"Okay, if you guys aren't back in forty-five minutes I'm gonna get pissed" Chris said.

"Alright, we'll be back soon, love you" I said.

"Love you too kiddo" he said before we walked out the door.

As soon as the front door was shut. Ryan grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together.

We walked out to his car and got in. It was freezing in his car. He put the key in the ignition and let it warm up before we began to drive to his place.


"I totally did not cut that guy off!" Ryan said as we walked into his apartment.

"You got in front of him and honked your horn Ryan!" I said.

"Well he was going twenty miles under the speed limit and I needed to take that exit!" He said.

"Excuses, excuses!" I joked. He rolled his eyes and kissed me on the lips.

"We have thirty minutes before we need to be back" he smirked.

"Which means you need to grab whatever you need, you pervert" I said.

"But time alone" he groaned.

"But you need to get your clothes" I said in the same tone.

"Always killing the fun" he said.

"Nah, I'm just being responsible" I said as we walked to his room.

"A.K.A killing the fun" he said.

"If you want fun, we'll play Jenga when we get back home" I said.

"Strip Jenga?" He asked.

"Keep it in your pants, Sitkowski" I said as he grabbed clothes out of his dresser.

He threw me a shirt.

"You can have that shirt, you look hot in my clothes" he said. I blushed as I looked in his dresser. His dresser is so unorganized.

"Call my dad, I'm gonna organize your dresser" I said.

"Leave my dresser alone" he said.

"I'm gonna fold your clothes and get your boxers out of your shirt drawer" I said.

"I'm not even here most of the time though, why does it matter?" He asked.

"It's so you have an easier time finding your clothes when you are here" I said.

"Fine. I'll let your dad know that you're getting into my laundry" he said.

"You'll thank me for this in the future babe!" I said. He laughed.

"Thank you for folding my laundry, baby" he said.

"You're welcome, butthead" I said.

"It's weird how we didn't get along yesterday but now we're dating" he pointed out.

"I think it was because we talked our feelings out to each other" I said.

"Maybe" he said as I began to fold his clothes.

"Why the fuck do you have a bag of chips in your dresser?" I asked.

"I have no idea, I think I was drunk when I did that" he said.

"Of course you were" I mumbled.


I eventually got done. It took me nearly two hours to sort everything out.

"I'm tired, can we just stay here?" I asked.

"Let me text your dad" he said. He dug out his phone and tapped away at the screen.

A few moments later his phone rang.

"He said yeah, but we can't sleep in the same bed" he said.

"We're gonna do that, anyway" I said.

"I know, let him think that we're obeying him" he said.

"I'm gonna go get changed" I said. I walked down the hall to his bathroom. I stripped down to my underwear. I took off my bra and put on the shirt that Ryan gave me.

I set clothes off to the side and and walked back to his room.

He was in his boxers and in his bed.

I crawled into bed with him and cuddled up next to him.

"Good night, baby" he said before kissing the top of my head.

"Good night, dweeb" I said. He rolled his eyes and we rolled over and I quickly fell asleep.

I Am the Name that's Under Your Breath (Ryan Sitkowski)Where stories live. Discover now