•Chaptef 13•

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After an entire day of Sam and I explaining to Jack that nothing was going on, it was finally time to clock out. "This isn't over!" Jack screeched and I rolled my eyes "oh shut up". Alex chuckled and Sam squealed in excitement. My phone buzzed and I knew it was one of the boys.

From Liam:
A car will be at your house at 7! Be ready :p

I couldn't help but laugh and hug Jack goodbye "bye Alex! It was great meeting you!" I waved. "B-bye!" He stuttered and awkwardly waved causing Sam to laugh and drag me out the door. "He so likes you!" She smirked and I rolled my eyes "you just suddenly think I'm finally a guy magnet!". She shrugged "well you're hot! Can you blame me?" I laughed and flipped my hair "no I can't".

We got in our cars and made our way down the road.


At the house Sam was buzzing with excitement "they said a car will be here to pick us up" I told her as we both entered her room. She gasped "I feel so special! Like royalty" she smirked and did a weird twirl thing. "You're such a weirdo..." She stopped to glare at me before rolling her eyes and shoving a dress and a pair of heels in my face.

"Put this on, then I'll do your hair when you're done" she ordered "okay mom" I grumbled. She put her hands on her hips and playfully glared at me "don't get smart with me young lady!". I giggled and scurried off to put on my outfit.

Once the dress and heels were slipped on I couldn't help but let the smile on my face grow. I'll admit...it was beautiful and it hugged me perfectly and not to mention the heels were bad ass.

I got one more good look at myself and headed back to Sam's room to see her in a red dress. I smirk "woah there hottie" she turns around and gasps "speak for yourself!" She squeals. She grabbed my wrist, pulling me to sit down in front of her mirror. "Ooh I feel like a celebrity and you're my stylist" I smirk and I could see her roll her eyes before she worked on my hair.


After Sam's finishing touches on her own hair we both faced each other and grinned. "We look hot" she smirked and I laughed "shall we?" I asked and she linked her arm with mine "we shall!". I checked my phone and saw it was already 7 so we grabbed our coats and headed outside.

Just like Liam had promised a car was parked outside and a driver held the door open with a smile. My best friend and I looked at each other in shock before we slid into the leather seats of the car.

"Okay this is awesome"


We pulled up to this absolutely gorgeous restaurant and I actually let out a gasp. The driver opened the door and smiled warmly at us "thank you so much" I smiled and he nodded. When Sam got out I pulled out my wallet to pay him. "Oh no! You don't need to pay me" he stops me and I smile "I insist". "I was ordered to not take money from you" he tells me and I scoff "those five dorks don't have to know, here" I say and hand him the money.

"T-thank you" he stutters and I smile "bye!" I wave and link arms with my best friend before we head inside. "They're gonna kill you" she laughs and I shrug "meh, we'll see" I tell her. Once inside, a waitress smiled at us knowingly before two waiters walked over and took our coats. "This way" she waved and we smiled at each other "fancy" Sam grinned.

"Are you guys sure this is a good idea?" Liam asked, the guilt taking over his features. "It's either this or get a fake girlfriend, and it's not that bad! I mean, even without orders we'd be with them right?" Zayn tried to ease in. We all nodded and agreed "yeah..." I mumbled and ran a hand through my hair. "Well let's just ha-" "hello boys!" A voice greeted and our eyes traveled up to see the girls.

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