•Chapter 51•

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I was so glad to finally just pull into the driveway! After those girls came in more and more showed up! Then there were the paps and I never knew fighting off people and working at the same time could be that exhausting. I entered the house to hear noises from every direction and I groaned loudly. That didn't do anything. I walked into the living room to see Louis and Zayn playing Fifa. Liam was dressed in a tutu along with Aliza which made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe. I walked into the kitchen to find Niall eating my Oreos "Niall!" I screeched and his head shot up.

"Those are mine!" I whine and he blushes "sorry...I was hungry" he mumbled and I chuckled "when are you not hungry?" I smirked. Just then Sam came in and pecked Niall on the cheek. I sighed and entered the living room again "could you guys keep it down? I'm gonna take a nap before I make dinner" I yawn. They all looked at me and smile "sure, sleep as long as you'd like and we'll probably order a pizza" Louis gives me a sympathetic smile. I nod and bend down to kiss Aliza's forehead before trudging upstairs.

As I was about to walk into my room, I bumped into a wet and bare chest "oh! Hey babe! What's wrong?" Harry asked. His hair was dripping wet and he had nothing but a towel on. "Nothing, I'm really tired...girls and paps showed up and I just really need a nap" I mumbled. He nodded "well go lay down and get some rest" he smiled and pecked my lips softly. When he pulled away I frowned "that wasn't enough" I whined and he chuckled before leaning in and kissing me again.

He pulled away with a smirk while I smiled in satisfaction "better!" I cheered softly. He chuckled and kissed my head before letting me in my room to flop on my bed. My phone started ringing but I kind of just let it as sleep took over me.


"AMEELLIIIAAA!!" A voice screeched as they entered my room and just by the annoying little sing song I knew it was Ashton. "Get out and get a life" I grumbled and shoved my face into my pillow. "That is so rude! After you left us all day!" He exclaimed and my body shot up. "Oh my god...we were supposed to hang out today!" I face palmed and groaned into my hand. He chuckled "it's okay, we went out without you" he shrugged and I shook my head.

"No...I knew I was forgetting something! We were all supposed t-" "do not even start the rambling!" He groaned. "Look it's fine, we were bummed out but Sam told us how tired you were and what happened today at work so we just hung out and came here until you woke up" he smiled. I sighed and rubbed my eyes "what time is it?" I asked "8:45" my jaw dropped "I was asleep for four hours?!" I exclaimed. He bursted out laughing while I hopped out of bed and dashed downstairs.

I saw the boys cleaning up the entire mess they made and Aliza was attempting to help. "Why didn't you guys wake me up?!" I asked and they all jumped before their eyes landed on me. "You looked really tired so we just let you nap" Liam shrugged and I sighed "I need to make dinner!" I told them and Harry laughed. "Your mom is already on that and she instructed us to leave her be" he smirked and kissed my temple.

I rolled my eyes "mmhmm" I glared and they all held up their hands in defense. "Hi mommy!" Aliza waved and I let out a chuckle "hey babes" I smiled and lifted her up. "You sleep long" she giggled and I nodded "blame them" I whispered and she only giggled some more. I kissed her cheek before setting her down to return helping the boys.

I entered the kitchen and grinned when I saw my mom making her famous chicken fettuccine. "Hey mama!" I smile and she looked up at me with a light smile on her face. "How was your nap?" She grinned and I rolled my eyes "it was great! Thank you very much!" She smirked up at me. I pecked her cheek before grinning like a child "it smells so good" I mumbled.

She chuckled "doesn't it always?" She winked and I laughed "that is very true". She smiled "can you call Danny in here?" She asked "DANNY! MOM WANTS YOU!" I screeched and she shot me a glare. "I could have done that Amelia" she glared "well why didn't you?" I laughed. "It's like you never even left" she rolled her eyes and Danny soon skipped into the kitchen. "Set the table please" she smiles and he nods, walking over "I could have done that!" I exclaimed. "Why didn't you?" She mocked with a smirk plastered on her face.

"How rude!" I playfully glare and stomp out of the kitchen like a child. I missed my mom. The boys had just finished cleaning up and we're now talking amongst themselves or scrolling on their phones. I plopped beside Harry who looked at me with an amused smile. "What?" I asked and he showed me his phone "looks like you've got your own fans now" he chuckled.

'Amelia has such a strong heart! She told those girls off the right way!'

'She cares so much for her family! It's so cute!'

'Harry and Amelia for life!'

'Look how protective she is over them!'

There were pictures of me that I didn't even know were taken with Aliza. There was even a short clip of me and those girls from today and I couldn't help but shake my head with laughter. "Yay" I chuckled sarcastically causing him to kiss my head. "At least they aren't saying nasty things anymore" he mumbled and I could see the boys nod in agreement. "Even if they were I wouldn't care" I laughed and Harry huffed "I care...." He mumbled and pulled me into his lap.

"Please not in front of us" Louis whined and I glared at him causing the boys to laugh.

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