•Chapter 32•

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"I'll be right back" I smiled and went to the back yard to answer the phone "hello?" I grinned. "Hey stranger" that voice chuckled and I suddenly felt even more home sick "hi mom" I smile. "Hi sweetie" she greets and I can picture her smile. "I miss you guys a lot" I frown and sit on the swing thing we have in our yard.

"Oh we miss you too babe, so much" she sighs and I couldn't help the sadness taking over. I am such a mamas girl. "I was planning a visit really soon! I actually looked at tickets a couple days ago" I told her with a smile. "That's great! Oh I can't wait to see my baby!" She gushes and I couldn't even fight my laughter. "You do know Kasey's your daughter too right?" I chuckle and I can literally hear her roll her eyes.

"So the boys spilled the beans about my date huh?" She asked and I gasped "yeah! Why didn't you tell me first?!" I whine. "Well excuse me! You aren't so innocent either. I know all about that boy that's caught your heart" she scoffs. I feel the blush rise to my cheeks and could hear her tsk "ah, so your hearts been caught huh?" She asks. "It's been caught and I don't think it's ever getting out mom" I admit.

I could hear her laugh from inside and I was quite curious and a bit jealous due to how much she was laughing. It was just me in the kitchen, cleaning up and kind of eaves dropping a little. I couldn't hear much, just laughing and whining so I had no clue who she was talking to. "Relax dude, it's her mom" a voice chuckled causing me to jump and clear my throat.

I turned to see Josh smirking at me and I used all my power to fight the eye roll that was making its way. "Look, Amelia and I have nothing going what so ever. Never have and never will. She is literally my sister" he blurted which lifted so much weight off of me but me being me I held my hard stare. "What?" I asked and he scoffed "you like her and trust me she likes you. Take care of her" he tells me and I nodded. "If you hurt her, I will fly back with both of her brothers and a baseball bat" he glares and I chuckle "I'll remember that".

Amelia comes back inside with the widest grin "I miss my mommy" she whines and Josh rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah, mamas girl" he laughs and walks out, leaving us two alone. "Hi" I smile and she looks up at me with those chocolate brown eyes and grins "hi". She was so beautiful...even now with a messy bun, sweats and a sweater that had sleeves hanging, covering both of her hands.

Her brown eyes and her pink lips that made me want to kiss her all the damn time and that smile that seems to never leaver her face. Everything about her was so breath taking. "Harry?" She asked, pulling me from my thoughts "sorry, I was observing" I chuckled. "So remember when I said I'd make things up to you?" I asked and she looked a little surprised. "I thought you were too intoxicated to remember that but yeah" she laughed.

"I want to take you somewhere on Sunday, it'll be just us I promise" I told her and she looked a little uneasy. "I don't know Harry" she bit her lip "I know why you don't want to but I promise you this time Amelia, it'll be us and only us". I walked towards her and took her hands.

"You sure have been making a lot of promises Harry" I chuckled and those green eyes caught me. "But okay" I agreed and he lit up like a Christmas tree "good, I'll pick you up at 7" he grinned and kissed my cheek.

Oh boy.

We entered the living room and I saw Aliza falling asleep in Zayn's lap. I walked over and bent to pick her up but Zayn shook his head "I'll take her" he smiled and I nodded. He stood up, trying not to wake her and quietly took her up. "First door to the right" I told him and he nodded. I plopped beside Niall and grinned "hello my favorite blonde friend!" "Hey!" Sam glared. "I mean my favorite Irish blonde friend!" I laughed and Sam squinted her eyes "Mmhmm" she mumbled.

"Who wants to hear a joke?" Harry grinned and everyone groaned "nobody Harry!" Liam exclaimed and Zayn returned. "Is Harry about to tell a joke?" He laughed and I nodded "yes he is!" I smirk. "Amelia I'll kill you" Louis glared and Josh scrunched his eyebrows "I like jokes..." He trailed "Not Harry's" Niall sighed. "What do you call a pig that knows karate?" Harry grins.

"Pork chop!" For some reason I thought that was the funniest thing ever and gripped my stomach laughing while everyone else literally left the room.

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