"Whatever you say." Karma cought up to you, leaving Nagisa behind.

"Karma! (Y/n)! Wait for me." Nagisa shouted.

"You heard what she said Nagisa. We don't have time to waist." Karma said looking back at Nagisa.

You guys finally made it to the top safely. You told Nagisa to take Ritsu out and told her to send the whole class a map of the building. She explained the whole thing so you guys continued your journey. You guys were behind a wall now thinking of what to do.

"What should we do?"

"Just go through." Bitch sensei replied confidently.

"Yeah but how?" Hinata replied.

"Just watch." Bitch sensei walked out from our hiding spot and pretended to be drunk. All the men looked at her blushing like crazy.

"I'm the pianist scheduled for next week. I'm here early to see how its like." Bitch sensei said with a seductive tone.

"Oh of course! We always have pianist come." One of the guys replied.

"Why don't you guys watch me play?"

"Ah. We can't possibly-"

"Please just for a while?"

"If you say so." All the men surrounded the feminine bitch sensei, all casted by her spell. She started playing the piano gracefully, not missing a second. She gave us signal saying shed buy us 20 minutes. We all went past them and went up the stairs.

"I can't believe she's that good!" Rio said.

"She's an assassin after all. Nothing like this would surprise me anymore." You stated.

"Good point."

You guys headed straight until you guys encountered someone.

"Oi isn't that guy the one that gave us our drinks?" You whispered.

"Yeah that's what I was about to say." Fuwa replied.

"Then let's get him!" Terasaka and Yoshida ran towards the man who served them drinks, ready to attack him.

"Wait!" Karasuma-sensei ran towards the 2 stupid students and pushed them back, inhaling the smoke in there place.

"No need to hide who you are, Mr. eto...what's your name?" you said with everyone sweat dropping behind you.

"*cough cough* Mr. Bartender!" Fuwa continued.

"How could you tell? I never show any bloodlust when I'm about to kill, Ms. Helmet Hair and...Inu?"

"Hehehe. You smell the same." you said proudly.

"Eto...(y/n) I think you should just let Fuwa handle things." Yada replied.

"Well you are the one who served us our drinks. Also, it's downright fishy for someone like you to come down here!"

"Wow, you got a good eye compared to your dog."

"I'll kill you!" you said with fumes coming out from your body. Isogai and Karma were pulling you back from committing murder.

"Come on (y/n)-chan don't be like that." Isogai sweat dropped trying to calm you down.

While you guys were fighting in the back, Fuwa continued her reasoning. "Hehehe. The only time we drank the same thing was those drinks and our shipboard dinner. But then 2 of my classmates worked right through the video at dinner and they're sick. Which means...you are the culprit!" Fuwa laughed proudly.

"That's amazing Fuwa-san!"

"You're just like a detective!"

"When you read a lot of shounen manga, you learn a lot of things." she replied. Nagisa, Kayano, and Fuwa started bickering about different types of shounen manga, completley getting off topic.

"Now's not the time to be talking about manga..." Yada interrupted.

The next thing you know, Karasuma-sensei gave a huge thud on the ground, hard enough to feel the floor shake.

"One whiff of my poison could bring down an elephant. Fresh air neutralizes it, leaving no kind of evidence behind. Pretty useful huh? Well, I guess negotiations are out. Better tell my boss." he went towards the hall way but as planned, the whole class covered all of the exits.

Isogai took a breath. "When encountering an enemy..." "...immediately block there escape route." "...and cut off communications."

"Isn't that right Karasuma-sensei?" you said looking back at the teacher.

Karasuma-sensei slowly got up, looking as if he were a zombie, coming back to life with murderous intent. "When you first saw us...you should've attacked us...and run to your boss."

"I'm surprised you still have the strength to talk. But all you have left is a bunch of kids. Once your dead, they'll stop taking orders and just run away!" Karasuma-sensei striked a kick at the poisoner's face, blood gushing out from his mouth. And right after, the teacher fell right to the ground.


Ello guys :3 thanks for 2k! It might not seem a lot to you guys, but I'm still happy to see that people are reading my story! You guys I feel so honored that your reading this, I'm so happy oh my gosh!!! ;-; You get my point! xD

Coming up: Betrayal

Unexpected Love Karma x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant