" I can take care of myself " I replied in the same tone." I saw that yesterday " he said taunting " They were many of them and he attacked me from behind or else I would have handled them myself as I did that before too" I replied glaring him.

"This happened before too? Talk about being irresponsible.It doesn't mean you can wander into forest" he shouted. "I didn't realize ok? I just wanted some time for myself. To think about things." I told him quietly.

"We all were worried about you. You don't know how I felt when I felt your pain, when I couldn't find you knowing you were in trouble, when I saw you injured and when you went unconscious." He said looking so broke. "You don't know how much you mean to me" he said cupping my cheek. "I should have saved you at time." He said blaming himself.

"Its not your fault. I should've seen where I was going. Sorry" I apologized "No need to apologize. Just don't do this again please." He said. I smiled nodding. I didn't realize that between the argument we came so close to each other. Our faces where inches apart. I think he was thinking the same thing when he looked down at my lips. I remembered our kiss from yesterday and it made my stomach fill with butterflies. He leaned in. But I know that I have to talk to him first before taking any move so I moved away.

He realized what was happening and stood up. "I uh.. Need to change" I blabbed what came into my mouth first. He nodded going into his wardrobe and coming back with his shirt and boxers. "Will this be alright?" He asked scratching his neck. I nodded and tried to stand but failed miserably.

Ryan held me before I could fall and lifted me bridal style. " Ryan!" I squeaked holding him. "You can't put pressure on your leg. Let me carry you" he said and started walking to bathroom. I held onto him tight ignoring the sparks and how his body flexed. He carried me effortlessly.

I closed the bathroom door when he dropped me there. Quickly finishing my job and changing into his clothes I opened the door.

Ryan was waiting beside the door for me and came for help when he saw me. Lifting me again he carried me to the bed and laid me down. I thanked him.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. As if on queue my stomach growled. I blushed and he chuckled. "Here" he said giving me a plate full of bacon and eggs. My mouth watered. Quickly I started having ignoring Ryan's amused stares. "Want some?" I asked lifting my fork up. He ate that piece. "Dude you were not supposed to eat. You were supposed to say no" I told him. He laughed "too bad" he told and I poked my tongue out.

"Yum, that was tasty." I said once I finished the plate. I rubbed my stomach in satisfaction. "Have your tablets now" he said giving me two tablets. I scrunched my face in disgust.

"Not gonna happen" I told him. "What? You don't like tablets?" He asked amused. What's there to be amused? "Hate them!" I said. "Too bad, you have to take then" he said. "Nope" I said crossing my arms.

"Yes, better take them or I will have to do something" he said "And what is that?" I asked. He smirked. And did the most annoying thing which in my opinion should have been banned in this country.


"No... Please.. Stop" I gasped in between breathes. "Will you have your tablets?" He asked still tickling "yes" I shouted. "Here" he said placing tablets on my hand. I glared at him and he smiled innocently. He patted my head as I gulped down the tablets. "Good girl" he said. "Oh shut up!" I replied.

"Thanks" I said. He gave a questioning look. "For saving me" I said. "No need to thank me Ariel. I will do anything for you. You being safe is most important for me." He replied honestly.

I couldn't stop myself from hugging him. He , surprised from the action freezes then hugs me back. I could have stayed like that forever but I moved back because I know this is the right time to tell him.

"Ryan, I think we should talk about us" I told him and he nodded."I thought alot about this and I have made a decision." I said. "Before you tell your decision let me tell you something." He asked and I nodded. " I know what happened before and what I said and the way I acted was wrong and I apologize for all the mistakes I did. I will try my best to keep you happy if you give us a chance. I always wanted a mate and I'm happy that I got you." He said making my heart swell.

"Ryan" I started "I have decided to... give us a chance." I finally said. He stared at me for a good minute and then hugged me burrowing his head in my neck making a shiver run through my spine. "Thank you" he mumbled. I hugged him tight enjoying the warmth.

"I want to take things slow. I just don't want to get hurt again" I told him. "I will never hurt you intentionally. We will take things at your place. You don't have to feel pressured." He said smiling and I smiled back.

He started leaning in and I didn't move back. My eyes closed on its own and I could feel his breath. A knock made me jump back and Ryan groaned. "What?" He shouted and I giggled.

Conner poked his head in and seeing me came inside. "I'm so happy you are alright Ariel" he said hugging me. I smiled. "What brings you here?" Ryan asked. "What? Can't I come and meet my sister?" Conner asked. "Yes, but this is my room" Ryan said. "So? She should've been in her room but your wolf didn't let that happen. That's why I'm here" he said.

"His wolf?" I asked before Ryan could say something. "Yesterday when he brought you, his wolf took over and he was not letting anyone come near you. So we had to let you go to his room" Conner explained. Ohh. "That was my wolf." Ryan said scratching his neck. "Its ok" I replied. I know how protective wolfs can be.

"Looks like you guys have made up" Conner asked. Ryan nodded slinging his arm over me and I blushed. "Good. But Ryan if you hurt my sister, I will kill you" Conner threatened him "I will not" Ryan replied confidently. Conner nodded and I smiled.

"Anyways , Alpha Luke informed me that everyone should assemble in the lawn. There is going to be a meeting and few announcements regarding rouges and some spirit prophecy. So come at time" he said and I knew Luke is going to announce about spirits to everyone . I nodded and Conner left.

"Ariel you are injured. You should rest" Ryan said but I shook my head. "No Ryan I have to go to this meeting" I told him. "I had to tell you about this but now you will know it in the meeting itself" I told. "What is it?" He asked. "You will know soon" I replied. I hope this doesn't change anything in between us and Ryan takes this positively.

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