"You killed Celene!" Kelly shouted.

"Actually no. I did!" Sydney smirked.

"What the actual fuck Sydney? We were getting married. We planned our future and you're here being a fucking whore." Sydney knew the southern woman was angry because she never once said anything like that to her.

"Kelly you should calm down." Sydney tried reasoning.

"Calm down. Fucking calm down. You are cheating on me Sydney." Tears began streaming down Kelly's face and Sydney almost fell sorry for the girl. Key word almost.

"You actually have the nerve to fuck your target." Kelly chuckled darkly.

Sydney's eyes widened as she only now remembered that Scar was her target.

"Target?" Scar asked confused.

Kelly chuckled darkly and shook her head. "She didn't tell you, did she?"

"Kelly leave!" Sydney said harshly.

"No! Tell me what?" Scar said back with the same tone as Sydney's.

"You were her target Scar. She only had affiliations with you so that she can find information about your drug deals. She is a FBI agent and a lawyer. She is also a manipulative bitch." Kelly spat.

"What is she talking about?" Scar said calmly at Sydney.

"Kelly you need to leave." Sydney said calmly.

"Gladly. I do not want to be here when Scar kills you." Kelly spat and walked out of the office.

"Scar, I can explain." Sydney said while staring at Scar.

"I don't want to hear your fucking explanation Sydney." Scar yelled.

"What am I? A fucking game to you. I broke my walls for you Sydney. I tried loving for you. Why will you do this to me? Was it all fake Sydney? Huh? Answer me!" Scar yelled and flipped the exact table they almost had sex on, over.

"Scar calm down!" Sydney said calmly though her insides were clamming together.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down. You have no fucking rights to tell me what to do. I should fucking kill you."

"You won't." Sydney said calmly, "you love me."

"Yeah!" Scar chuckled darkly, "worst fucking mistake of my life. Couldn't you fucking ruined me another way Sydney. You had to mess with my fucking heart. My heart Sydney. This heart yearns for only you. I never loved in my life. I gave you that. I gave you my heart Sydney." Tears began streaming down the dark haired girl's face. Tears of anger and sorrow. She ran a hand through her hair and tried composing herself before she did something she knew that she will regret.

Sydney watched as Scar poured her heart out towards her. The guilt she felt came into giant tumbles and ate away from her insides. She tried moving towards Scar but she merely raised her hand and told her to stop.

"Do not come any closer." Scar said slowly.

"Scar please just let me explain!" Sydney pleaded.

"Explain what Sydney?That you had a successful mission. Is that it? Are you going to the precinct and say how much of a lovesick asshole I am?"

"Scar! That's not it. I love you! At first, it was merely for the job. Then I fell in love with you Scar." Sydney tried explaining.

"Your explanations mean shit to me. You mean shit to me. I hate you. When James is delivered, I'll be there to take my child away from you."

"Scar!" Sydney whispered, "please. I'm sorry. I knew I made a mistake. I tried telling you but the words never seemed to form."

"Oh wow! The walking dictionary had no words to say. What are you going to say next? Huh! That you got my brother in that accident." Sydney's eyes widened and she quickly averted her eyes to the ground.

"You didn't do that, right?"

"Scar... I can ex..."

"How is it that you always have a fucking explanation? You tried taking my fucking brother away from me."

"It wasn't like that. I was protecting you." Sydney shouted.

"Protecting me from what? A fucking bitch like you."

"I was protecting you from dying that night."

"What fuckery are you talking?"

"It was a set up deal Scar. The detectives all knew about the deal and was going to kill you that night."

"So you tried taking my only family left, to protect me. Wouldn't simply saying, 'the feds are gonna kill you tonight' suffice better."

"No scar. Jinx and I ..."

"Jinx knew about this!" Scar yelled.

Sydney tried thinking of another lie but chose against it. So she meekly shook her head in acceptance.

Scar simply chuckled darkly and ran her hand through her hair. "You brought my best friend into this."

"I know scar, I know. I am sorry. Jinx found out when she went to the precinct to meet Francis. After that I called her and told her about the drug deal and she offered to help. Our only solution was to get you away from the scene, so we chose Malik as a distraction."

"You two disgust me." Scar spat with disdain. She couldn't grasp the situation at hand but she knew that she will snap, if she don't get away from Sydney. "From this day on, you are nothing to me. The only reason you are not dead right now, is because of my child. Fuck you Sydney Pearson and I regret the day you walked into my office."

"Makada." Sydney whispered, "you need to understand. It was my job. Please." Sydney pleaded. The tears were threatening to fall but somehow she managed to keep it in.

"Scar I love you. I love you so much. Please don't leave me."

Scar stopped at the door and turned her head lightly. "Emotions are the enemy!"

And with that she walked out and left Sydney in a pit of despair. "Scar!" Sydney cried out and supported herself against the wall. Her legs began to buckle and she slid herself to the floor and wrapped her hands around her knees. Her tears suddenly began to fall. It was the first time in years, she cried and she only realised why she always kept her tears in.

Tears showed weakness. Though at this point she didn't care. She broke all of her barriers for Scar and she will do it all again. She loved the black hared woman and now that she can't have her, her sorrow is growing.

Sydney sat on the floor and allowed the tears to run freely. She caused this, she tried reminding herself. Scar's words kept echoing throughout her ears.

Emotions are the enemy!

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