Chapter 51: Herb Oil

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"I'm sorry Jade. I guess I just needed that." Chris apologized.

I pouted, "Is my face really that funny?"

"No. No. I thought Laurence had more to his plan, but seeing that you have a serious expression made me laugh." he chuckled. But I continued to pout at him. "Can you bring me to the infirmary after third period?"

"Why? Does your heart hurt?"

"It does, emotionally. But I don't have the strength to attend class yet, and yeah, my head hurts a little."

"Alright." I say as we both go back into self study.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On break time, I accompanied Chris, along with Mae, to the infirmary. The nurse wasn't inside, so we took the opportunity to become nurses ourselves. Mae sought for the herb oil and I prepared the room. Chris took his shoes off and laid in bed.

As Mae came back with the herb oil, I rubbed some on his forehead and he requested that I rub some on his back too. I accepted, and I rolled his shirt up to do so. When I finished up, he positioned himself to sleep and me and Mae just said goodbye and left him alone.

When fourth period was starting and the teacher gave us an activity to do, minutes later, Chris came rushing through the door and apologizing to the teacher on why he was late.

Me and Mae were both confused, so we just stared at him waiting for an explanation.

He laughed, "I was completely wrong on my assumption!"


"Y'see, I went on facebook again and read the comments and it was her mom and dad kissing all along!"

Epic Fail!!! Hahaha!!!

"It was all a big misunderstanding and it took too much off me!" Chris laughed even more. Me and Mae just teased him for it.

On sixth period in the afternoon, Chris told me that he was still feeling a little dizzy. And since our subject was music, I asked sir, "Sir, Chris has a headache and wants me to accompany him to the clinic. May I be excused?"

"Sure... Be back as soon as possible."

"Will do, sir!"

As we went back to the infirmary for the second time today, I only put oil on his forehead and temples and walked out of the infirmary. The nurse was inside though, and sir wanted to have a little chat, but I excused myself because I had class.

Walking out, someone came running down the stairs. It was Sam. "Is he alright?" she asked.

"Yeah. He's okay." I replied, and we walked back to the classroom together. The walk was really quiet that it made me really nervous. Before entering the room, Sam grabbed my hand.

I turned to face her, "What is it Sam?"

She raised my hand to face level and took a waft out of it. I gulped, knowing what she's thinking. "Did you rub his back?" she said with a stern look on her face.

"Huh? Ah! No, just his head..." I say nervously. She gave me one last plain look and walked in the room first. I was left out the door, thoughtless. I couldn't think of anything, rather than fear. Sam is scary when she likes someone, especially when that someone is focusing on me more than her.

As we were then preparing for seventh period, someone from behind me held my hips, "Yoho~! I'm feeling much better now~!"

I turned around, "Chris! Are you really?" I fussed.

"Yeah... It's all good now. I guess I was too hurt over that misunderstanding before that it also got the best of my physical health."

"Don't scare us like that anymore! Okay?"

"Yeah... Sorry..."

"And hey! When I brought you to the infirmary earlier, I met Sam outside, she was practically rushing down asking how you were!"

He laughed, "Really? Then what?"

"She asked me if you were alright and I said that you were."

"An obvious answer."

"Yeah... And then before we entered the classroom, she grabbed my hand and smelt it, like this!" I grabbed Chris' hand and smelt it, "And she went; 'Did you rub oil on his back?' It was so scary!"

"Whoah! It's good I didn't take a liking to her." he chuckled.

"Hey now, that's mean!" I pouted.

"I know... But she was overreacting on a tiny little thing!"

"But still!"

Then he grabbed my hand and smelled it, and with a stern expression, said, "Did you rub oil on his back?"

My eyes widened, "Pfft!!! That was a great impression of her, Chris!" we ended up laughing after that. My eyes then landed on Sam who was staring at us, and I had to say, she didn't look happy. She couldn't hear what we were talking about, since she was seated far from us, but I was still nervous.

I then decided to change the topic, "Hey! Did you watch that anime last night?"

"Huh? Which one?" we ended up talking about an anime series last night.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After classes, we were preparing some props for an inter-year level dance challenge we would be having this month. Also, some who didn't quite catch the steps yet had to practice more, while some of us would help out on props.

Chris went out to cut some of the shiny colored paper into streamers. Sam walked over to help Chris, but he then called out to me, "Hey Jade! Come over and help me, please?"

"O-Okay!" but when I saw Sam there, glaring at me, I turned pale.

When I got there, I helped Chris hold the paper while he cut lines on it. After that, I then cut the other paper into various shapes. Sam just played with the streamers that we cut and Chris played with his iPad. I was left with work in an awkward space.

"Okay! That's all for today! Go home guys, it's getting late." called out Ryan, he was the head of our class for this contest. I mean, everyone else could help out or give suggestions, but Ryan was the most helpful. And besides, if he didn't tell us to go home, maybe we would still be cutting or practicing around!


"See ya tomorrow!"

"Bye! Take care!"

Everyone started parting ways, me and Mae walked together and I told her what happened earlier. I always rely on Mae, she's like a sister who helps you out in any event in life.

Sam is starting to scare me, and I'm not okay with it one bit...


Hey guys!

Thank you for the love you guys send! Thanks for liking this story and reading this far.

Jade is not aware that she likes Chris romantically that way, but hey, I chose Jade to be an air-head when it comes to love! Hahaha! I know it's irritating that way, but to me, it makes the story spicier to when she'll actually fall for the guy! XD

Sam is turning into a scary character too though. Kinda makes me think that Sam's like a yandere? XD Yanderes are characters who want to be noticed by their crushes and would go through violent acts just for love. Scary, right? XD

Well, thanks again for all your support! Please don't forget to leave a Vote and a Comment if you'd want to, and share this story to your friends! ^_^

Don't be quiet and share your thoughts! ;)

~Kurisu-chan :D

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