•Chapter 7•

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The boys had to drive around for a while to shake off the crowds of girls but they made it out. I told them they should probably go back to their hotel to change into something more comfortable.

So we waited for their arrival we had time to lay out a bunch of blankets and pillows so we all had comfortable places to lay. Sam was getting all the junk food in the kitchen and Aliza was debating on which movie we should watch first.

After I scattered the last two pillows I heard knocks on the door causing me to smile and skip my way there.

Skipping didn't work out since I tripped over nothing and I landed on my back. Sam came rushing from the kitchen towards me and when she saw I was on the ground she bursted out laughing. I groaned and she only stepped over me to open the door while laughing.

The boys slowly walked in and looked down at me "did you...fall?" Zayn asked and I sat up rubbing my head. "No, I was fighting the floor" I grumble and Sam laughed again "the floor won". Niall then bursted into laughter and I got up to glare at them both. "Screw you guys" I mumble and marched back to the living room.

"Mommy we watch this one!" Aliza squealed as she ran over to me with a case in her hand. She hands it to me and I smile when I saw that she chose the horror movie. "Nice choice babes!" I grin and she squeals when she sees the boys "you guys again!". She runs over and takes Louis and Zayn's hands "c'mon! Got cookie and chips and candy!". I couldn't help but find it extremely cute as she just listed random things we had and dragged the two boys into the living room.

"Welcome to our humble abode boys! Make yourselves at home!" I smile and watch them scatter everywhere. "I'm gonna get the Oreos and some milk, anyone want a glass?" I ask and Niall raised his hand "yes please". I make my way to the kitchen and start getting out the glasses.

"Boo!" Two hands lightly squeezed my sides and I squealed a little "ooh that's twice in one day, I'm on fire" he smirks. "You're really asking for it aren't you?" I glare and cross my arms. He smiles at me cheekily before opening the fridge and pulling out the milk. "I've got my eye on you Styles" I squint my eyes and his green eyes look up at me through his lashes with that stupid smirk as he filled the two glasses.

I grabbed the pack of Oreos from the cabinet and one glass of milk while Harry took the other and we both headed towards the living room. "Here you go Niall" I smile and he takes the glass happily with a handful of Oreos. I took a spot in front of the couch so that it was supporting my back.

Harry took the seat beside me with my glass of milk and I smiled at him thankfully when he handed it to me. I set the pack of cookies in my lap and happily took one, dunking it in the glass of milk. Sam got up to turn the lights off before returning to her seat next to Niall. Liam and Zayn were on their stomachs with their hands supporting their heads and Aliza was in Louis lap.

I couldn't help but chuckle "this should be a fun night!" I exclaim and they all laugh before Sam hits play. Harry reaches for a cookie before dipping it in my glass causing me to look at him. He shoots me that cheeky, dimple showing smile of his and I playfully roll my eyes. "Sharing is caring love" he whispers before biting into his cookie and chewing it with a smile that just made me want to kiss him.

Wait what?

I pulled my gaze from him and awkwardly shifted a little as I tried to shake the thought away and focus on the movie.

The thing about horror movies is that Aliza and I adored them! We got scared a few times of course but the excitement satisfied us.

Harry's arm brushed against mine every time he reached for a cookie and it only made me feel more awkward.

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