•Chapter 17•

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After our long drive to the hotel, we were finally in the elevator on our way up and I was really excited. Josh and his family are my second family and it feels so good to have such a big piece of home with me for a bit. "Have you talked to my mum?" I asked and he bursted into fits of laughter. "Mum?" He asked between chuckles and I face palmed "it sneaks its way in! Don't judge me!" I groan.

"No it was awesome, I hope you slip up more" he laughs and I punch his upper arm. "Yeah I go there all the time just to see your brothers and then I go with my mum too" he smirks and I look down to make sure Aliza wasn't paying attention before flipping him off. "What's been up with them?" I ask and he takes a breath, trying to calm down since he was laughing. "Same old, your brother turned your room into a game room and everyone else is just peachy" he cheesed and I rolled my eyes.

After what seemed like a year in the elevator, we stepped off and walked down the hall, entering a room. "Mom? Dad?" Josh called "in here unpacking!" That familiar voice answered. When they came into view I squealed and they both gasped "Amelia!". They pulled me into bone crushing hugs "oh you've grown so much!" Renee commented. "We miss having you at home all the time!" She pouted and pulled me into another hug. "I miss being home! I was planning a visit down there soon" I smile and Andy grins "well remember if you ever need help just call anytime!" He tells me.

I nod "of course" I chuckle "is that little Aliza?" They asked and I nodded "come here" Renee crouched and gently hugged her. "She's probably shy, it's been a while since she's seen you guys" I smile and they nod "yeah we got older and fatter huh?" She asked causing Aliza to giggle.

You'd be surprised on how many times I've visited home with Aliza, she was immediately a part of the family once I broke the news to everyone. And it's only been a year.

"Mom can I go- AMELIA!" That voice screamed "Kat!" I squealed and pulled her into a hug. "Ugh! Can I have my best friend back" Josh playfully groaned causing me to laugh. "Look at you girl! I love the blonde" I compliment and she playfully flips her hair "why thank you". We both laugh before I face them all "What are your plans for today?" I ask and the parents groan "well today is just to unpack, jet lag is definitely catching on" Renee mumbles tiredly.

"Well would it be okay if I stole these two for the day? Maybe even the night?" I asked and they glanced at each other. Us three looked at each other and pulled our puppy dog eyes at the same time just like we used to as kids. "Please?" We ask in unison "alright fine!" Andy gives in and we cheer "woohoo!".

"Oh! I want you guys to come by my place for dinner tomorrow okay? Please?" I ask and they sigh "same old Amelia, always giving" they chuckle. I shoot them a cheeky grin "okay, we'll see you tomorrow babe" Renee smiles and I hug them one last time before grabbing Aliza and following Josh and Kat to their bags to grab extra clothes.

"Lia, do you think it's a good idea to have Sam and Josh in the same house for two days?" Kat asked as she grabbed the things she needed and placed them in a smaller duffel bag. "No I don't but we're going to see what happens" I shrug "I'm right here" Josh states as he stares at us with arms crossed. "What's your point?" I ask and he sticks his tongue out at me before finishing up his packing.

"All ready?" I ask and they both nod, I pick up Aliza in my arms and we head out. "Don't we have some catching up to do" I smirked at them and Kat gasped "yes we do! You know my husbands!". I sigh "great, another Sam" I grumble and she playfully glares causing me to laugh.

"Liam!" Aliza yelled and the three of us looked at her in confusion "Aliza wha-" "Amelia!" That familiar voice called. I looked to see Liam standing ahead of us in shock. Great. Before I could say anything, Kat beat me to it "Oh my god it's Liam Payne!" She squealed. "I love you! Can I please have a picture? I went to your concert last year!" She ranted and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course babe" he smiled and took the picture, giving her a tight squeeze causing me to smile. She squealed again before walking over to hide behind her brother with a red face. "Amelia ca-" "Liam not now, I wanted to have this day with my best friend and no attention or drama. I wi-" "no you're going to talk now" Josh interrupted.

I faced him "what?" I asked and he nodded before taking Aliza from my arms "yup, you're going to talk now while Kat and I take Aliza for ice cream, we'll be back in 30 minutes". I was about to protest before he stopped me again "you know what you have to do, we'll be back! You'll thank me later, I love you" he smirked and walked off.

Kat gave Liam one last wave before scurrying off behind Josh.
I'm gonna kill him.

I turned to face Liam "please?" He asked and I sighed "I don't really have a choice now" I chuckled and started walking. Of all hotels, he had to be checked into the same one as them. He couldn't stay in a lake house or something, it had to be this specific hotel on the same exact floor.

"So was that your boyfriend?" Liam asked as he tried to make small talk and I couldn't help but laugh. "No, he's my best friend...or brother more like" I explain and he nods. We come face to face with their hotel room and I watch him unlock it, letting me in first. The room was even messier than before and he walked in with an awkward rub of his neck "sorry...again" he mumbled.

I followed him into the other room where the boys were lounged, looking depressed, like in a Sam Smith music video. "Lads" Liam called and they're eyes slowly looked at us. Once I was caught in their sight they all rushed to stand up "Amelia!" They all say in unison. "Hi boys" I wave with a small smile and they all started rambling at the same time. A bunch of apologies and attempts at explaining causing me to giggle at them all rushing at once.

"Guys!" I interrupt and they all got silent "Amelia we are so sorry..." Louis frowned with his head down. I shook my head "I'm sorry" I tell them "we were idiots an- wait what?" Harry asked and they all looked at me, baffled at my words. "I said I'm sorry" I tell them again "no, don't do that. What the hell are you sorry for?" Zayn asked.

I sighed "I shouldn't have made that big of a deal about it, honestly. I didn't realize that this is your job and that sometimes you have no say in it...I was just thinking about Aliza's safety and the power of a mother took over". Niall shook his head "no, don't blame yourself for any of this, we didn't ask for your permission, we lied, it's not your fault Amelia". I smile "I never said it was my fault, but I should have never snapped at you guys and just left" I explain.

"So can you forgive us?" Liam asked and they all desperately looked at me causing me to laugh. "I guess" I playfully shrug and they all pull me in the middle of a giant group hug. "For only being friends with you for not even a week, we sure as hell missed you" Louis mumbled. I laugh and was finally released from their embrace "I missed you guys too". The light in their eyes were finally lit again and I couldn't help but feel special. I could have possibly caused that and the fact that it might be true made my heart burst.

"What are you doing today?" Harry immediately asked and I sighed "I'm spending the day with my best friend from back home because he's here for a week". They all frowned and it made me feel guilty, so due to my habit of pleasing others, I spoke with no filter.

"Do you guys have work or anything?" I ask and I couldn't help myself, it was just coming out. "No we've got the next three days off" Niall explained, great, here it comes. "Well come over later and you guys can sleep over again! It'll be fun and we'll all do something tomorrow. Plus I'm having a dinner for my best friends family and could use extra help in the kitchen".

Oh Amelia you idiot.

They all grinned and nodded "sure! Is 7 okay?" Zayn asked and I nodded "it's perfect!" Fuck. That's so many people...One direction, Sam, Josh, Kat, Aliza and I all in one house...for two days.

This should be interesting.

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