•Chapter 30•

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I stood in front of them with a guilty look while they all glared at me "what the hell is he doing here Amelia?" Josh growled. I sighed and squatted down to my daughter's height "Aliza go play with your toys in the living room please" I tell her. She grins and gives me a peck on the cheek before waddling her way into the living room, plopping in front of the tv with her toy plane.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd not curse in front of my year old daughter Joshua" I roll my eyes and he apologized quickly before his glare was hard again. "Well?" Sam exclaimed with a cross of her arms while everyone else waited for me to explain. I lead them all to the living room getting ready to explain myself.

"Right when you all left the shop I got a call from Harry" I started and they all nodded. "Well he happened to be drunk- no, he was completely plastered. He was giggling like a school girl and slurring his words, I could barely understand what he was saying. I was going to hang up until he asked me if I missed him because he missed me and...I was going to tell him I did." My gaze fell to the floor and I felt a hand rubbing my back. I didn't even have to look to know it was Louis so I continued "then before I could say anything else I heard shouting and glass breaking".

"Is he okay?" Liam asked immediately and I nodded "I went to go pick him up and his lip was busted, he had a gash on his forehead and his knuckles were bleeding. I brought him here to clean him up and let him get some rest" I finished. "Why didn't you answer the phone Lia? We were worried sick" Louis mumbled. "I'm sorry, my only focus was to make sure he was okay" I explained, feeling the guilt rise.

"Don't apologize. You're always apologizing and you never need to, we all would've done the same" Zayn told me, everyone nodding in agreement. "Well did he sober up? What did he say?" Sam asked and I shook my head "he apologized for everything and then said he'll make it up to me but there's a chance he was still drunk" I chuckle. "We're so sorry he's been giving you a hard time Lia" Niall frowned and I shook my head "you guys should know me by now, I'd help any of you in a heartbeat, no matter what" I smile.

"That's the problem" Josh scoffed causing me to roll my eyes while everyone laughed "so much for a movie" Sam sighed. "Well...we could watch a movie here! Like always. We probably shouldn't go out anyway..." I told them. They all grew confused "why?" Louis asked "the paparazzi might have caught Harry and I earlier today so...we'll stay in and deal with it tomorrow" I frowned.

The boys groaned "we will never hear the end of that" Liam sighed "I'm sorry, they showed up out of no where and-" "Amelia! No apologizing!" Zayn exclaimed again. "Sorr- never mind" I slouched causing all of them to laugh again. "Well, we'll try to clear things up on our interview tomorrow afternoon...again" Louis sighed and laid his head on my shoulder. "You guys have had a bunch of interviews lately" I chuckled and they nodded "it's getting quite old, they all ask the same questions".

"Well next week we have some big party or event thing, bunch of people are flying down here to go" Liam explained and shot a look to the boys. "Oh yeah!" Niall grinned and Zayn only chuckled "it's supposed to be super big" Zayn trailed. "Yeah it's supposed to be fancy and I heard Channing Tatum would be there" Niall smirked, as if he were trying to hint us. Louis scoffed "for crying out loud! Would you and Sam like to join us?" He asked. "Way to be subtle Lou" Liam grumbled which made Sam and I burst out laughing.

They waited for an answer and Sam looked at me "I think they're serious" she states. "You're serious?" I ask and they nod "yeah, management already said it was okay to bring you, not to mention big time celebrities will be there!" Niall cheered. "No" Sam and I spoke at the same time "what why?!" They all asked. Before we could answer Louis cut us off "you're going, we aren't taking no for an answer. Its next week Friday, a car will be here at 7 and if you guys find some excuse not to come, we'll pick you up ourselves! Need a babysitter? Lou Teasdale already has a daughter the same age. Need a stylist? Lou is ours. Need clothes? We'll have red carpet dresses delivered" he stated with a cross of his arms.

"But-" "no buts! You guys have to come! You're our best friends" Niall grinned. We sighed in defeat "okay fine" I grumbled and Sam rolled her eyes "only because I get a red carpet dress" she smirked. We all laughed "Josh why are you so quiet?!" I asked and he looked up from his phone.

Sam groaned "it felt so nice" she whined "I'm texting Cass" he explains and I gag. "Gross" I mumble and the boys laugh "who's Cass?" Zayn asked "the devil" I answer. Josh glares at me "she's my girlfriend" he explains and they all nod "why don't you like her?" Liam asks with a laugh. "She's evil! We were all friends in elementary school, then she started dating Josh in high school and turned into a high class b-" Josh shot me a look and I stopped.

"She's just mean okay" I mumble "but she's nice to Josh?" Niall asked in confusion and I nod "yeah, Josh is like my brother which is the only reason why I tolerate her. If he wasn't my best friend I'd throw them both in the street" I shrug. Josh rolled his eyes and slid his phone in his pocket "we're going to fight" he grumbled. I nod "I know" I shrug and check the time "should we just order pizza tonight?" They all nod "yeah that sounds okay" Sam smiled.

I look over at Aliza to see her focused on her plane as usual "Liza, want pizza?" I asked and she grinned. "Pizza!" She cheered and I nodded "pizza it is" I chuckled while everyone nodded. "I think my phone is upstairs" I groan and make my way up, completely forgetting Harry was asleep in my bed.

I crept over silently to grab my phone from the side table and tried to sneak out. His hand caught mine once again causing me to jump "please stop scaring me" I laughed and he only smiled at me lazily. "Sorry" he apologized, his voice deep and raspy making him sound so attractive. "How are you feeling?" I asked and he slowly sat up, his hair in different directions. "A lot better, thank you so much" he smiled and I nodded "of course".

He pulled me into his lap and nuzzled his face into my neck "no really...thank you" he mumbled. I felt that same fluttery feeling in my stomach and I'm pretty sure my heart was hammering against his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and twirled a curl around my finger "you're welcome Harry" I finally say.

I think I'm in love with Harry Styles.

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