•Chapter 19•

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After dinner everyone helped me clean the mess Josh and I had made before Josh and I went to go clean up ourselves. I changed into some sweats and a sweater that I took from Josh before heading down stairs to see everyone lounged in the living room. "Hey I've been looking for that sweater for months now!" Josh whined and I shot him a cheeky grin.

"I took it that time I came over and we both fell off the roof into the pool" I told him and he started laughing "I remember that!". Kat groaned "yeah, you guys got the entire house wet and I had to clean it" Kat grumbled. I plopped between Louis and Harry and Harry's entire body tensed up. "You okay?" I ask and he glanced at me with a nod "yeah" he mumbled.

"So...what do we do now?" Sam asked from her seat beside Niall and I huff "I don't know..." I trailed. "Let's just talk until an idea pops in our head!" Kat shrugged and I smiled "yeah, I still know nothing about you boys..." "What do you want to know?" Zayn asked.

"Any girlfriends?" I ask and Zayn smiled "I'm actually engaged" "and I've got a girlfriend" Liam grinned. "You're engaged?!" I screech and Zayn nods "that I am". I shake my head "that's crazy....what are their names?" I ask "Perrie" "Sophia" they both answered. "Well I hope to meet them some day" I nod and they both laugh "of course".

"Mommy! Place!" Aliza piped and I face palmed "why didn't I think of that?" I groan. "Think of what?" Louis chuckled and I smiled "come on!" I squeak and hop off the couch. "Where are we going?" Josh asked and I smiled "a place". He rolled his eyes "very specific" he says sarcastically "just come on, grab a coat and some shoes".

I grab Aliza's sweater and shoes along with Lilly's before walking over and slipping them on. I slip my sneakers on before heading into the kitchen to grab two glass jars with lids. "Okay Amelia where are we going?" Sam asked and I chuckled "can't you guys just trust me?".

"No" they all spoke in unison and I rolled my eyes "well you don't have a choice".

Niall picked up Aliza and Liam carried Lilly while we made our way out. I lead them into the woods behind our house and followed the trail that Aliza and I had found a couple months ago. "I'm scared" Kat whispered and I laughed "don't be a baby" I told her, earning a whack to the arm.

As we grew closer I couldn't help but squeal in excitement. "She's going to kill us..." Josh stated "shut up will you!" I grumble. We came to a stop and I couldn't help but grin when a fire fly came in sight "we're here" I smiled. "Where is 'here' exactly?" Zayn asked and I led them further into the giant grass field that was completely dark.

"What time is it?" I ask and Harry checks his phone "eight thirty, now can you tell us what's going on?" "Everyone close your eyes until I say open" I smile with a clap of my hands. "Amelia w-" "please just do it!" I groan and they all sigh before shutting their eyes.

"1...2...3 open!" I peeled my eyes open and we all gasped in shock while Aliza squealed and clapped her hands. Fireflies were everywhere and lit up the entire field. It was like our own little galaxy right in front of us. "Woah..." I whispered in amazement "this is beautiful" Sam gasped. I looked at Amelia to see her smile grow.

She's been so happy this entire time and here I was being a jealous prick, avoiding her. She hasn't lost a smile all night and it's been imprinted in my brain.

My thoughts were cut off when Amelia touched my arm and ran off "tag you're it!" She shouted. That caused everyone to start running from me, Niall and Liam still holding the little ones. "You're going to pay for that!" I shouted and started running towards her causing her to squeal and run for it again.

I couldn't stop laughing as Harry attempted to tag everyone but we were all to fast. He finally caught Louis and his blue eyes immediately landed on me causing me to smirk. "I'm coming for you Hart" he grinned and I held my stance, getting ready to break for it "bring it on Tommo".

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