Chapter 55: Jacket

Start from the beginning

Actually Sam, your 'help' was just holding my notebook upright so I could see what codes I would be typing...

"Is this true Winterson?" sir eyes me.

"Yes sir, they did help me."

When sir checked our work and left, the two of them thanked me by hugging me oh-so-tightly. "You guys should really be thankful to me!" I snickered.

"We are! Thanks!" Chris ruffles my hair up.

"Nooooo!!! Not my hair!!!" I gasp and Chris laughs at me.

"That's so gay!"

"Being called girly is better than being called gay! And besides! I am a girl in the first place!"

"Yeah Jade! But hearing that from you sounded so gay!" Chris laughed. "So, did you and Amy ever chat?" he changed the topic.



"She asked me about you..."

"Uh huh?"

"How your personality is..."

"Tell me everything in detail!"

"In detail is too long! I'll summarize!"


"Well, she asked how much close we are and how much of a good friend you are to me and the guys. I'm assuming you haven't told her about the other girls... And I told her that you're a pretty good friend and cool and funny. Like, you know how to handle us and not hurt us..."

"Awe~!!! Thanks mommy!!!" he pinched my cheeks ever so happily. It looks like he was blushing from my compliments too. Weird...

"For a perv..." I mumbled the last line.

"That's so mean! I am not!!!" he whined.

He then zoomed in and I turned away, and he tried whispering in my ear, but his lips were touching my ear, so he was like almost eating it than whispering. He whispered in a low raspy voice, "I am not a perv..."

My face immediately grew hot. I didn't want to show him I was blushing, so I pushed him away while not looking at him, "Don't do that!"

"Do what?" he asks, confused.

"Ugh! Nothing..."

I calmed down a little and he comes back and does the same whispering that tenses me up, "Me and Amy also talked about you..."

I pushed him away again, "Please talk normally and don't whisper so closely! It's ticklish you know!"

He blinks twice and chuckles at me, "Okay! Okay! Sorry..." I pout and he asks, "Hey? Can I borrow your jacket?"


"Can I?"

Before I could even say anything, he took it off me, "Sheesh! Be patient! I was gonna give it to you!" He just grins widely at me and curls up my jacket to use as a pillow. When classes were over, he gave my jacket back to me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After lunch break, I went to the library. Me and Chris were sitting together looking and laughing at a 'Ripley's Believe it or Not' book. Marvin then came in and teased us, "What's this? Are you guys on a date?"

"Marvin please, this is a school. And we're not even a couple."

"Riiiiiiight..." he wiggles his eyebrows.

Issac then enters the library and sits besides me. Marvin teases me again, "So you're okay with Isaac instead?"

"Nope!" I point at him. Isaac caught on and then held my hand and embraced me. Marvin went wild, causing the librarian to shush him. "Don't be like this Isaac!" I push him away.

Chris, as if noticing that he's missing out on all the fun, says randomly to me, "Can I eat your house?"

"Are you high?" I laugh as I wave my hand at him.

Marvin squeals again, causing the librarian to approach us and we all pointed to Marvin and the librarian gave him a good scolding. The rest of us had a difficult time laughing silently.

The warning bell rang and we went back to our respective classrooms. Chris wanted to borrow my jacket again, this time to wear it, saying that he was cold. I didn't agree, Sam came near and volunteered her jacket instead, and Chris accepted. Sam was really happy.

Classes in the afternoon went on smoothly without any distractions or hindrances, and before last period could even start, Chris returned Sam's jacket. After, Sam then scurried to me and told me giddily, "I am never washing this jacket!" and then smelt it.

I smiled nervously at her, "Okay then..." and she nearly skipped all the way back to her seat. When she got back, she sniffed her jacket again and giggled.

Creepy much...

Last period of the afternoon came with Sam hugging her jacket and stealing sniffs from time to time. It made me wonder if she was alright in the brain too?

When classes were finished and I was keeping my things, somebody then quickly bit my shoulder from behind, making me jump in shock. It was Chris, he began to rub my back a little and told me, "I'm going home first okay mommy?"

"Uhm... Sure?" It was more of a question than an approval.

"See ya tomorrow!" he said, then tugged on my bra, making it slap back on my flesh, which was painful. I yelped from the pain. Chris laughed, "Oops!"

"You perv! You did that on purpose!" I stood up to hit him.

"Hehe~! Bye Jade!" he waved and ran out.

I sighed heavily, but a small grin crept up to my lips.

That perv never fails to annoy me...

If he wasn't there to be like this to me, I would've still been in a corner alone reading and waiting for someone to approach me for decades...

Even though he's an annoyingly stupid perv, he's still a great friend...

But why do I feel that something's lacking?


Hey guys!!!

Thank you guys so much for all the love and encouragement and comment's you've given me and this story... I'm really happy!!! Especially since this book has jumped from 5K reads to 200+K reads in just one month~! :D

For those who read my story and went back to like each chapter! A thousand thank you's!!! I wish I could hug you guys! You guys are amazing!!! I mean it!!! :D

To my likers and haters (I don't care), I love you guys!!! :D Please continue to support the book~! #TPaTN

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