Chapter 22

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*The book of knowledge*

After getting ready I dragged myself to my bed. My leg felt better now. Later when Conner informed me about the meeting I convinced Ryan to let me go to my room to get ready, which by the way was not easy. After lots of pleading he dropped me here and made me promise not to go anywhere alone, that he will pick me up at 7:00.

So here I'm waiting for him. I was really anxious about the announcement. Now that Ryan and I have made up I don't want something to spoil this. A lot of what ifs where in my mind. Will he accept who I'm?


"Ariel?" Ryan called. Taking a deep breath I prepared myself. He had a right to know about it. "Come in" I called him. He walked in.

Even though he was wearing simple trousers and plain blue shirt, he looked sexy. When I looked into his eyes I found that he was also checking me out. I blushed and cleared my throat.

He came closer. "You look beautiful" he whispered. "Yeah righttt" I said dragging t. Do he really think I look beautiful in these? My jeans and top are really boring.

"You do" he said firmly. "You look beautiful in everything" I blushed. Rolling my eyes I said "lets go". He picked me up and I groaned. "Ryan! I can walk" I complained wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No, you are not allowed to walk" he said. "But my legs are healed now. You don't have to carry me everywhere" I said. "Doctor said that you should not put pressure on that leg for the whole day" he retorted climbing down the stairs. "Everyone will see us like this" I whined. "So?" He said not worried about how all eyes will be on us.

I groaned.

There is no escaping. We stepped out in the backyard, well more like he stepped out. And as I thought everyone stared at us. I hid my head in his neck. "You don't have to hide. They all know you are my mate" he said. I muttered some incoherent words in his neck.

"El" I heard. Turning my head towards the voice I saw Blair coming towards me with Conner. "Looks like you guys made up" I teased her adding a wink. Blair blushed. "Looks like you made up too" she teased back and gave a wink too. I blushed but scowled at her while Ryan kissed my forehead. I blushed more and Blair cooed so I hid myself again.

"How are you now?" She asked. "I'm good now. But Ryan is not letting me walk." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. 'Looks like you are enjoying it though' she said in our mind-link. I narrowed my eyes at her. 'Shut up' I replied. To be honest I enjoyed being in his arms but I'm not going to accept it aloud.

"I cannot let you hurt yourself more so its better I carry you" Ryan said holding me closely. I sighed. 'Looks like he is enjoying it too' Blair mind-linked again when Ryan nuzzled his head on me. 'Really?' I asked her with a hint of sarcasm in it. 'I am serious. I think he doesn't want to let you walk because that gives him a chance to hold you closer.' She replied.

I thought about it and maybe she is right. Werewolves heals fast and my leg has already healed. 'Don't think about it so much. You know you like it' she winked. I scowled.

"The meeting is going to start" Mathew said out loud. "we should go" Blair told me. I nodded. "Ryan I have to go on stage" I told him. He started walking towards the stage but I stopped him. "You stay here. I have to go." I told him "Please Ryan it's important." I continued when he was about to say.

"I will help her" Blair said. Ryan nodded reluctantly. We made our way on the stage. Mathew came towards us. "You ok El?" He asked ,I smiled and I nodded. "The meeting will start now. Savannah is also here" he informed and went.

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