Chapter 13: Feeling

Start from the beginning

            The only one who was reluctant was Electivire, who shifted weight from foot to foot as if the idea of someone reading his thoughts was torture. I didn't blame him.

            "Thanks, guys!"

            "I didn't know your abilities were this advanced." I frowned at her.

            "Pokemon thoughts can be easier to read than humans. I've been practicing a lot. They're more open with what they think and feel, though I don't know if that's really true of your Pokemon. Either way, I know I can read them, especially if I'm connected to your mind at the same time since they're so similar to you, "Demi paused again, "So is it ok if I share those thoughts with you?"

            "Yes." I said without any hesitation. I was actually eager to see into the minds of my Pokemon.

            "Ok, that was easier than I thought." She grinned, "Go ahead and take your positions. I'll send out a thought to everyone when the race is beginning. Remember your order!"

            All of the Pokemon went off to the starting areas. Demi, Grace, Riley, Weavile, Torterra and I stayed at the hill. Demi closed her eyes in concentration as she waited for everyone to get to their positions.

            A few minutes later, I heard her familiar mental voice, Are you ready? On your mark, get set, go!

            "This might be a little weird. Remember, this isn't what you're seeing, it's what Gastrodon is. Same goes for emotions and thoughts. But not many Pokemon think in English, so just go by emotion." Demi warned.

            Before I could brace myself, I felt Gastrodon's stream of consciousness. Immediately, my own body began reacting to his swimming. My heart began beating faster from the exertion and my muscles tensed as I felt his determination to beat Vaporeon, who was swimming to the right a few feet ahead of him.

            We'd determined that swimming around the pool five times would be more of an actual race since it was small, so I watched in awe as I felt how Gastrodon moved his body, letting it glide in the water, reminding me of a jellyfish. He wasn't built to swim quickly, unlike Ariel with her large fin.

            When he began falling drastically behind, I felt an outcry of emotion that screamed, I have to win!

            Gastrodon's will wasn't led by his own desires, as expected, but to please me. I took a deep breath as that settled as I watched Gastrodon use Muddy Water, causing a giant wave to sweep him in front of Ariel, winning the race as he tagged Electivire, who was standing with his hand outstretched.

            I staggered a bit as the perspective switched to Electivire's. I noticed that his thoughts cringed as he noticed our presence, but he ignored us as he climbed a tree, flipping himself onto the limbs. Because of his bulk, he chose the largest trees possible, hurling himself from tree to tree, often getting whacked with branches. I could feel the sting as they came into contact and had to force myself not to wince. He began using Brick Break and Protect occasionally to deter the branches, but that didn't stop every branch from hitting his bulky yellow body.

            Why do you try so hard? I wondered, not even sure if he could hear me, and really not sure if I wanted him to.

            His thoughts were very different from Gastrodon's. Rugged, quick, short. They seemed to be instinctually driven, unemotional. But I could still feel the underlying current of emotion that ran through him despite his disconnection with it. When I did begin to study his emotions, he reacted just as he did to the sting of the branches hitting him, as if I my presence was just as painful, if not more so. I decided to not try anymore, and I could feel his relief.

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