•Chapter 21•

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"I'm going to kill you two!" A voice screeched causing me to shoot from my sleep. Harry slowly got up, rubbing his eyes and we both saw Sam stomp from the bathroom and in front of us with angry eyes. I bursted into fits of laughter when I saw her face.

I looked to see everyone staring at us angrily which only made me laugh harder, tears formed in my eyes and I couldn't breathe. Harry was next to me and when he was finally realized what was happening he joined me. We fist bumped each other in between our laughing fit before staring at our friends.

"Is this funny to you Amelia?!" Sam screamed and I just couldn't take her seriously "it's absolutely hilarious" I giggled. They all had random things drawn on their faces and they were absolutely pissed. "You'll pay for this" she glared before marching upstairs and I laughed a little more. "I haven't laughed that much in so long" I smirked and wiped my tears.

Soon Josh, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall were lifting me up and carrying me to the backyard. "What are you gu- You guys better not!" I scream and struggled to break free but it was too late. My body was thrown into our pool and when I say it was freezing, it was absolutely freezing. I swam to the surface and gasped "I'm going to murder all of you one by one" I glare.

They all laugh except for Josh who looked scared shitless "she's not kidding" with that, they all made a break for it back inside. I climbed out of the pool and was immediately hit with a breeze. "O-of c-course" I shiver and waddle my way inside. "Here you go love" Harry chuckled and wrapped my body in a towel. "I-I'm f-freezing my a-ass off" I whisper causing him to laugh "I can tell, your lips are blue" he told me and ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

I knew this boy had an affect on me when I felt my cheeks get warmer. I cleared my throat "please e-excuse me while I p-prepare my next attack...t-this is w-war". He shakes his head and I waddle up the stairs, glaring at the boys who were drying their faces in the living room.

I took a hot shower before changing into some jeans and an over sized sweater. Once I threw my hair in a pony tail I let out a sneeze. These little assholes got me sick! I groan and went back downstairs.

I need to think of something...I walk into the living room to see the five idiots that threw me into the pool watching tv and hanging with the girls. Harry walked over to me and led me into the kitchen "what ar-" he stopped me when he piled five phones on the counter. I grew a smirk "ooh this should be fun".


"Okay Amelia we're sorry! Can we please have our phones?" Josh whined and I huffed. "Fine! They're in the back yard you babies!" I grumble and crossed my arms. All five of them ran for the back which caused Lilly, Aliza, Harry and I to follow them.

"Where are th-" "now!" I scream, Harry pushed Niall and Louis while I got Liam and Zayn and the girls worked together to push Josh into the pool. We then rushed inside and shut the sliding door, locking it and laughing our asses off. After the boys threw me into the pool, they ran inside to pants Harry and snap a picture for Twitter.

So we got the girls and planned this out.

They all climbed out of the pool with blue lips and banged on the glass door to be let in. "Can't hear you! What?" I ask loudly and they all glare at me. Harry and I took pictures of them causing Aliza and Lilly to giggle behind us. After our fun we finally let them back inside and they all ran separate ways to change.

"Doesn't feel good does it!" I scream causing Harry to laugh "what an eventful morning" he smirks and I nod. "Very" I agree and sneeze "I hope they get sick" I grumble and sniff. "Where did the girls go?" Harry asked and I realized he was talking about Kat and Sam. "Shopping" I simply answer causing him to cringe "gross" I nod "I know right".

We walked into the living room and plopped on the couch while the girls grabbed their dolls and started playing. I sneezed again and Harry chuckled "what?" I whined and he shook his head "you have a cute sneeze". I crossed my arms "how can a sneeze be cute? It's a sneeze!" He only laughs at me and I roll my eyes.

The boys soon come back out dressed warmer then before "I hate you" Josh glared and I smirked "I love you too Joshua". They all scattered around the living room and sent me and Harry glares that could kill. "This isn't over!" Louis screeched and I chuckled "nobody said it was" I smirked. "This weather is so bipolar, wasn't it like 100 degrees yesterday?" Liam whined and we all nodded in agreement "now it's like 10" Zayn grumbled.

"If you think this weather is bad, go to Seattle. It's every season in an hour over there" I chuckled and Josh nodded in agreement "one minute you're standing in the fridge, the next you're blasting the heat". I snuggled into my sweater some more before laying my head against Harry's upper arm.

"Your faces are every where..." Liam spoke as he gaped at his phone and I shrug "yeah, I thought we established that already" I chuckled.

"No I mean Josh, Aliza and Kat's faces too"

A/N: Sorry this is a really bad and short chapter! Please forgive me! I love you and BYEE!!

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