doing." he said getting up and he held out his hand.

I gladly take his hand and he helps me up. he put his arm around me and we walked to the kitchen. we see Payton smile.

"Well I see you guys became friends." Payton says with a giggle, trying to brighten up the room.

"Yersh we are besties." Asher said squishing me with a hug.

"Can't... breathe....." I choke out.

He chuckled and let me go. He ruffled my hair and walked over to Payton, wrapping his arms around her. I walk over to Easton and taped his shoulder.

"Come on, you must be tired, you can sleep in my room. I will go back over to dads tomorrow and I will grab you some of your clothing." I said totally disregarding what my dad yelled as I left.

I helped Easton carefully get up and I walk him to my room. I help him into the bed and I kneeled down and kissed his forehead.

"Don't listen to what ever dad told you, as long as you try your best, than you can do anything. I love you bro." I said getting up.

I head a faint I love you to come from him and I went back into the kitchen.

"I need your keys pay." I told Payton.

She gave me a confused look but she reached into her pocket and handed me her keys.

"Thanks." I said as I went outside.

"Where are you going?" Payton asked following me.

"Out." I simply said as I got in the car and drove off to dads.

This was only the beginning o the night. I pulled in the drive way and I went into my room and got changed into a black dress with some pink ruffles on the bottom I put on some tights and my black boots with the pink at the top. (the outfit on the cover of this book) I crawled back out and shut my window. I got back into the car and I drove to a salon. I know it's late at night but I know that the salon that I'm going to isn't closed yet. I walk in and I told the lay what I wanted, I got my hair colored black. the next thing I went and did was go to the bar. I looked at the time, Andrew said he gets out at this time, so I called him up, he said he would be here in ten minutes. I went in and I bought myself a beer. I'm not much of a drinker but I will be tonight. I sipped at my beer here and their. i finished it and I got another one, as I saw Andrew walk in. he walks over and kisses my cheek.

"Hey baby." I said taking another sip.

"Hey." He said.

He got himself a beer and we just talked, it was kinda nice, considering the night I had. i drank about 7 beers and I was drunk off my ass. it was about 1:30 and we decided to leave. we stubbed out of the bar and I got in the car, being very careful, and I drove to my dads with Andrew. I got it of the car unharmed and I stumbled into the house.


authors note
CLIFFHANGER!!!! don't hate me!!! love you turtles!!!

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