Did I Miss Something?

Start from the beginning

 "Good, Dan came out," Phil told her, sniffing the air, "Are you baking cookies?"

"Yes but they are for after you've had your dinner," She said, "Are you two staying for tea?"

"If that's alright with you?" Dan asked politely.

"Of course it is dear! Now you three, run along, I'm sure you have important things to be doing." 

They ran up the stairs and into Phil's bedroom. It was covered in posters of every kind and there was DVD' and Video Games laying about the floor. 

"Alright, what should we do first?" Phil asked, kicking some of the boxes under his bed to make more room.

"Dan should totally try on your clothes! We can do a mini fashion show!" Abby exclaimed excitedly. 

"What do you say Dan?" Phil asked, also excited at the prospect of seeing the younger boy in his clothes.

"I definitely want to do a fashion show! But it'll look stupid with my hair!" Dan commented, tugging distastefully at his hair. 

"Can I cut your hair?" Abby exclaimed, excited.

"Don't we have to ask your parent's first?" Phil asked, looking at Dan. He just shrugged.

"Probably, she won't be that bothered, but it will probably be a good idea to warn her first!" Dan said, pulling out his phone.

"Yeah, don't just go home with short hair without warning her! She might have a heart attack from how manly you'll look!" Abby joked, giggling. 

"I'll call, one sec," Dan said, dialing his mum's number. She picked up after a few rings.

"Hey mum, can Phil and Abby cut my hair?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"Um, do they know what they're doing?" His mum asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, of course, Abby used to work down at that hairdressers!" He told her.

"Okay then, but I'm not helping you if it goes bad!" She hung up right after that.

"She said yes!" Dan told them happily, a huge smile on his face.

"Yay!" Abby grinned, "I'm going to need scissors and those hair clip things?"

"I can get you scissors, I'm not sure about hair clips," Phil said, pulling a pair of scissors out of the drawer in his desk.

"Alright, I'll go down to the shops and get some, can you get a tarp to cover the floor? Unless you want hair covering your carpet, of course," Abby instructed, checking her pockets to make sure she had enough money.

"Alright, thanks, Abby!" Dan grinned, watching as their friend left the room. Once she was gone, he turned round to face Phil. 

"Come on, let's find a tarp or something," Dan suggested. The two boys asked Phil's Dad and he quickly found them one in the shed. Once they had set it all up, they sat down on Phil's bed. 


Dan checked his phone and saw that he had a text message. 

'Hi, Daniella. I really like you, and you're really pretty, so I was thinking, maybe we could go out sometime? Get back to me yeah?' 

"Who's it from?" Phil asked, reading it over Dan's shoulder. 

"Blake, football captain," he muttered sadly, trying not to show how badly the message had affected him.

"Danny, what's wrong? He wasn't at school today so he doesn't know," Phil asked softly, noticing how upset his best friend was.

"I know, I just, well I wish that this wouldn't take so long. I know I'm lucky that everyone's accepting me and my parent's have already made me a doctor's appointment so we can start the process to get T but honestly, I wish I could just be a boy now! Sometime's I'm not sure this is worth it. I'm never going to be a boy, not completely, so what's the point! People are spending their time and money on me and what's the point! I'm a fuck up! It's all so fucking pointless!" Dan ranted, falling back onto the bed, burying his face in his hands.

"Hey, I know it's hard, but you're going to make this. One day you're going to look back and be so glad that you didn't give up. This isn't pointless okay? You're worth every second and every penny. We love you Dan. Your parents, my parents, Abby, her parents and me. I love you. A lot. You're not worthless, you're worth everything to me. You're my world. So don't think for even one-"

All of a sudden, Dan pressed his lips to Phils, his lips moving against Phil's in the oldest dance known to mankind. Phil froze for a second, before realising what was happening and smiling into the kiss. 

The door flew open but they didn't notice it, too caught up in their perfect moment. Abby just stood there, slightly shocked, but a pleased smirk settling on her face. 

"Did I miss something?"

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