•Chapter 29•

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I pulled into the bar parking lot and parked in an empty space, not caring if I parked like those assholes that take up two spots. I dashed inside the bar and thanked God that it was small because I spotted Harry in the corner, singing to a bottle of Jack. I marched my way over to him and saw that his face was bruised up and bleeding, his knuckles too. "Harry..." I whispered and I knew he was starting to sober up when he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Y-you came?" He asked and I nodded "come on" I mumble and help him out of the booth. I take the bottle from him and set it on the table "we're leaving that there" I grumble. "My jack" he whined and I only rolled my eyes "you've had enough" I scolded. He pouted like a child but then looked at me with a look of sorrow. That beating must've sobered him up a lot since he called.

Once we made it out the bar, flashes went off in different directions. How did they even know we were here?! I groaned and pushed past them as fast as I could before more could show up. I helped Harry to the passenger side before climbing to my side and speeding out, trying not to hit the ignorant men with cameras.

I stopped somewhere to get Harry some eggs and cheese, handing it to him when I returned to my jeep. "I'm not hungry" he stated and crossed his arms "eat it, it will help you in your state" I explained. "Why?" He whined again and I groaned "just eat it!" I exclaim and he takes the food. I got him some water for when he was done before heading down the road again.

My phone buzzed about a hundred times but my only worries were on the curly haired boy in my passenger seat.

A part of me was telling me to take him to his hotel and let him rest, but the other part was screaming at me to take him home and take care of him. That part was obviously winning because I was now only a block away from the house.

By the time we were in the driveway, Harry had finished his food and I was hopping out. I helped him out and gave him the water "keep drinking, it will keep you from throwing up" I explain and he gulps almost half the bottle. "Why are you helping me? I was absolutely horrible to you" he whispers as I lead him into my bathroom upstairs.

I sigh and grab my first aid kit under the sink "please just let me" I mumble and take out a cloth to soak in warm water. I start wiping the dry blood on his face and tried to avoid his gaze. "I'm sorry Amelia" he whispers once I start wiping his lip. My need to taste his lips grew stronger by the second but I used all my power to push it away. "It's okay" I lied and grabbed his hand to wipe his knuckles.

"No it's not. I was a complete dick on our date and now I'm a drunk idiot, calling you and acting like a complete child" he growls in frustration. I sighed "Well if you know me, I'm always going to be here for you no matter what...now the date...the date part is true" I explain and with what I wanted to be a chuckle. It was more like a scoff. "I don't know what came over me at the diner...I really have no excuse except for the fact that I'm a guy and couldn't control myself. I'm so sorry" he apologized again.

I nodded "it's okay Harry" I reassure with a light smile and he shook his head with a chuckle. "You are too good for this world" he tells me and I couldn't even fight the redness on my cheeks. I grab the rubbing alcohol and gauze to clean the gash on his forehead. "This is going to hurt" I warn and he nods while shutting his eyes.

I dabbed the open wound only to have him curse under his breath and grip my sides tightly. I jumped at the gesture but he still held his grasp on me "sorry" I whispered and he shook his head "please don't apologize to me". I finished cleaning him up and just stood there, between his legs, staring at his features. His gaze was on the ground and I could see the guilt and sadness on his face. "What happened?" I asked referring to the wounds and he chuckles "typical bar fight" he shrugs.

"You alright?" I asked and he scoffed before lifting his head up to look at me. It was the first time our eyes had met since I picked him up and the bright green eyes I once knew were now dull and almost unrecognized. "No. I lost the most beautiful girl I've ever met because I flirted with a waitress who dresses like a prostitute and embarrassed myself in front of her by calling her, drunk and sounding like a five year old" he groaned. I tried to hide my blush when he called me beautiful but it was no use because I then started to smile.

"I'm going to make it up to you and I don't care if you don't want to talk to me or you don't want to see me I will make it up to you" he explains. My smile only grew. "I'm not that guy in the rumors Amelia I promise you" he tells me with a look of plea in his eyes.

He then started groaning and gripping his head which only made me giggle into my hand. "Alright you can make it up to me when your head isn't pounding, come on" I chuckle and lead him into my room. "Take these aspirins and get some rest" I order and he gulps the pills down with ease.

He climbs into my bed and looks up at me with those eyes that seemed to be lit again. "I promise you Amelia" he tells me again and I nod before making my way out. He grips my hand and I turn to see him smiling at me sleepily "stay...until I fall asleep" he whispers.

I sighed and sat beside him, running my hand through his hair causing him to smile and flutter his eyes close.

This boy.

Once his light snores filled the room I crept out and fought off all the fluttering in my stomach as I walked down the stairs. Then the door bursted open and six worried faces were soon glaring at me. "Amelia where the hell have you been?!" Sam screeched and I shushed her quickly "hush! You'll wake Harry!"

"Harry?!" They exclaimed in unison "mommy!" Aliza grinned.

Just great.

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