•Chapter 28•

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It's been a couple days since my date with Harry and I haven't heard from him once. I've seen he's been out though and the boys weren't lying when they said he was fine. He was partying, drinking and was seen leaving clubs and bars with a bunch of girls.

Did it hurt? Broke my heart. Was I going to let anyone know that? No.

I just don't understand...I've told him so much. I trusted him more then I should have and he just threw all of that away.

"Amelia?" I jumped as I was pulled out of my thoughts and saw Jack smiling softly at me with that look everyone has been giving me for the past three days. "Sorry what?" I chuckle and continued wiping the counters. "I asked if you could hand me the straws" he laughed and I nodded, grabbing the pack. "Amelia!" Four familiar voices exclaimed as they entered the shop causing me to grin widely. "Well if it isn't my favorite boys!" I chuckled "hey!" Jack whined "next to Jack" I added.

Ever since our 'party' night, I've grown a lot closer to the boys, mainly Louis. Josh then entered the shop and I smirked "well don't I feel special!" I laughed. "Well I'm leaving tomorrow so I wanted to spend today and tomorrow with my bestest friend ever!" He grinned. "No! Don't go!" I whined and walked into his opened arms. "Don't worry! I'm definitely coming back and you said you were planning a visit soon" he chuckled and rubbed my back.

"Well my shift is about over now, let's grab Aliza and all do something" I smile and Josh nods "yeah that sounds fun". "Can we come?" Louis asked from behind us and I turned to face the four boys grinning with a pleading look. "No you can't!" I shout and stomp to the back like a four year old.

I come back out laughing my ass off "just kidding, I have no idea what that was" I chuckle. They all stare at me in amusement with a shake of their head. "SAM! LETS GO OUT!" I screech while the boys all stare at me "OKAY GIVE ME A SEC! STOP SCREAMING IN MY SHOP!" She yelled back. "YOU'RE SCREAMING!" I shout and the boys were basically supporting each other as they laughed "ITS MY SHOP!" She yelled back.

I roll my eyes and watched in amusement as the boys calmed themselves down. I throw an arm around Niall and smirk "when are ya gonna ask her out?" I ask and his face went as red as a fire truck. "W-what are y-ya talking about" he stuttered causing me to scoff. "It's clearer then the bright blue sky my blonde friend" I chuckle and he deflates. "What if she doesn't want to?" He asks and I scoff "where in the hell did you get that idea? She likes you more then I like Oreos and that is probably impossible" I tell him.

He glances at the boys and they all nod in agreement which caused him to grin like a boy in the candy shop. "Really?" He squeaked and we all nodded "yes now are you going to ask her out before someone else does?" I asked. "Yea! I'll do it today!" He grins and I nod "good" I smirk. Sam then walks out "well speaking of the devil" Josh chuckled and she flipped him off. "You were talking about me?" She asked and looked at us "ew no, we were talking about Oreos" I shrug and decided to hop on Louis' back.

"Onward my trusty steed!" I shout causing him to chuckle and grip my thighs for support. "Later Jack! Come over later today and bring wine!" I shout and he rolls his eyes "sure spend the day with One Direction while I stay here and work. I have great friends". Sam and I shoot him cheeky grins "we love you Jacky boy!" We shout in unison.

"Lia why can't you walk?" Louis whined "because I don't feel like it, just take me to my jeep" I ordered and he groaned. "Let's go to a movie, kid appropriate of course" I suggest and they all nod while Louis sets me down. "I'll pick up Aliza because I need to stop at the house anyway" Sam smiled and I nod "Niall will go with you!" I smirk and the boys snicker. "Why?" Sam asked and I shot her a wink "because he forgot something at our house now shoo!" I rush and hop in my jeep. Niall glared at me through the window and I only waved at him while I watched both cars pulled out of the parking lot.

Before I could even start my engine, my phone started ringing and without hesitation I answered it. "Hello?" I asked and my entire body froze when that husky voice slurred through the phone. "Ameeellliiiaaa!" He giggled and I knew he was drunk "Harry are you drinking?" I sigh. "Yes!" He hiccuped and he must've been plastered because it's the first time he's called since the date. "Harry where are you?" I asked and he only giggled "I miss you...but you don't miss me right?" He asked and I can picture his frown now.

I sighed and before I could answer he spoke again "will you party with me Lia?" He asked in a voice of a toddler. "Harry are you out or in your hotel room?" I asked and he laughed "I'm out silly goose! At the bar by the diner we were at". I pinched the bridge of my nose "okay stay there" I mumble "are you coming!? Yay! Partttyyyyyy! I- hey! You spilled my drink you prick!" Soon there was shouting and I swear there was glass breaking.

"Oh my god" I whispered and was on the road going faster then I should've but still being careful.

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