•Chapter 39•

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I was probably the happiest person to leave work today because Sam has the biggest mouth and told Jack everything. They both followed me around all day and creeped out customers. They asked so many questions and would not stop squealing! So I made the decision to tell Jack about Sam dating Niall. That shut Sam up and Jack spun around so fast, I felt wind.

I smirked and headed out the door, waving goodbye to Alex who was laughing at us the whole time. "Amelia I'm going to kill you!" Sam screeched and I only rushed to my car faster. I laughed at Sam who was glaring at me through the window. I gave her a little wave before backing out and heading towards the main road.

The entire drive home I was thinking about him. He was invading my head and I couldn't get him out. Our date only came closer as time decided to fly by and my nerves were out of control. What if the same thing happens? What if I get hurt again?

I didn't even realize I was in my driveway already before I took the keys out and just sat there in my drivers seat. I groaned and tried to calm myself down. I need to just chill out. It's only Harry!

Yeah, the curly haired boy you are in love with.

I took a deep breath, telling that voice to shut up before finally climbing out of the car, walking over to Janie's. "You look pale...are you alright?" She asked worried and I didn't even remember knocking.

What is going on with me?!

"Come in! We'll get you some water" she rushed and the smell of fresh cookies filled my nose. "The girls are upstairs, they just had a snack" Janie explained and handed me a glass of water. I thanked her and gulped half of it down "what's on your mind?" She smiled. "The boy..." I sighed and she chuckled "of course" her voice shaking from her laughter. "Well, what about him?" She smirked and I laughed softly "we have a date tonight and...last night I admitted my..." "Feelings" she finished causing me to nod slowly. "I admitted them out lout for the first time" I mumbled and looked down.

"Why so nervous?" She asked and I bit my lip "I don't know! I guess I'm scared of what could happen" I shrugged. "Love is scary" she simply stated causing me to nod "very" I agreed. "You don't need to be nervous dear. He seems to be very popular and even though it's all in a magazine and such, I can tell when two people are in love" she smirked. "But ho-" "the way he looks at you and the way he protected you from those horrible men! I know, and I can see it between you two" she interrupted.

"You'll be fine tonight okay? Don't be so worried because the feelings are mutual" she cackled. I shook my head with laughter "thank you Janie...I think I really needed that" I muttered. She nodded "of course dear! I'll go get Aliza and you help hour self to some cookies" she winked.

This woman is my new grandma.

I laughed and took two cookies for myself and Aliza, grinning when she came into view "hey munchkin". She grinned "hi mommy!" She waved and I lifted her up, handing her a cookie "thank you!" She happily accepted. I laughed and said goodbye to Janie, thanking her for her wonderful advice before making my way out.

"Mommy?" Aliza called and I hummed in response, unlocking our door. "Do you like Harry?" She asked and I was a little caught off "um...what do you mean baby?" I asked and she smiled "he likes you a lot!" She exclaimed. "Well how do you know that?" I smirked and she giggled "cuz he told me". I felt myself blushing again before setting her down and squatting "did he now?" I ask and she nods "yup!" She grins. I laugh "go play munchkin, I'll get your bath ready" I told her and she scurried off. Even my own daughter knows!

Sam came through the door and glared at me "thanks for that! Jack almost didn't let me leave!" She grumbled. I let out a snort "yeah well try dealing with both of you all day" I glared. "Whatever, I'll give Liza her bath, you go get ready for your date" she winked and went to find Aliza.

I chuckled and went upstairs to do so...what do I wear?


I finished getting dressed in my black leggings and cute flowy shirt thing. I curled my hair and even added some light makeup. I smiled in satisfaction before grabbing my phone and coat, heading downstairs. I slipped on the last step and groaned "again?" Sam called from the living room. "Shut up!" I grumble and stand up, rubbing my head. Sam gasps when she sees me "I didn't even need to help you!" She claps and I flip her off.

"Mommy you look pretty!" Aliza grinned causing me to smile "thanks baby!" I chuckled. She was making her horse fly the plane and I thought it was so cute.

Just then, a knock was at the door and my nerves had returned "Sam..." I mumbled. "No! Don't do that again! Go!" She shooed and swung the door open for me. Harry was standing there in some skinny jeans, a white T-shirt and a jacket that pulled his outfit together.

Sam was still hiding behind the door, shooting daggers at me while I just smiled nervously. "Ready?" His deep voice asked and I took a deep breath "not really" I chuckled causing him to shake his head and grab my hand. "Come on" he smiled and gave me a look telling me it was okay.

"Okay" I whispered and followed him out, flipping Sam off as she sent silent kissy faces.

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