Final Meeting [Part 22] THE END

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"She's not my girlfriend. She was someone very important to me and my brother at one time..." He stated. "What do you want from her?"

"You shouldn't be fighting for her, Sasuke-kun. For all you know, her and Itachi could have hit it off before you ever had a chance to." He spoke seductively. "They spent a whole lot of time together at the Akatsuki, right?"

Hearing Orichimaru say so many bad things about her and her now deceased best friend infuriated [Name] even more. As she looked over at Sasuke, she could almost automatically tell by his expression that he was slowly starting to believe Orichimaru's lies.

"Itachi wouldn't have done that to me." He spoke, trying to reassure himself.

"Are you telling me that you've always had a thing for that little disgrace of a woman? I mean, what even is she?" He spoke, rolling his eyes in aggravation.

"She's never been a disgrace to me!" He yelled defending and shocking his former best friend. "The only reason I ever went against her was because of you!"

"Now Sasuke..." He spoke. "You know that's not true."

"I'd do anything for her! I never wanted her to see me like this! That's the only reason why I ever came to you and you know that, you bastard!"

[Name] effortfully pulled herself up as she grabbed the attention of both the men.

"Argh..." She grunted, feeling her body return back to normal.

"How did you-" Orichimaru began to speak, in complete shock.

"O-orichimaru...."[Name] spoke."Why did you kill my entire family?"

As she stood in everlasting pain, she received no answer. Because of this, she repeated herself, yelling even louder.

"I asked why you killed my entire family, damn it!" As she yelled once again, she felt her eyes begin to hold back tears as she quickly shook her head in hopes they'd disappear.

"I thought that if I captured you, I could get Sasuke too...." Orichimaru spoke calmly. "But I was obviously wrong."

[Name] stood, staring at the man pointlessly. After a few seconds of silence, [Name] spoke up again.

"I don't believe that bullshit." She spit.

Orichimaru chuckled.

"You're father was supposed to give me his first child, but after your mother had you, they changed their minds."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I saved your mothers life at one point, [Name]. You were supposed to be an experiment-"

"Why the hell would you kill my family for that? Why didn't you come back and just take me with you instead?" She yelled.

"By the time that thought occurred to me, I already had your sister. She willingly volunteered, so I took her. Also, no one would tell me where you were...So I took matters into my own hands."

"You little-" [Name] spoke, running toward the man.

Right when [Name] was a mere inch away, he had disappeared from before her.

"I'll see you again, [Name]." She felt a faint whisper in her ear.

And with that, [Name] turned around in hopes of seeing the man, instead to only find Sasuke standing dumbfounded. She sighed, running her fingers throughout her thin hair. After a few seconds, the raven spoke up to the girl.

"What was that about?" Sasuke asked, walking up to the girl.

[Name] completely ignored his question and quickly changed the topic.

Won't stop until I've won [Sasuke x Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora