"So what do you think about dating older guys?" I asked.

"I mean most of them already know what they want, and they don't try to play games with you. Why?" Makayla answered.

"I kind of became acquainted with one recently." I said. She squealed.

"What about Dominic?" She asked.

"Dominic's fake feeling will go away soon, I like him a lot, but I won't let him play with my heart." I said.

She just laughed. We talked for a while. Then, she left and I got in the shower. I laid in my bed. My phone rang next to my head: Miguel.


Tuesday morning. I woke up and pulled on my clothes. I walked downstairs to see Micah and Dominic sitting on the couch. They both looked up at me.

"So who were you on the phone talking to all night? I thought it was Dominic. You had me cursing him out for no reason. So help me God, it better not have been Logan." Micah said.

I shook my head, "It wasn't Logan but who it was is not your business. I shrugged and walked to my car. I drove to school and sat down by Courtney.

"I thought Dominic was coming with you." Courtney said. I shrugged. A few minutes later, he walked into the cafeteria clearly upset. He walked right up to me.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"No." I said. He blow out a breath and walked away. He took a seat by Micah. Micah glared at me. I laughed at him. I ran my eyes along all of the faces that were observing us.

"What was that about?" Courtney asked.

"I'll tell you later. I have a lot to tell you actually." I said.

There's too many ears listening right now. I know I only met Miguel yesterday, but he and I just clicked instantly. I barely got an hour of sleep last night, but the thought of us meeting again today woke me up. The bell rang soon, and we all left the lunch room.

"McKenna," Dominic said as he walked beside me. I put my arm up to unlock my locker, and before I knew it, I was pinned against the lockers. "What is your problem?" Dominic yelled. The hallway went quiet as everyone looked at us.

"I don't have a problem. I just want you to leave me alone." I said.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" He asked.

"I want to go back to normal. Just ignore me and talk to these easy females like you did before I decided to glo' up." I said.

"This is about hoes. Fuck hoes. If I can have you, I won't even talk to another girl. I won't say two words. If it ain't my auntie or you." Dominic said.

"You don't have to do that." I said.

"It's already done." He said. Then he walked off. He only comprehended half of the problem.

I met him in first period and he talked me half to death. In second period, it seemed like every girl in there tried to talk to him just because of his promise, and he acted like none of them exsisted. Then, this girl named T'Yera came up to use while we were standing in the kitchen.

"Hey Dominic." She said. He looked at me like I was supposed to handle her or something. She grabbed his hand and placed them on the sides of her ass. "You feel that? No panties, and I know you keep rubbers on you, so what's up?" Dominic rose his eyebrows and put his hands up in surrender as he looked at me. I just started laughing.

"Dominic I give you permission to say whatever you'd like right now to this young lady." I said through my laughter.

"Please skip along. You know I'm trying to get on good terms with my future wifey, and you gonna pull this. I rather feel her small ass then yours anyday." He crossed his arms and leaned on the stove. She scoffed and stomped away.

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